
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Happy In Jesus Christ!

I'm Trying To Walk 
The Straight And Narrow But I Keep Stumbling!
I Don't Want To Stumble Or Fall Short Of His Glory 
And Being Able To See His Face On Judgement Day!

Sheldene, I Know That You Believe That 
Christ Is The Answer
So When You Fall
Just Get Back Up, Confess Your Sin, Repent
Ask The Lord ... By His Holy Spirit
To Help You Not To Do The Same Sin Again!

We Are Flesh

Praise The Eternal God
Jesus Christ Saves!

Jesus Was Tempted In The Flesh Just As We Are
Did Not Sin
Jesus Knew The Word
The Power Of The Word! 

His Response To The Wiles Of Satan Was

"Thus Saith The Lord!"

Jesus Trusted The Word
He Believed The Promises Therein Given!

Jesus Christ Is The Word ... Made Flesh!

Lady Shel, If You Do Not Stand Firmly In Your Faith In Jesus
Rebuke Satan Soundly
The First Time You Are Tempted To Do Wrong
You Will Fall
Each Successive Temptation For The Same Sin

Will Be Harder To Ignore
When You Meet It In Your Own Strength!

The Lord Loves You, Personally

Desires To Save You, Personally!
He Has Promised That 
When We Confess And Repent Of Known Sin
He Is Faithful And Just
Will Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness!

Listen To The Words Of The Shepherd-King David
Pleading Passionately With The Lord!

KJV Psalms 51
1 Have mercy upon me, O God, 
according to thy lovingkindness: 
according unto the multitude of 
thy tender mercies 
blot out my transgressions.
11 Cast me not away from thy presence; 
and take not thy holy spirit from me.
8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; 
that the bones which 
thou hast broken may rejoice.

Listen Also To The Apostle John
Pleading With His Christian Children 
To Walk Right Before The Lord:

Jesus Christ Was Made Sin
Surety And Security For Us! 

Lean On His Love For You And You Will Be Okay!

However, Dear Lady, 
Let Me Warn You:

To Deliberately Commit Sin
Knowing It Is Wrong
To Commit The Sin Of Presumption
That Is To Tread On Dangerous Ground
Walking Willfully Outside Of 

The Lord's Hedge Of Protection!

Presumption Places You On The Devil's Turf
If You Do That You Will Be Sorry!

I Am Encouraging You To Commit Your Life
Your Walk, Your Work
Your Thoughts And Your Actions
To The Lord
Permit Him To Have His Way With You!

Forward Ever, Backward Never ...

Don't Do A Lady Lot And Look Back At "The Good Times!"
They Were Never Good To Begin With
Don't Envy Anyone Their "Prosperity!"

There Is No Eternal Prosperity Without Jesus Christ!

The Lord 
Right Now In The Most Holy Place Of 
The Heavenly Sanctuary
In Front Of His Father And Ours
- As High Priest ... Mediator -
Interceding For You And For Me!

I Understand Your Concerns

I Beseech You, Please
Don't Indulge Ungodly Worry When You Have Been Given
By The Creator Of The Universe
The Privilege Of Praying To His Father
In His Holy Name!

Think ... Meditate 
On This Salutation To The Brethren
From John The Beloved, Seriously:

Sufficient Grace
Free Mercy
Perfect Peace
Absolute Truth
Amazing Love
Display To Us The Character Of The Holy God 
Our Infinite Gift From Heaven Above!

Brethren, Beloved,

If There Is Ever A Time To Indulge Lust And Greed
It Is For These Precious Gifts 

Expansively Given Unto Us 
Through The Eternal God's Sacrificial Love!

You, Me, We Are Blessed Indeed
So Let's Start Living Like We Truly Believe It!
Utilize Your Gift Of Peace Today!

Jesus Christ's Gift Of Peace To Us
Surpasses Human Understanding!

Thank You All For Sharing!

All I Can Honestly Say
Is That I Am Blessed 
And I Truly Know It
And Understand It ... Now!

May The Lord Watch Over You
And Keep You Safe In His Loving Care!



  1. My Forever House Is In The Home Of The Great And Eternal God! In Jesus Christ's Holy Name, Father, And By The Working Of That Sweet Spirit, And With The Protection Of Holy Angels Excelling In Strength, Please Help Me To Arrive There Safely!

  2. Barbadollies:Grace & Peace be unto you I hope all is well? Awesome Post
    Thanks for all your time & effort,I pray that the Most High God will continue to keep, Strengthen you and the ministry with good Health, Prosperity & Excellent Work.
    Best regards and Blessings.


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