
Saturday, June 29, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Best Things In Life Are Free From Jesus Christ

... The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand!
This Is Not The Time To Be Weak! 
Look At The Salacious Events In The Media
Recognize The Truth In The Word That Says That 
Now Is The Only Time Given Unto Us
Our Own Soul's Salvation Diligently To Seek!

Look Around And About You
Smell The Cheap Perfume, Cologne, Deodorant Of 
Soft-Serve Salvation That Of Apostasy Does Reek
And Understand 

That When The Self-Styled "Man Of God" Acquires
Movie Star, Rock Star, Status
He Is The One For Whom The Preserved Word
- Known To Contain The Key To Eternal Life -
Is Not Sufficient
Is Deficient
Isn't Totally Satisfying  
Having Rejected Christ's Modeled Life Of Sacrifice
  • Private Jets Because To Travel With The Rabble Is Beneath His Lofty Status
  • A Stable Of Status Vehicles Because Money Is Free
  • Armed Body-Guards Because It Is For His Dignity
  • Hangers-On And Groupies Because Popularity Brings Privilege
  • Pimps And Prostitutes On Call Because Carnal Man Has Needs

  • Lives The Gloriously Bold Lie That He's The Lord's Inside Man
  • Proclaims Another Jesus
  • Preaches Another Gospel
  • Teaches That There Is No Victory Over Sin
  • Teaches That Christians Will Sin Until Christ Comes
  • Encourages The Seeker After Christ's Righteousness To Live "Authentically" Aka Live Your Own Truth Despite Truth Being The Sole Domain Of The Eternal God
  • "Blesses" The Sinner Seeking Salvation To Do Whatever Self Aka Lust Wants As Long As No One Gets Hurt 
The Lord Jesus Christ Must Save Us
- Is Going To Save Us All -
Be Ye Christian, Atheist, Agnostic, Idolater, Satanist
It Is Time ... Way Past Time
To Cut Ties ... Cut Losses
Being Suitably Chastised, Chastened
Return To Primitive Christianity
Primitive Godliness:

Christ, Alone

Scripture, Alone
Grace, Alone
Faith, Alone

Light And Darkness Cannot Share Space!
Christ And Satan Cannot Cooperate!
Sin And Salvation Cannot Cohabitate!
Grace And Presumption Do Not Live On The Same Estate
Unrepentant Sinners 
Forgiven, Reformed, Regenerated, Saints 
Do Not Share The Same Fate!

Here's A Thought: I Like Nice Things! Do You!?!

Of Course, We Do!

Everybody In Their Right Mind
Likes Nice Things, The Good Things ...!

... The Best Things In Life!

Well, Since It Is The Best That You Desire Of
What Life Has To Offer
I Point You To The Real Jesus
Who Gives Us His Peace
Leads Us Into All Truth By His Gift Of His Holy Spirit

Who Protects Us By His Holy Angels!

He Extends To Us, Everyone, The Great Invitation
To Deny Ourselves
To Take Up Our Own Cross ... Daily
Cast Our Every Care Upon Him
He Sacrificially Cares For Us
He Pleads With Us To Deny Self, Sin And Satan
Even Though We Know In Advance That
We'll Be Despised And Rejected Of Men
Know Sorrows And Become Well-Acquainted With Grief
We Choose To Walk In His Light
To Achieve His Perfection
To Receive His Immortality
His Robe Of Righteousness
A Place In His Father's House
The Right To Enter Through The Gates
Into His Everlasting Kingdom
Where There Is Eternal Peace
No One Ever Grows Old!

It's Not An Easy Life To Live
But It Is The Only Life That Leads To Glory!

Do You Want The Best, That Is
The Perfect Food
The Perfect Drink!?!

Of Course! Who Doesn't!?!

Well, Permit Me Introduce You To The Tree Of Life
Which Bears Twelve Different Fruits
The River Of The Water Of Life:
Immortality Is In Them!

Do You Desire Perfect Peace And Rest!?!

I Sure Do!
This World Is Starting To Boil
And My Spirit From It Does Recoil!
Satan Caused Its Beauty To Be Marred
To Be Soiled
And Since Then Our Lives Have Been
And Are Burdensome Toil!

Our Saving Grace Is That Jesus Christ Did
Wicked Satan's Plans Foil
Glory Be To The Father
The Son
The Holy Spirit
We Are Coming To The End Of The  Turmoil
Satan Is Going To, Excuse The Graphic
Be Charbroiled To Extinction
Never Ever Ever Ever To Be Seen Or Heard From Again!

Hallelujah, Jesus!


Feel Good Theology
Prosperity Gospel
Broad Way-Salvation Living
Are Not Biblical
Nor Soul-Satisfying
All Who Are Purveyors Of Such
Are Card-Carrying Workers For Satan
Unless They Come To Repentance
They Shall Be Condemned
Damned, Eternally, As Such!

Brethren, Beloved

I Beseech You 
To Take Your Humps And Grumps Now
For Our Jesus! 

The Day Of Our Deliverance Is Coming
Is Even Now On The Wing!


What Shall We Sing!?!

Jesus Is Coming Soon
Be It Morning, Evening, Night Or Noon!
He Shall Destroy The Pall Of Sin's Gloom
And We Shall By Right
Enjoy Eternal Life's Bloom!

Crying Lasts For The Night
But Our Joy Is Coming ... Real Soon!

In The Morning 
When, By The Grace Of Almighty God, I Rise
Give Me Only King Jesus!


  1. I Believe The Word Of The Eternal God: There Is No Profit If I Gain The Whole World And Lose My Own Soul!

  2. Barbadollies: True Word's, Great Post.
    I agree, we must keep praying and
    trusting in our Heavenly Father, and his only Begotten Son. focusing on the good path that leads to happiness and everlasting life.
    Be Blessed


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