
Saturday, June 15, 2019


To Be ... Or Not ... To Be!

Is This Even A Real Question!?!

The Saints Have Marching Orders:
Stand Firm In The Lord Your God!
Hold The Lord God Almighty In Godly Fear!
With The Fallen World The Good News Share
Have No Truck With Satan, The Known Fraud
The Wannabe God!

We, The Saints Of God And Christ
Are Called To 

Be Strong ... In The Lord!
Be ... Of Good Courage!
Be Faithful!
Be Not Afraid!
Be Not Troubled!
Be Obedient!
Be Not Dismayed!
Be Ye Steadfast!
Be Constant!
Be Instant ... In Prayer!
Be Blessed!
Be Not Weary ... In Well Doing

The Lord God Almighty
Goes Before
Stands Beside
Guards Behind
Is Beneath
Is Above
He Is Kind!

The Lord Loves Us!

The Lord Forgives
Helps, Heals
Saves, Seals
Leads, Reveals
Guides, Provides
Convicts, Converts
Blesses, Never Perverts
Accepts, Protects
Lifts, Sifts
In Him, We May Safely Confide
Even Though He Will Us Often Chide!
With Us, He Abides!

We Are Called To Step Out In Faith
Work ...Willingly!
Strive ... Confidently!
Bless Others ... Abundantly!
Serve ... Humbly!
Pray ... Passionately!
Speak ... Truthfully!
Wait ... Prayerfully
Watch ... Expectantly!
The Lord Is Coming ... Soon!

Blessings Await The Faithful:
For Unrepentant Sinners
There Is Only Doom!

Every Day Has A Dawn And Dusk!
Every Day Has Sunrise And Sunset!
Every Day Has Beginning And End
On The Lord Christ ... Through It All
We May Unreservedly Depend!
The Lord Is Near!

Go Forward, Friend!
The Lord Has Your Back!
Go Forward, Friend!
Do Not Look, Do Not Turn Back!
Go Forward, Friend!
The Lord Has A Place Prepared For Thee!
Go Forward, Friend!
Walk With Him Companiably!

With The Lord, There Is No Fear!
With The Lord, You Will Always Be Prepared!
With The Lord, All Foes Are Fallen!
With The Lord
Glory Is To Be Shared!
Let Not Your Gift Be Cast Aside Forgotten!

Walk Wise!
Look Up!
Speak Truth!
Hold Hope!
Do Not Be Deceived!
Believe The Word!
Receive The Blessing!
Glory Will Be Achieved
When We Accept The Good News Gospel
That We Have, With Acceptance, Heard!

Be Blessed!
Be Faithful!
At The World's Wickedness
Do Not Be Stressed!
He That Is To Come ... Shall Come
Praise God Almighty
He Shall Not Be Silent!
Do Not Fear Those That Are Violent!


To The Lord Christ ... Be Faithful!
In The Lord Christ ... Be Confident
With Obedient Endurance To The Journey's End
Be Eternally, Gloriously, Blessed!
Jesus Christ Saves!

You Are Blessed:
Be A Blessing!
The Lord
To Be Praised!
Soon Comes The Glory Days!

1 comment:

  1. By The Grace Of The Eternal God, I Intend To Be Ready When My Jesus, The Lord Christ, Comes In Victory To Take Me To His Heavenly Home!


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