
Sunday, June 30, 2019

ILLUSTRATOR FOR THE WORLD: The Christian's Personal Situation

I Believe The Word Of God
But ...!

... But, But, But What!?!

Little Yu, You Can't Say You Believe God

And Use A But!

But, My Situation Is Precarious!

And You Still Believe God, Right!?!

Yes, I Surely Do!

I'm Living For Jesus, But  ...!

... But Whaaat!?!

People Are Watching My Response!

And ...!?!

My Life Is Becoming A Spectacle!

People Are Starting To Talk!

So ...!?!

Wait, Stop!

I Think He's On To Something!

What Do You Mean!?!

His Life "Appears" To The World

To Be All Going To Hell In A Handbasket
The Watching World Is Talking About It!

And ...!?!

Think, Brethren, Think!

He's Known To Be A Christian!

He Models His Life In Christ To The World!
He Talks About All The Good That Comes
From The Life Lived For The Lord Christ
And, Suddenly
Out Of Left Field
It Looks Like Satan And His Minions
Have Set Up Shop Doing Good Business
In His Drawing Room Aka Front House!

I Still Don't Get It!

Look At It This Way ...

His Christian Life ... His Situation

Presently Lived In Sorrow
On Full Display For The Unbelieving World
Is In Full Effect As An Illustration Of
How An Enduring Faith In The Believing Christian
- In The Watching, Doubting, Presence Of 
The Unbelieving World -
Displays To All
How The Lord Christ Works 
In Behalf Of His Faithful Children!

Oh, Wow, And How!

I Get You ... Finally!

Our Situation
Our Reaction To Our Lived Experience
Is A Real-Time Illustration For World!

How The Christian Responds
To The Then Present Situation
Really Reveals To The World
The Lord Christ 
Truly His Chosen Life
Or It Makes A Pronounced Lie Of All His Protestations!

Aka Is His Christianity Real Or Feigned!?!

I Agree!

No Matter What Happens
Trust The Living Word
Not Your Eyes
Not Your Feelings
Not What Your Friends And Family Say
Nor What The World Feels And Presses Upon You!
Trust The Lord!
Trust The Word!
Believe The Master's Promises!

The Words Are Life And Light! 
The Words Are Love! 
The Words Are Truth For The Age! 
The Word Will Withstand The Lies Of Satan
His Misguided Minions' Entreaties
- Promulgated From The Dying World's Lying Stage -
No Matter How Much Against You
Time And Circumstances Rage!

No Matter What Happens
I Repeat, Pete
I Caution You, Yu
Do Not To Your Emotions, Cave! 
Do Not Let The Call Of Easy Sin Make You A Hardened Slave!

The Lord Of Our Life
The Prince Of Peace
The Good Shepherd
The King Of Glory
Our Creator, Redeemer And Friend
Cannot Be Found In Any Cold Grave
So Trust, Obey, Believe Always
Be Eternally Blessed!

Thank You!
I Needed To Hear That
Even Though I Know Of A Surety That
Jesus Christ, Alone, Saves!


1 comment:

  1. The Living God Is The Strength Of My Heart And, Glory Be To Jesus, My Portion Forever!


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