
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

THE SWEET PSALMIST'S WORDS: Reading Between The Lines!

Okay, Brethren!
Today We Shall Go Deep
We Shall Try Valiantly
To Hear What It Is That King David
Really Telling Us About This Great God 
He Worshiped And Faithfully Served!

Let's Read KJV Psalms 86 Verses 1-5
To Get The Feel For The Heart Writing The Words
Then I'll Give My  Verse By Verse Take On It!

1 Bow down thine ear, O LORD, hear me: 
for I am poor and needy.

I Believe That The Shepherd, Psalmist, King 
Is Pleading With And, Obviously
Believing On The Lord
And Comforting Himself By Praying Thus:

God Of Earth And Glory,
I Know You And I Need You Now, Today!
I Know That You Are Listening
So Listen To Me Again, Please!
To Your Willing Servant, Please Draw Near!

You Are Rich And Have Blessings To Give
And I Know That You Can Provide What You Know I Need
And I Need What You Alone Can Give To Me!
I Trust You!

2 Preserve my soul; for I am holy: 
O thou my God, 
save thy servant that trusteth in thee.

I'm Not Just Asking You To Keep My Mortal Body!
I'm Asking You To Save Me From The Second Death
Because You Are My God
And I Have Chosen To Live The Holy Life
That You Have Commanded Me To Live
And Have Provided The Means With Which
I Can Be Successful! 

I Am Actively Doing What You Say!
I Am Available To You
And I Am Willing And Able Always 
To Serve You With Love And Diligence!

You Are Worthy Of My Service
My Faith And My Worship
Because You Have Proven To Me, Personally
That You Are Almighty God ... And Able!

I Can Close My Eyes In Vulnerable Sleep
Knowing That With You I Am Safe
And Knowing That You Will Never Deceive Me
Your Humble Servant Who Is Walking By Faith
And Not By Lying Eyesight!

3 Be merciful unto me, O Lord: 
for I cry unto thee daily.

We Have A Relationship, Lord!
I Deserve Justice But Because I Know Your Character
I Am Pleading For Your Gift Of Mercy
Because I Acknowledge The Sins That 
I Have Committed Against Your Holy Name!

I Am Broken!
My Heart Is Contrite!
I Repent!
I Cannot And I Will Not Hide From You!

We Commune Every Day About Everything!
We Share Intimately!
I Tell You My Dreams, My Hopes
My Triumphs
My Failures
My Sorrows, My Shame
And You Correct, Direct, And Protect Me
And You Lead Me
Showing Me How, When, Where To Walk
How To Go Out
And How To Come In!

See, There Are Tears Coming From My Eyes
Because Our Communion Is Not Superficial!
I Know That You Feel What I Am Feeling!
I Love You Till It Hurts!
I Know That You Love Me Sacrificially
And Will Prove It In The Day Soon To Come!
I Worship You!

4 Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee, 
O Lord, do I lift up my soul.

Dear Lord,
You Bring Me Joy!
I Humble Myself Before 
So That You Do Not Have To Shame Me!

I Find My Pleasure In You!
Do It Again Today, Please! 

Raise Me Up
For All I Can Is Make The Effort To Walk Toward You:
Receive My Life And Make Me Like You! 

I Have No Being Without You!
You Are Above!
I Am At Your Footstool
And I Am Grateful For Your Condescension That 
Permits Me To Your Holiness
To Draw Near
And Without Ungodly Fear!

5 For thou, Lord, art good, 
and ready to forgive; 
and plenteous in mercy 
unto all them that call upon thee.

Dear Master,
I See And I Appreciate Your Character!
I Am Blessed And I Know It!
What Wondrous Love This Is
With Which I Am Covered! Why Do You Love Me So!?! 

This Is Perfect Love! 

I Am Amazed That The Holy God
High And Lifted Up
Jealous For His Name
Not Excusing The Guilty
Is Ever Willing To Forgive 
The Repentant Sinner Like Me
Who Chooses To Call
Not On A False God
- A Dumb Idol -
But On The Glorious God
Who Sees, Knows, Was, Is
Ever Present, All-Feeling And Eternal!

You Are Good!
You Give Good Gifts!
You Bless
And Glory, Hallelujah, Lord
You Forgive!


King David Actively, Personally,
Intimately Knew His God
His Master
His King
His Heart Was Glad!

We Are Instructed To Speak To The Lord
As To A Friend
A Trusted Companion
Whilst Never Forgetting That He Is
The Holy God!

I Sincerely Urge Us To Approach With Love
Be Humbled By
Grateful For 
The Privilege Of Personally Knowing Him
Having Him Be An Active Participant
In Our Daily Lives!

Speak The Truth For He Knows Your Thoughts
Your Actions
Is Aware Of All Your Motives!

The Lord God Almighty Is Available And Able ... Willing
And Ready To Help You
Just So You Know Who Your Best Friend Is:

He Creates
Though He Takes No Pleasure
In Such A Strange Act
He Destroys
Surprise, No Surprise
He Loves You ... And Me, Too

Any Thoughts About What We Have Covered Today!?!

I'm Sure That I Speak For Everyone Here
When I Say:

I Desire To Know The Living, Holy, God
In The Same Personal, Intimate, Frank Way
That King David Knew The Lord
His Almighty God!


We All Can Be As King David Was!
He Knew That To Know Almighty God
Was To Have A Real Life
Not Just An Existence!

When You Sin, Confess And Repent!
When You're Happy, Rejoice In The Lord!
When You're In Sorrow, Cry Unto The Lord!
If You Love The Lord, Tell Someone!
If You're Just Glad To Be Alive
Bless The Lord With Your Praise
Just Because The Lord Is Our Shepherd
Our Hope, Help And Salvation
Pray, Pray, Pray ...!

... All Day And Every Day
No Matter What Others May Think
Do Or Say!

Praying Is One Of Our Choicest Blessings!

Praying, Beloved, Keeps Satan At Bay!
Praying, Beloved, Keeps Us Shut In With The Lord!

1 comment:

  1. There Is No Sorrow In The Service Of The Lord That The Lord Christ, Himself, Cannot Turn Into Joy Everlasting!


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