
Monday, July 1, 2019

The Great Commission!?!

KJV Mark 16
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

KJV John 20
21 Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.

Okay, Brethren!
We've Heard What The Word Of Truth Says: 
What's Your Understanding!?!

The Lord Is Sending Us Out To Serve!

The Lord Us Sending Us Out To Bless Others!

The Lord Said That His Father Sent Him To A Job Of Work
And, In Like Manner
He Is Sending Us Out
To Perform The Same Work That He Performed!

We Are Being Given The Great Commission! 
We Are Being Tasked With A Solemn, Very Important Work!

Good, Good, Very Good!
Will Somebody Read Me The Text Which Says In Part:

Man Commissions Almighty God
To Perform Tasks Such As Fallen Man Commands 
The Eternal God
Must Obey And Successfully Perform!?!



No Such Text Exists ...!

...Or Ever Will!?! 

What Rubbish Are You Trying To Feed Us!?!

Calm Down! Calm Down!

I'll Calm Down 
When You Satisfactorily Explain What You Mean By Saying
That Man, Fallen Man, Sinful Man
Gainsaying Man
Lying, Deceitful ...!

... Stubborn, Hard-Hearted
Covetous, Licentious, Doubtful
Selfish Man
Known To Indulge In "Free" Love
And Engage In Abominable Practices ...!

... BINGO!

We ... Don't Play Bingo!

Let's Pretend For A Moment!

Don't See What Good It Will Do!

Just Humor Me For A Moment!

As You Are No Doubt All Aware
Ken Is No Longer With Us
We Will Not Condone Aka Bless
His Present Alternative Lifestyle Choice!

Nobody, Flesh Or Spirit, Can Force Us To Sin!

In The Midst Of Our Conversations With Him
He Let It Be Made Known ... Very Colorfully
That The Lord God Almighty Is Blessing Him
His Now Lawfully-Attached Partner!

Ken Has Made It Abundantly Clear That
He "Commissioned" The Lord To Work In His Behalf
That His Partner "Commissioned" The Lord To Work
That They Together Had "Commissioned" The Lord
To Work In Their Behalf
That It Is Now Amazingly Apparent That The Lord 
Blessing Them Abundantly
Others Are Sowing Seeds Into Their Lives
They Are Financially Prospering!

Lord Jesus, Help Us!


The Living God Says:

I Am The Lord: I Change Not!

We Are Abraham's Seed
We Have Chosen The Lord Christ For Our Portion
And, Therefore
Inheritors Of The Promise
The Living God Has Made It Blindingly Clear


Let's Get One Thing Straight:

Jesus Christ Died To Save Sinners From Sin
Not In Sin!
The Living God Loves The Sinner
He Hates Sin
There Is No Willing Sinner That Shall Enter The Kingdom!

Let's Get One More Thing Straight:

Blaspheming The Name Of God Is Outright Sin!
Remember That Sin Against The Holy Spirit
Will Not Be Forgiven In This Life
Nor In The Life To Come
So, Please, I Beseech You
Think Before You Speak!

No Matter How "Comfortable" You Are
In Your Relationship With The Holy God
Remember, Remember
He Is The Almighty God
He, It Is, Who Made The Rules
Not The Liberal Man
Not The Church
Not The Governments Of The Nations
And For Certain Sure
Not Lying, Deceitful, Murdering Satan
Who Wants Us All Dead!

Finally, Brethren,

We Are All Sinners
There Is No Little Sin And Big Sin
There Are Certain Sins Which The Lord God Abhors
Don't Get So Comfortable With Your Pet Sin That
You Believe That 
You Are Able To Cause The Eternal God To Accept You 
Doing Whatever You Want
The Lord Needs You 
So That He Can Be God!

Big Mistake!
We Need God Morning, Evening
Noon And Night!!

Without His Gift Of Life
Food, Shelter, Care, Comfort
Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness
Hope, Help, Healing
Feeding, Sealing
We Are All Twice-Dead Men, Women And Children!

Be Wise Unto Salvation!
Give Up Your Pet Sin
And Remember
You Are A Child Of The Dust
Mortal, Corruptible, Gainsaying
Willing Always To Sin
That Is Your Nature!

Only Jesus Christ By The Holy Spirit
Can Change Our Will To Sin 
To The Desire For Sure Soul Salvation!

Our Job
Our Reason For Being, For Living
Is To Serve The Eternal God
By Thought, Word And Deed!

The Father Sent Jesus Christ To Save Us!
Jesus Christ Sends Us To Tell Others 
The Good News Of Soul Salvation!
Jesus Christ Also Sent His Holy Spirit
To Lead Us Into All Truth!

We Can't Send Jesus Christ Anywhere!
He Has The Power: We Don't!
He Leads: We Follow!
He Gives: We Receive!
We Forsake Sin: He Heals And Seals!

He Is Coming Back To Take Us To His Home:
We Make The Choice ... Now
To Receive His Blessing
Or To Take The Curse Of Damnation!

The Choice, Honestly, Is Plain:

Follow Christ In All Things, Faithfully
Be Eternally Blessed
Or Indulge Self
Enjoy Known Sin
Cavort With Satan
Be Eternally Damned!
These Are The Only Choices
Available To The Creature Called Human!

I Warn Us All ...

Stop Calling The Lord's Name In A Lie
In A Vainglorious Attempt To Co-opt A Blessing
Which Was, Which Is
Which Can Never Be Received!

When You Choose To Doubt The Preserved Word
You Have Chosen To Be Believe The Dying Lie!

We Lie To Ourselves
Almighty God Is Not A Man That He Shall Lie To Us!

Let's Pray For Ourselves
We, Each, Could Be Walking In Their Shoes
Let's Pray For Our Absent Brethren:
The Lord Loves Them Each ... Personally!

In Jesus Christ's Holy Name!


Let's Put The Same Value Upon Ourselves
That The Living God ... By His Personal Sacrifice
Has Placed Upon Us!

May The Eternal God
In His All-Encompassing Mercy
Help Us To Cooperate With Him
In The Work Of Saving Our Own Souls From
The Second Death!


1 comment:

  1. I Am A Child Of The King, A Servant Of God, And A Student In The School Of Jesus Christ: He Knows And Does What Is For My Good And For His Glory! Lord, I Surrender ... All!


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