
Saturday, June 22, 2019


I Bless Myself Every Day ...!

Now, Really!
How Can YOU Bless Yourself
When Blessings Come From The Living God!?!

If You Had Not Cut Me Off, Pretti Pearson
You Would Have Come To Hear Me Say That
I Bless Myself Every Day By My Choosing
To Believe That The God Of Heaven Is God Almighty
That Jesus Christ Is Savior, Lord And King
That His Word Is Alive And Working
That His Promises Are Sure And Secure
Are Even Now Performing

That My Life Is His
My Name Is Indelibly Engraved On The Palm Of His Hand!

I Choose To Accept That 
I Live By Him 
I Must Labor For Him!

I Choose To Walk Wise 
Ignore Satan's Bold Lies!
I Choose To Humble Myself
So That The Lord Doesn't Have To Humble Me
In Faith
I Choose To Fall Upon The Rock Of Ages To Be Broken
So That By Him I May In His Reckoning
Be Made Eternally Whole!!

It Sure Took You Long Enough To Wise Up!

Time And Seasons, Sweet Girl!
Time And Seasons!

You Know, I Often Wonder About Those
- Like The Procurator Felix -
Who Truly Know The Truth For The Time Now Present ...!

... But Are "Waiting For A More Convenient Season!?!"

I Honestly Believe That Those Are
The Most Dangerous Words
A Human Can Ever Utter In Relation
To His Own Soul's Salvation!

Tomorrow Is Not Promised!

True, But I Believe It Is Worst Than That!

What Can Be Worst That Dropping Down Dead!?!

Think About This:
We All Know From The Living Word That
Tomorrow, Truly, Is Not Promised
And, Yet 

Wicked Men Seem To Live Forever And A Day
Behaving Like Time
- You Can't Save Time
Or Borrow Time
But You Can Spend Time - 

On Their Side
And, Presumptuously 

Telling The Lord
- Actually The Spirit Of The Living God -
By Whom They Would Be Sealed 

Against The Great And Dreadful Day
To ... Wait On Them
To Not ... Bother Them At That Time
To Come Back To Them ... Later ...!

.. At The More Convenient Time That Never Comes ...!

... Not Recognizing That
The Most Convenient Time Is Always Now
In The Currently Available Present Moment
When You Are Hearing The Holy Spirit's Gentle Call!

They Don't Understand That 
You Can Only Answer The Holy Spirit
When He Is Calling Out To You

Not When They Feel To Call Out To Him!

I Hope That You Have Scripture To Back That Up!

Isn't That How We Always Roll!?!

Very Well!
Present Your Evidence!

If People Feared The Lord
The Would Answer The Lord's Call
When They Hear Him Calling Them
Not As And When They Feel Like It
So Let's Start With Proverbs 1:7:

Everybody Has That Terminal Decision To Make:
Answer The Call And Live Forever With Jesus
Or Ignore The Call And Ultimately Perish With Satan


Just So We All Know That
The Almighty God Good Means What He Says
Consider The End Of Israel's First Worldly Ruler
King Saul, The Disobedient
Who Chose Self
The Available
Supposed Convenience Of Accursed Witchcraft 
Over Assuredly Blessed-Forever Obedience
Free To All 
Presently Available Soul Salvation!

Oh, My!
You Make A Really Good Point!
His End Was Fearful
And It Was At His Own Appointing!

True, True!
The Lord Laid The Framework For The Good Life!
King Saul Chose Otherwise!

The Lord Calls Us All To Obedience
Because No Man Can Save Himself
No Matter What Satan Tells Him By Practiced Lies!

The Lord Gives Us All A Work To Perform
To Bless Ourselves 
And To Glorify His Holy Name
And All With His Promised, Blessed, Outcome Attached!

These Are All Good Points!
This, In A Nutshell, Then
Is What The Holy, Living, Word Of God Says:

Go Where I Send You!
Do What I Say!
Answer When I Call You!
Seek Ever To Obey!

I Do Not Call You To Annoy You!

I Call You To Bless You And To Save!
I Call You To Make Your Life Holy, Prosperous
And To Remove You From Being
Sin And Self's Slave!

My Call To Man Is Not Indefinite!

Every Day Has Its Appointed End!
Please Answer
In The Hour, The Minute, The Moment:
Do Not Ignore Your Call-To-Salvation Day!

Be Humble!
Be Constant!
Submit To The Holy Spirit!
Be Instant In Pray!
I Will Your Every Burden Bear!
I Am Calling You!
Answer "Yes!", I Beseech You, Beloved!
Answer Your Personal Call To Everlasting Life

The Bottom Line ...

In The Way Of The World
If You Play With A Kitty
You Will Get Scratched
The Pain Of Same Is Unmatched!

In The Way To Heaven
- To Surpassing Glory -
Your Playing
With Your Own Soul's Free Gift Of Salvation
Will See Your Name
** From The Book Of Life Of The Lamb **
Being Scratched!
Christ's Glory
- With Us To Be Shared -
Is Unmatched!
This Is An Indelible, Incontrovertible, Fact!

1 comment:

  1. My Lord Christ, The Answer To All That Assails Or Besets Me, Is My Shelter In All Of Life's Storms! Thank You, Jesus!


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