
Monday, June 17, 2019

"Last Day" Events!?! + PRAYER: I Am Yours, Lord!

The Question Was Asked:

What If Today
The Last Day Of Your Life!?!

I Paused ... For Effect
I Thought ... Briefly
I Shouted ... In My Head:

Whenever Is The Last Day Of My Life

It Will Always Be A Today!

The Rest Of The Question Asked Was:

How Would You Be Prepared
To Spend  ... Eternity!?!

I Thought ... Long And Hard
I Am Thinking ... Still!

I Looked Within Me
I Looked Up ... To Him!

I Looked At Him ... My Jesus
Then I Saw Sin
The Filthiness Of Sin
The Sinner ... Me
Saved ... By His Sacrifice
His Grace ... Pledged 
To Be Sufficient ... For Me
In The Belief Of Saving Faith
Knowing That I Had Confessed My Known Sin
Was Willingly Walking With Him
In Accord
Hopeful ... Waiting
Watching ... Working
Praising ... Pleading
Worshipping ... Trusting
Following ... Obediently
Living For Him
Knowing, Knowing, Knowing
That I Can Be And Can Do Better
More ... For Him
I Prayed:


I Need You, Now, Here, Today!
In The Name Of Jesus, Fix Me
Lest I, Impatient, Stray!

I Could Ask For More Faith

That Leads To More Waiting
More Learning
More Need For The Enduring Spirit
I Decide, Lord
That I Am Yours!
In Whatever Way You Decide
I Will Follow You
I Must Get Home:
I Know That I Do Not Endure The Crucible Alone!
I Know That I Am Loved!
I Know That I Have Your Sure And Certain Care!

Help Me, Lord

When The Day Of Settlement Comes
To Be Ready
Slate ... Zeroed
Eye ... Cleaned
Ears ... Sharpened
Clothes ... White
Spirit ... Buoyed
Hands ... Outstretched
Heart ... Glad
Hope ... High
Faith ... Fixed
Doubts ... Dispelled
Courage ... Strong
Headed ... Home!

Help Me To Confess
Repent Of Known Sin

Every Single Day!
Help Me To Walk Humbly With You:
There Is, For Me, No Other Way!
Help Me To Tell Another The Good News Gospel!
Help Me To Stand Up For My Jesus
Who Laid Down His Life For Mine!
I Must Get Home!

Self-Talk And Introspection ...

I Considered My Gift Of Daily Faith
Daily Grace
I Know Of A Surety That I Am Inordinately Blessed!
I Am Going Home!
Even Now, I Am At Home ... In Jesus!

I Shall Be Spending Eternity With My Lord!
I Shall Enjoy His Eternal Life!
By The Holy Spirit's Leading
Guiding And Chiding
I Know There Will Be No Separation
Between My Lord And I!
I Am Going To Receive The Great Reward!

I Think, Again, Of How I Am Prepared
To Spend Eternity!
I Am Preparing For The Eternity Of Peace
I Have And Am Making Peace
With My King ... The Judge Of All Flesh!
He Is Preparing A Place ... In His Father's House
Just For Me!

1 comment:

  1. I Am Walking With The Lord And I Shall Let My Joy In Him Be Known: Jesus Christ Saves! Thank You, Jesus!


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