
Sunday, June 16, 2019

JESUS CHRIST SAVES: Negotiations!?!

I Have A Story To Tell To The Nation
You May Probably Find Hard To Believe!
The Lord Of Life, The Creator
The Redeemer, The Friend
Wants You To Forever Keep His Company!

He Promises A Place In His Father's Kingdom!
He Promises Eternal Life!
He Promises A New Name
A Gold Crown
Pleasures Forever The Redeemed Soul Delight!

What's The Catch!?!

No Catch!
He Says To Give Up All That Hurts
That Condemns
That Destroys
Give Unto Him Your Soul
Your Allegiance
Your Will, Your Way
Hold Him In Godly Fear
By Giving Up Known Sin
Faithfully Following Him!
He Wants To Be Your Everything!
He Desires To Be Your All And All!

That's Kinda Steep!
Can We Negotiate With Him!?!

What Have You Got With Which To Negotiate!?!

He Wants Me So I've Got Me As A Bargaining Chip!

Soooo, Tell Me How You Intend To Make The Split!?!

Well, It's Like This:

I'm Valuable Because He Wants My Soul For His Own!

I'm Willing To Work With Him But ...!?!

Problem, My Friend!
He Does Not Do Buts!
It's All Or None!

Then I'd Say That He's Kinda Greedy, Even Unfair!
I'm Mine So I Should Decide How Much Of Me
I Feel Like Giving To Even The One
Who Says That He Is God Divine!

You May Want To Tread Softly On Your Position!
He Is God Divine!
He Has Your Life In His Hands
And, Yet
He Is Willing To Permit You 
To Give Your Life Back To Him
In Exchange For Him Taking Eternal Care Of You
Even If, In This Life, You Die!

Live For Him!
Live In Him!
Die In And For Him
Rise Up And Live Forevermore With Him!

All It Takes Is A Willingness To Commit
To Bend
To Believe
To ...!

... Totally Surrender!?!

Yes, Indeed!

I Don't Surrender To Anybody
Not Even My Husband!

Would You Like To Explain What You Mean By That!?!

Sure, I Would!
The Day I Got Married
I Gave My Husband My All
And I Kept 10% For Myself
Just In Case He Decided To Be
A Skirt-Chasing Hopping Ball
And So That I Would Not Go Mad
If He Did!
He Did ... And I'm Sane!

Ahem, Ahem!

You Know That You Are Mad, Right!?!

Could You Imagine What Would Have Happened
If You Had Gone All In!?!

Sweetie, Lack Of Commitment Destroys!
Just As In Your Marriage
Same In Your Relationship With The Eternal God!

The Lord Desires Your All
He Has Given For Us His All!
He Held Nothing Back
He Is Asking Us To Accept The Great Salvation
At Infinite Price Already Purchased!

Take Your Own Relationship As A Guide
Choose To Realize That
With Lack Of Complete Commitment
The Love Relationship Always Dies!

Jesus Died That We Might Live
He's Asking Us To Believe Him At His Word
So That We May Inherit All That He Has To Give!

I'm Willing To Give 99.99995% Of Me To Him!

He Desires All!

So What Else Can He Give Me
To Liberate My Desire To Totally Surrender!?!

He Gave All!
He Gives All!
He Is Giving All
He Wants ...!

...Yes, Yes, I Heard You Before!
He Wants All
And All I Want Is To Have
To Hold
To Retain A Lil' Something That Is Mine
For Own Myself!

Wow, That's Bold!
Your Loss!

For The Record ...

Look, Let Me Give You The Bottom Line:

Jesus Christ Desires To Give You Everything Good!
He Holds Your Life In His Hand!
He Gave Unto You, Already, Free Will And Free Choice!
He Died To Give You His Eternal Life!
He Desires That You Return Your Life, Willingly, To Him
To Be In His Service
To Follow Where He Leads
He Makes It Plain To All Who Will Hear
What The Options Are:

  • You're Either For Him Or Against Him!
  • You Either Want To Live Forever Or Your Plan To Die Forever!
  • You Either Choose To Submit Or Be A Rebel!

He Asks Politely For Your Cooperation With His Spirit!
He Could Force You To Submit
Thank God Almighty
He Never Will!

Where You Are, I Was
He Called Me!
I Answered
He Made His Life Or Death Submission:

Life With Him In Joy And Peace

In Eternal Bliss
** OR **
Life Without Him Which Is Life With Satan
The Spectre Of Sure And Eternal Damnation!

There Was No Hard Sell!
Just Straight Facts Ahead Of
The Deal's Consummation!
The Choice Was Mine!
The Choice, Now, Is Yours ... Alone
I Glad To Tell You That
Your One Good Bargaining Chip Is 


I Accept Your Good Gift!
Lead Me Because I Know You Love
Desire To Bless Me!
I Have No Desire To Live Without You
I Am Not Even Going To Try!
I Will Follow You Where You Lead!
I Will Go Where You Send!
I Will Worship You For You Are Worthy!
I Will Praise You For You Gave Me My Voice!
Lord, Fix Me
So That In The Coming Kingdom
In Your Holy Presence
I May Thankfully Rejoice!

Anything Less Is A Total Waste!

The Lord Will Give You His Sword ... His Word!
He'll Give You His Bow ... His Strength!
Best Of All
He'll Give You His Robe ... His Righteousness!

He's Giving You His Name ... His Character!
He's Giving You His Home ... His Kingdom!
He's Giving You Bread ... His Flesh!
He's Giving You Wine ... His Blood!
He's Giving You Oil And Water ... His Holy Spirit!
What More Can You Possibly Want!?!

I Surrender!
I Want Him ...!

... I Want His Life!

At Last!

We May Be Slow To The Dance
But With Understanding ...!

...We Sing The Acceptable Tune In Pitch-Perfect Tune!

Thank You, Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Father, In The Name Of My Master, Jesus Christ, Your Beloved Son, I Surrender My Life Of Sin And Accept Your Way Of Grace And Mercy, Truth And Righteousness: Forgive Me, Bless Me And Keep Me Faithful!


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