
Monday, June 3, 2019

EXPIATION: Do You Really Believe In That ...!?!

The Gift Of Almighty God
Encompassing Free Will
Almighty God Has Given Unto Us Mortal Men
Power, Opportunity, And The Option
To Choose To Love And Trust Him

The Gift Of Almighty God
Offering Power, Opportunity And The Option
To Believe
To Trust
To Obey
Almighty God At His Stated Word
For An Offered And Desired Benefit!


Jesus Christ Paid For All Our Sin
Guarantees That We Are Sin-Free
When We Exercise The Faith That He Gives To All As A Gift
- A Down-Payment On Eternity -
Confess And Repent Of All Known Sin
Believe That He Did The Deed


We Then Choose Not To Believe
We Then Refuse To Believe That 
We Are Forgiven
Does That Mean That Jesus Christ
Did Not Perform As He Promised
His Sure And Pure Sacrifice Was
Not Efficacious!?!

It Could Be A Riddle ...

Is The Gift Of Faith Not Potent Enough!?!
Is The Gift Of Faith Worthless!?!

Whose Fault Is It
When The Known-Redeemed Soul
Rejects ... Out Of Hand
Jesus Christ's Sure And Secure Salvation!?!

Is There Anything Else That 
Jesus Christ Can Do To Convince The Purchased Soul 
To Accept The Blessed Gift Of Eternal Life!?!

Why Does
- Why Would -
The Sinner Doubt The Savior!?!

Why Does The Sinner Not Know
Or Recognize That
He Is Adding The Sin Of Doubt
To His Known-Long List Of Unconfessed Sin!?!

Why Does The One In Need Of The Savior
Take The Path That Satan Threads
Instead Of The Path That
Jesus Christ Trod!?!

What Will It Take To Cause A Sinful Doubter
- A Doubting Sinner -
To Exercise Faith In Jesus Christ The Lord!?!

Why Do Believers, Believe The Word Of Jesus Christ!?!

Why Do Doubters, Doubt The Word Of Jesus Christ!?!

Same Home, Same Teaching ...

Why Was Cain Different From Abel!?!
Why Was Ham Different From Shem And Japheth!?!
Why Was Esau Different From Jacob!?!
Why Was Joseph Different From His Brethren!?!
Why Did The Prodigal Son Leave Home!?!

Why Did Lucifer Covet The Position Of Christ!?!
Why Did Satan Desire To Be As The Most High
To Occupy Heaven's Throne
The Hearts Of All Around Him!?!
What Is The Excuse For Sin!?!

There Is No Excuse For Sin!

Bad Choice Costs!
Good Choice Pays
Making The Decision
To Depart From Sin To Enter Salvation
Always Great Dividends Pay!

Exercising One's Personal Franchise ...

Jesus Christ Gives!
I Choose To Receive! 

Jesus Christ Blesses!
I Choose My Sin To Confess!

Jesus Christ Forgives!
I Choose To Repent! 

Jesus Christ Heals!
I Choose Before Him To Kneel! 

Jesus Christ Reveals!
I Choose My Known-Sin Not To Conceal!

Jesus Christ Leads!
I Choose To Follow! 

Jesus Christ
- By The Holy Spirit -
Guides And Chides!
In Him, I Choose To Confide, To Abide!

Jesus Christ Is Truth!
In Him, I Choose To Trust! 

Jesus Christ Is Light!
Being With Him, I Cannot Walk In Darkness! 

Jesus Christ Is Life!
Being In, And Living For Him, I Have Eternal Life!

I Know That My Redeemer Liveth!
How Come I Know
The Doubter Knows Not
When We Are All Privvy
To The Same Preserved Truth!?!

I Am A Worm
A Flower Of The Field
A Child Of The Dust
A Sinner Once Marked For
The Second Death
Now Aiming For Zion
Beulah Land
New Jerusalem
The Kingdom Of The Blessed!

I Know ...

I Did Not Make Myself
So I Will Not Doubt The One
Who Says
Who Daily Proves 
- According To The Preserved Word
By His Every Action In My Life
In The Lives Of Others
In Nature - That
He Did


In His Favor
I Choose To Use My Gift Of Faith!
I Choose To Trust The Lord Christ!
I Choose To Inherit Eternal Life In Christ
In Almighty God's Great And Glorious  Paradise!

Sin Sells!
Salvation Saves!
The Savior Sacrificed!
Satan Savages And Ravages!

I Am Jesus Christ's ... Alone!

Jesus Christ Will Help Me
To Arrive Safely
At The Heavenly ... Home!

Almighty God Is Truth:
He Gave The Living Word! 
He Said It: I Believe It! 
For Me, The Case Is Closed!
Jesus Christ, My Redeemer
Paid For
Freed Me 
Expiated ... My Personal Sin
I Am Going Home With Him
Even If I Go Alone!
Choice Faith Matters!

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