
Friday, July 26, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Discovering Faith's Real Value!

The Devil Is The Liar!
His Words Are Truth Reversed
All Who Follow Him Foolishly
Shall Ride
In Damnation's One-Way-To-Hell Hearse! 

Believers In Jesus
Eternally Blessed
Never, Ever, Cursed!


I Have Made A Discovery!
Faith ... Christ's Daily Gift To Us
The Balm
That We May Apply To Our Day
- According To Our Need -
No Matter What The Devil
That Lying Satan, Says!

Some Of Us May Need Or Require A Little Dab
A Dot, A Dash ... You Know, A Tittle
As Is To Be Expected
Of A Life Lived In The Vale Of Tears
A Liberal Application
May Be Required To Successfully Attain Our Goal!

Use Jesus' Gift As You Must 
To Save Your Own Soul!

Lean On Almighty God's Love
Reason With Your Maker
On The Living Word Feed
Doing All That He Asks Of You!
Faith Is Living Seed!

The Truth Is Sacred ...

Suggestions Are Not Something
That The Lord Ever Makes
So Do As You Are Instructed
Invited ... Encouraged
Pled With To Willingly Do
You Shall Have Sowers Of Blessings
That Ripen You For The Saved-Soul Harvest!
Do Not Do Yourself The Lost-Cause Disservice!

Every Party Comes To An End ...

Do Not Be Left In Outer Darkness
You Followed The Folly Of
The Fulminating Snake
Who Would Love To Strike You In The Heart
With His Fangs As Stakes!

You Know What You've Got ...

Be Not Wise In Your Own Eyes!
With Faith Ever At The Ready
Always In The-Love-For-Christ Heart
You Shall Surely Taste Of Spiritual Success
The Life You Live
Will Always Be Blessed Of Heaven
Not Necessarily Of The Earth
Whereon We're Just Passing Through
So Do Not Upon Temporal Prosperity Dwell
Or You Shall Find Out Too Late That Heaven
- The Haven Of Rest -
Shall Be The Realm ... Barred
Permanently To You!

All Of God's Gifts Are Good ...

Faith Is A Blessing!
Faith Is A Balm!
Faith Is A Blessing Balm In The Hand Of
The Regenerated Child Of God 
Daily Delivered
Daily ... Moment By Moment Applied
By The Hand Of The Receiver Only
For The Receiver's Benefit Solely!

All Of God's Gifts Work ...

Firm Faith Fills!
Firm Faith Thrills!
Firm Faith Utilized
The Only Way 
Old Satan's Venom Against Us 
Can Ever Be Killed!

Warning, Warning, Warning ...

Please Do Not Set Aside Your Gift Of Faith
If You Do
You Shall Old Satam
Inordinately Thrill! 

Use Your Faith
Be To Old Satan
An Ever-New, Always-Sharp
Constantly-Performing Buzz-Kill!


Of Your Gift Of Daily Faith
Ravenously Imbibe
Be Gloriously Blessed And Filled
Let The Lord Christ Over You 
Be Lovingly Thrilled!

There Is No Profit
In Living To Be Carnal!
Give To The Lord Christ
Your Way And Your Will:
The Return On Your Investment
Shall Be
Infinite And Eternal!

1 comment:

  1. Father, Please Help Me To Stand Firm, With Godly Fear, In The Living Faith Of Jesus So That My Personal Gift Of Daily Faith In The Lord Christ Does Not Fail Because I Hold Fallen Mankind In Ungodly Fear!


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