
Friday, June 21, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Vile Disease

Minka Smiles And Marty Hart Were Ill!
Real Sick!
Each In The Right Left Eye
Had An Amazing Tick!
Their Disease Was Contagious
- Not Terminal -
It Could Be Fatal
Each Had It By Nature Nurtured
It Had Been Thus
From The Day Of Their Natal!

They Suffered From Pride
Unchained, Robust, Raging Pride
Which Was Increased Exponentially
By The Ministrations, The Machinations
The Maneuvering Of
The Puffed-Up Cast-Down Former Ministering Spirit
Who Had Purposefully, 
Persuasively, Pointedly Lied!

You See
These Two Were Pretty Of Face
Had Talents That Others Chased
Because They Were, Well, Smart
They Thought The Could Do Anything 
To Anybody, Anywhere, Any Time
Crime Or No Crime!

They Were Too Smart For Their Own Good!

One Day
In The  Midst Of An Open Air Meeting
They Boldly Went After Meek Christian
Gentle Faith And Wise Wendy! 
This They Did Once Too Often
Wise Wendy
Realizing, Recognizing
What Was Truly Then At Stake
Handed Them Their Guts By A Fitting Line:

P Is for Penny
P Is For Pride
R Is Ready
R Is For Ride
I Is For Idol
I Is For Intrigue
D Is Devil
D Is For Dread Disease
E Is For Evil
E is For Evade
E Is For Everybody
E Is For That Thing That Is Called ... Expose!

P Is For Putrid!
P Is For Putrifying Pride When You Least-Count Christ!
P Is For Promise That Will See You Undone!
P Is For Power That Comes From The Son
To Change You To Someone
Worthy To Enter The Home Up Above!
P Is For Patience Necessary In The Saving Work To Be Done
So Give Your Pride To The Holy Son!
To The Cross Of The Lord Christ ... Repentant
With Alacrity
You'd Better Run!

Wise Wendy Then Pointedly Turned Her Back
To Those Two Lost Souls
Compassionately Spoke Kindly To Those
Who Were Seeking Truth
Looking To Enter The Safe Sheep-Fold:

Brethren, Beloved
Listen To Our Wondrous Story!
The Volume Of Inspiration
That Living Word
The Word Of Truth
The Book Of Nature
The Living Canvas
- Always Having The Magnificence Of God On Display -
Are Simply A-Mazing:

They Hold, Publish
Tell, Disseminate
Proclaim... The Knowledge Of Almighty God!

Listen, Look And See 
Perfect Love
The Love Of God
Love, That Will Not Let You Go!

Almighty God Is Love!

Love Was When God
- Our God - 
Sent His Only Begotten Son
Jesus Christ The Righteous
- Our Only Savior - 
To Die Our Death
To Give Us His Life!

Jesus Christ's Death Was Not
That Death Appointed Once To All Men! 
Jesus Christ Died The Second Death
Separation From His Father
Our Father In Heaven! 

Jesus Christ Loves You!
Oh, How He Loves You And Me!

This Is Truth Which I Cannot Overstate
So Please Do Not Listen To Practiced Lies!
Ignore Those Two Charlatans
You Will Not Suffer Theirs And Satan's Just Fate!

The Lord Of Life Is Coming
I Promise You, Brethren
He Will Not Be Late!
With Our Personally-Chosen Destiny
We All Have The Can't-Be-Cancelled Date!

Causing You To Sin May Make Satan Feel Invincible
In The Eyes Of The Living God
His Power Does Not Rate!

Trust The Lord Of Life ... Now!
Tomorrow May Be Too Late!
The King Is Coming, Beloved
Even Now
He Is Already At The Gate!

1 comment:

  1. I Will Not Worry Because, By The Gift Of Eternal Love, In The Person Of The Holy Jesus, I Can Offer My Humble Prayers To The One Who Sits Upon The Throne Of Saving Grace!


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