
Thursday, July 25, 2019

FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: The Meek And Gentle Spirit!

They Love To Say That They Have Talents
Capital "T" And "S" At The End

So There Is No Need For Them To Be Meek
And That They Do Not To Others
- In Humility -
Have To Bend!

Big Whoo Hoo!!

Well, I've Got Jesus!
Creator At The Beginning
Savior In The Middle
Redeemer At The End!
My Soul Against Damnation
He Defends!

They Would Do Well 
To Look At Mary The Mother Of Jesus
Elizabeth The Mother Of John The Baptist
Sarah The Mother Of Isaac And The Shunamite Woman!

Look At The Woman At The Well! 

Look At Hannah, Prophet Samuel's Mum
And, Then Look Around You And Look At Us
And See The Arrogance, The Pride
The Willful Waywardness
The Desire For The Preeminence
The Desire To Rule
The Constant Butting Of Heads
No One Wants To Be Second
No One Want To Follow
No One Wants To Serve
They Just Want To Be Seen
To Do That Properly
They Are Creating Havok
Amongst The People Of God
Retarding The Work Of The Lord Christ!

Instead Of Blessing With Faithful Service
They Are Doing The Benighting Work Of Satan, The Liar
The Wannabe God!

We, As Committed, Christian, Women 
Need To Learn To Be Meek!

Men, Too!

We, As Committed, Christian, Women Need
The Savior's Will Daily To Seek! 

Men, Too!

We Need To Stop, Think 
Turn Away From Folly
Once And For All Times Learn That

Competition Causes Compromise
That A Broken Tailbone Always Results
From The Prideful Fall
That The Higher A Monkey Climbs
The More His Unmentionables Are Exposed
That Disdain For The Simple
Always Causes One To Neglect The Prayer Phone
That What Sweetens The Goat's Mouth Often Burns Him In The Tail
That Being Humble Is Not Fatal

That Being Meek Doesn't Mean One Is A Failure!

We Need To Remember That The Master Was Meek
We Need To Constantly Remember His Whole Character
The Methods He Used
The Means
The Walk
The Wisdom
The Watching Unto Prayer
The Desire To Please His Father

His Ready Willingness
The Good News To All Hearers
Compassionately, Lovingly, To Share
Without Fear!

Our Gentle Jesus ... The Man Of Sorrow
Lord Of Earth And Sky And Sea
Willing Servant
Willing Sacrifice Pure And Clean
Served With Kingdom Purpose
Not To Be Seen!

The Lord Lived What He Taught:
Humility With Love
Sharing With Hope
Blessing With Promise
Untainted By Time
Untempted By Tests
Unbothered By Base Courseness
Willing To Uplift The Faceless
The Tasteless, The Tawdry
The Profaned
Willing To Bless Bountifully
The Blind, The Halt, The Lame
Willing To Cleanse The Careless
The Clueless, The Foolish

Always With A Kind Heart
A Pure Heart
A Firm Voice
To Lay Out Truth Unpopular 

To The Puffed Up, Prideful, Self-Aggrandized
So Very Needed And Necessary
For Those Who Have Seeking Hearts
Searching Eyes
Attuned-To-Truth Ears
To Uplift Them
To Save Them
Against The Great Day Of Small Things
Impregnably Seal!

Unrepentant Sinners Shall Be Seared!

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle
Rules The World
For Good
For Ill
For Blessing
For Blight
For The Delight Of Satan
For The Delight Of The Glorious One
Who Will Give To His Meek Ones

- On The Day Appointed -
The Earth Made New
Eternal Life!


I Am Sure Of Only One Thing:
It Is Time For Us To Change Into Gospel Shoes!

Being Meek Doesn't Mean
Being  A Door Mat
Nor A Mattress!
It Means Having The Character Of Christ
The Heart Of The Living, Holy God
Ever To Delight!

Being Meek Requires Faith's Pure Eyesight 
Which Gives Foresight
Which Negates The Need For Hindsight! 

Christ's Oversight Causes Us To Have Insight
Obviating The "Need" For Putrid Pride
Lost-Man Lust
Enervating Envy!
It's Time That We Cease From Wanting
With The Dying World To Be Trendy!

It Was Envy That Got Us Into This Mess 
In The First Place!

Thank God That Jesus Christ Saves!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ The Lord, The Creator Of Mankind, Heaven And Earth, Was Gentle, Meek And Mild-Mannered And I, As His Child, His Servant, A Student In The School Of Jesus, Shall Endeavor To Be Like Him! Father, In Jesus Christ's Holy Name, Please Help Me!


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