
Friday, July 5, 2019

HAPPY SABBATH + Delight Thyself!

... She Had An Undercover Lover
And Now She Has A Bowl In Her Belly!

You Can Hide And Buy Ground
But You Can't Hide And Reap It!

True! True!

I Don't Know What You All Are Going On About!
Sarah-Anne Is Not Having A Baby!

Who Said Anything About A Baby!?!

She's Not Having A Baby! She's Just Pregnant!

Please Color Me Confused!
As I Understand Biology
When One Becomes Pregnant
It Is Safe ... Even Advisable
To Accept That In Due Course
- In The Fullness Of Time -
There Shall Come Forth From One's Loins
A Beautiful Baby Of One Of The Two Genders
Male Or Female!

That Shows How Much You Know
Or Pay Attention!

Enough Of That!
Sarah-Anne Is A Confessed Virgin
We All Know That There Are No More Virgin Births
For Your Information And Edification
Sarah-Anne's Beau ... Her Undercover Lover
Hypocrisy, That Spawn Of The Devil!

Lord, Help Us!

He Does, And He Will!

But What About The Bowl In Her Belly!?!

She Indulged Hypocrisy
As Was ... Is ... To Be Expected
He Gave Her Increase
She Is Carrying Twins
Those Two Pernicious Imps Known As
Unchecked Pride 
Raging Vanity!

Good Gracious!
So That Was What That Display 
At Sabbath Service Was All About ...!

... You've Got It!

A Hole In One!

That Was Just Like What Jesus Experienced 
With Those Learned Pharisees
And Why He Warned His People
To Be Wary Of The Leaven Of The Pharisees
Which Is ...!

... Hypocrisy!!


Those Pharisees Were Constant Interrupters ...!

... Disruptors You Mean!

The Pharisees Just Wanted To Hinder The Hand
The Work Of The Lord
In One Fell Swoop
Deny The Interested ... The Simple People
The Blessed Opportunity To Know Almighty God
Jesus Christ Whom He Sent
By So Doing
Escape The Cruel Clutches Of Satan
The Known God-Fraud!

It Was A Bad Case Of H. P. V.!

Human Pavlova Virus ... !?!

... You Mean Human Papillomavirus!

No, Times Two!
I Mean Hypocrisy, Pride And Vanity
Which Must Not Be Brushed Off As An Inanity
If You, Me, We, Desire 
With Our Lord To Be In Charity
To Be Blessed To Be A Blessing
To Hurting, Hopeless, Humanity!

Those Proud Pharisees Were Into Cheese! 
The Lord Is Into Charity!

I Just Know You're Going To Explain Those Words!

Of Course, But With A Simple Question:

When Your Photograph Is To Be Taken
What Does The Photographer Ask You To Do!?!

He Says To Say "Cheese!"

So From This, What Do You Now Understand!?!

I Understand That The Pharisees 
Were There For The News-Bytes
And Not To Collect The Nuggets Of Truth Being Given
The Human Soul Hungry, Hurting, Hunted
Sure To Delight!


The Savior Is Ever Sincere!
The Good News He Gave Us
He Desires Us To Share
Without Thought Of Self
Status, Satisfaction Or Desired Reward!
We Are To Share As We Receive
Because ...

... We Intimately Love Jesus Christ The Lord!

There Is No Self In Salvation!
The Only Part That Self Plays In Salvation
When We Lay Selfish, Self-Serving
Self-Aggrandizing Self 
On The Altar Of Sacrifice
Yielding Up Our Will
Our Way
Head, Heart, Hands ... Our Very Beings
Our Words, Thoughts And Deeds
Pledging ... By The Grace Of The Eternal God
To Humbly ... Ever Teachable
Obediently, Enduringly, Faithfully
Follow The Good Shepherd
Our Faithful Lord And Holy God!

To Do Anything Less
Will Make Us Nothing More Than Frauds
Unworthy To Bear The Name, Christian!

If We Don't Bear That Name
We Shall Not In Peace See Our God!

In That Case, Brethren
No More Hypocrisy!
No More Pride!
No More Vanity!

Indeed, And AMEN!
H.P.V. Is O U T!

1 comment:

  1. Help Us, Dear Father, To Speak And Teach Truth In Righteousness To Bless The People Of God And To Glorify The Lord Christ! Please Pour Out Of Your Spirit Upon Us And Grant Us Your Available Grace And Always Free Mercy: We Look Longingly For The Coming Great Day!


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