
Saturday, July 27, 2019


Heavenly Gifts Are Daily Given!
Faith, Amongst Them
Requires That We Use What We Have
Is That Treasure That We Need To Succeed
Is The Gift That We Need To Use
We Are Not To Go To Hell 
With Satan And His Angels
With That Thing Called Bre'k-Neck Speed!

Faith Without Corresponding Work
Dead ... Dead As A Door-Nail
There Is Not Anything That 
Anyone Can Do For Us Unless And Until
From The Hand Of The Gifter
We Substantially Take Our Fill
Start Walking Home ... To Our Father
Who Is In Heaven
That Place Of Rest 
That Is The Saved Man's Haven!

Get A Grip On Yourself ...

We Must Stop Partaking Of 
The Pharisee's Leaven Which Calls 
Faith, Foolish
Love, Cheap
Hope, Hellish
Unregenerated Self ... The Chief!

We Are Targets ... 

We Have Bullseye Targets
On Our Backs, Chests
Our Foreheads 
On Our Hands And Knees
And, Yet
The Most Efficient Bullseye
The One Covering The Ear
The Covering The Eye
Those Recording Devices Of A Man
That Take Into The Unwary Heart 
The Known-Demoralizing Lie!

The Devil, Satan
The Dragon, The Serpent
That Snake In The Garden Was A Talker
Glib ... Even Unto This Day
Reaching Into The Mind Of Man
Through His Ear, Through His Eye
Endeavoring There To Stay
To Play Footsie
To Run Foot-Loose
The Certain Truth
To Make A Miniscule Breach
Thereby Cause One To Relax Their Hold 
On Him Who Guarantees
Eternal Youth! 

Know The Right ... 

Faith Comes By Hearing The Word Of Almighty God! 
Doubt Comes By Hearing The Word Of Satan
Our Accuser
The Adversary Of Our Souls
That Known Murderer
Who Desires Us To Worship Him
And Thereby
Steal The Prerogatives Of The Holy
The Eternal
The Living, Blessing, Giving One God! 

Watch Unto Pray ... 

Guard Your Heart
For Out Of It Come The Issues Of Life! 
Fix Your Eyes' Focus
Focus Totally On Christ! 
Unstop Your Ears
Tune Your Antennae
To The Frequency Of Christ
Who, For Your Purchased Soul
Personally, Personally Cares! 

Get Your Soul-House In Order ...

Live For The Life-Giver! 
Walk With The God Wise! 
Speak As A Saint Of The One God Holy
Do Not Mother Eve's Error Foolishly Reprise! 

Do Not Choose To Do As Daddy Adam Did
Preferring To Share The Fate Of 
The Disobedient One Loved
Instead Of Obeying The Lover Of Your Soul
Who Has Prepared A Place For You
In The Father's House
In The Heavenly Realm Of Love! 

Stand Up In The Faith Of Jesus!
Rest Upon His Word!
Permit Yourself To Be Influenced By Holy Angels
Turn Away From The Ways
The Means
The Pleasures ... The Perversions
Of The Wayward, Wily, Willful
Wastrel, Wandering, Wild-Goat Herd
Which Has Been Had By Him Who Hates
Who Loves To Skate 
Around Truth
Around Righteousness 
Offering That Which Does Not Bless
Does Not Confer Eternal Success 
Stresses, Strands
Lands The Unwary Human
In The Barren Land
Where There Is No Light
No Love
No Sweet Fruit Of The Holy Spirit 
No Bread Of Life
No Water Of Life
Provides Ample Supplies Of Strife, Sorrow
Gnashing Of Teeth
And Inevitably To Follow
Second Death
Which Is Eternal Separation From The Holy God! 
That Is The Known Unrepentant Sinner's Reward! 

Choose Your Radio Station Carefully ...

Do Not Listen To The Words Of Satan
The Agile, Adept, Adaptable, Known God-Fraud
Nor The Words Of His Minions
Who Are Attuned To His Ways
Proudly Pleased With Their Putrifying Profits
Unmindful Of The Facts That
Soon Comes The Day Of The Lord Christ
The Day Of Small Things
The Great Judgment Day
The Day Of The Redeemed! 
Thereafter, Truth Is  Forever Esteemed! 

Hold The Fort Of Faith ... 

Let Your Gift Of Daily Faith Work ... For You! 
Bless The Lord Christ With Your Faith 
Your Trust, Your Hope, And Your Belief 
As He Blesses You With Righteousness
Goodness And Truth! 

The Bottom Line ... 

Give The Lord Christ Your Will
So That He Makes Your Way Plain: 

Keep Your Hand In The Hand Of Mercy!
Keep Your Gait In Step With Grace!
Keep Your Eyes Fixed On Hill Zion
Your Hope In Him Who Is Just And Faithful 
Who Will Never Your Faith In Him
Ever, Ever, Ever Disgrace! 

Jesus Christ's Heart Is True
He Is The Truth
He Lives To Bless Me And You! 

The King Is Coming! 
Get Washed 
Get And Stay Ever Ready! 

1 comment:

  1. With The Choice Blessing Of The Eternal God In The Kingdom Of Grace, I Intend, By Faith, To Walk All The Way To The Kingdom Of Glory With My Lord Christ Jesus! Thank You, Lord, For The Good News Gospel Story!


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