
Sunday, June 2, 2019

Faith Is Free To Me And Thee!

Are You A Fair-Weather Christian!?!
Are You Living On Another's Faith!?!
Is Your Faith Fit
Able To Be Tested And Tried
Or Is Your Faith Fleeting
Waiting For Opportunity By Your Self To Be Denied!?!

Hold Up There, Purdy!
How Can One Live By Another's Faith!?!

Very Good!
Someone Was Paying Attention!
Monty, Not One Of Us Can Live By Another Person's Faith!

We Each Get Daily Faith
Daily Grace
Strength For The Needs Of The Day!

So, If That Is Indeed The Case
Why Did You Make That Statement!?!

I Made That Statement
There Are Those Amongst Us
Who Harp On Grand-Daddy, Grand-Mumsy
Daddy, Mummy, Preacher, Teacher, Friend-Faith
As Though That Faith 

A Commodity Most Prized
Suitable For All And Sundry
Easy To Be Utilized
Requiring No Personal Commitment
By Self To Be Exercised!

Be Wise ...

Another Person May Model Faith In Their Life 
In Your Presence
When The "Chips" Are Down
When The Rubber Hits The Road
When The Boat Is In The Ocean
When Your Plane Is In Turbulence
Faith Becomes Personal
By The One Who Has It In Personal Possession
Available At The Moment's Notice
Absent The Need To Go And Perform A Search For It!

Whatcha Lookin' Fir!?!? ...

We Don't Seek To Find Faith In The Fury Of A Storm!
If You Do, You Won't Find It
Possession And Exercise
Were Your Day To Day Norm!

Many People Called Christian
Are Going To Doomed To Disappointment
Dismissal And Damnation
They Did Not Redeem The Time
By Making Exercised Daily-Faith
Their Most Prized Possession!

Faith Doesn't Reside In The Land Of Sight!

The Land Of Sight Houses Residents
For Whom Practiced Doubt Is A Delight


All Who Despise The Gracious Gift
Given To All Men Their Own Souls To Uplift
Shall Perish In The Sea Of Doubt
By Him Who From Highest Heaven
Was Given The Rout
Was Eternally Cast Out!

Don't Just Be Intellectually Wise:
Walk In Wisdom ...

A Watching, Working, Waiting
Enduringly Constant
Inflexible Faith
Impervious To Sight And Sound 
Distress Or Disappointment
Denial Or Delay
The Only Faith, My Friends
That Shall See Us Arriving Safely
- Character Cleansed -
At The Small-Things Great-Day!

Faith Prays! 
Faith Knows One Master!
Faith Marks The Way Home! 
Home Is With The Master! 
The Prayer Of Belief Enlarges Faith
The Master Gives The Measure Of Faith
To The One Who Chooses To Believe!
Believers Do Not Walk Alone!

Deceit Is Rife ...

Do Not By The Adversary's Posturings
His Postulations
Be Evilly Deceived! 
Let Truth In Your Heart
Be Welcomingly Received 
For By This ... In Heaven
You Shall Surely Be Joyfully Received! 
In This Is Jesus Christ Pleased!

Facts Are Evident!
Put Faith First!
Feelings Do Not To Faith Matter!
Ignore Self
Feelings Will Scatter!

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, In The Name Of The Beloved Jesus, Help Me So That My Faith Will Ever Work Even As I Wait, Uncomplainingly, Upon You!


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