
Saturday, July 6, 2019

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Bible Study Outline And Able Sinner

Time Is Fulfilled
The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand
Current Events
Repentance Aka Sorrow For Sin
Belief Aka Faith
Appeal For Surrender
Were Arrayed Around Able Sinner!
They Are Collectively Called
Bible Study Outline!

Able Sinner
- Not Even Close To Being A Saint -
Had Arrived At The Cross Road
The Intersection Between Heaven And Hell
Faith And Doubt
Hope And Don't Tell The Story!

Able Was Confused, Is Confused
He Had Long Thought That
There Was No God
Then There Was God 
He Was An Absentee Landlord
Then God Was Present And Active
A Cruel Tyrant Known Greatly Sadistic

And, Now ... Suddenly

He Is Hearing For The Very First Time That God
Our Creator God
The Holy God
Faithful, Kind, Loving, True
Friend, Hope, Help, Salvation
Provider, Sustainer
The Only God Who Is Real
Willing To Reason With His Creatures
Is Jealous
Desires Their Love For His Very Own
For Love Of Able And His Kind
He Sacrificed His Only Son
To Pay The Total Price For All Their Sins
So That We
Able Sinner ... Personally
Could Approach Unto Almighty God's Majesty Without Fear
To Find Grace In His Time Of Need
Enduring All Things By Faith
For Love
To Share The Risen Son's
- Man's Interceding High Priest -
Surpassing Great Glory!

Truth ... Accepted
Changes Everything
Sin, Darkness, And Error-Disspelling Light Dawns!

Hear Able Sinner
In Stunned Amazement, Speak:

He Loves Me!
The Holy God Of Glory Personally Loves Me
And Desires, Desires
Desires My Presence In His Everlasting House!
Imagine That!

Truth Is Finally Being Made Plain!

There Is No Anticipating Of Earned Rewards!

The Dead Know Nothing:
The Dead Are Not Angels, Spiritual Advisors, Or Guardians!
There Is No Going To Hell Instantly At Death For Unrepentant Sinners!
There Is No Going To Heaven Instantly 
For The Much Good Works Good People!
There's No Roasting In Hell For Billions Of Years In A Box
With Satan And His Demons 
Tormenting Me For The Sins Of A Short Life! 
There Is No One Being Saved In Sin
And There Is Surely No Salvation For All Mankind 
Just Because The Lord, Our Creator, Created Us!

Finally, Finally, Finally, I Am In Possession Of The Truth!
Uncoerced Decisions Must Be Made!

All I Have To Do Is Believe The Word
Trust The Lord
Confess Known Sin ... And Repent
Gain Victory Over Sin By Working My Gift
- My Daily Gift Of Faith -
Surrender My Stubborn Will
Surrender My Lustful Choice
Let The Lord Of Life Lead Me
Bless Me And Prosper Me
With Imperishable Gifts ...!

... I Have A Reason To Rejoice!

I Have Mercy, Grace
Peace, Rest
The Love Of The Almighty God!
Me ... A Child Of The Dust! 
I Have The Privileges Of A Blessed
Beloved, Bought, Redeemed Member Of
The Royal Household!

I Can And Must Always Pray: He Welcomes My Voice!
I Have Access To And The Present Help Of
The Holy Spirit Of The Eternal God! 

I, By Faith
May Have The Creator God Of The Universe
Dwelling Within Me
All For Just Believing 
And Inviting Him To Come In And Dwell Forever
In My Broken And Contrite Heart ...!

... I Must Confess And Repent ... 
I Must Turn Away From Known Sin
Which Cannot Profit!

Praise God For New Eyesight!

I Look Around And I Truly See And Know The Truth!
It Is Hard To Believe The Truth
Which Is So Simple As To Be Unbelievable
But I Have To Do It!

The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand!
The Signs Of The Times Are Truly Every Where!
There's Only Bad News In The News!
Repentance For Known Sin Is Necessary!
The Lord Won't Save Me If I Indulge In Willful Sinning!

Satan Is A Liar
The Liar Without Compare!
He Would Put Me In The Electric Chair
And Call It My Comfy Chair!
He, Uncaring Of My Soul, Wickedly Dares!

My Life Is In The Lord Christ's Hands!
The Decision To Choose Life Is In Mine!
My Now Necessary Decision
Has Eternal Implications ... Eternal Consequences!
It Is Either Eternal Torment
As In The Separation That 
Jesus Christ Felt Outside The Love Of His Father
When He Was Nailed On The Cross
And Not The Gross, Destructive Lie 
Widely Taught And Generally Believed About Eternal Burning


Eternal Joy In The Lord's Presence
And Access To The Water, And The Tree, Of Life! 

I Am Going To Fly!
Angels Exceeding In Strength Will Be My Companions!

I Now Have Real Hope!

I Will Be Saved From My Own Sin!
I Can, And Shall, Trust The Living Word!
I Will, And Do, Believe The Promise Of Eternal Life!


Father, God

Give Me Jesus Christ! 
Please Light Up My Life! 
I Am Grateful, Lord
For This Anchor For My Soul! 
I Have Made My Decision:
Heaven With The Lord Christ
Is My Goal!

Gold Made Me Proud! 

Silver Made Me Loud! 
Bronze Made Me Arrogant!
And Iron Made Me Strong 
And, Yet,
I'm Here And Now Humbled
Because I See My True Condition:

I Am A Child Of The Dust
Ready, Able

Willingly Recognizing My Need

And Now Knowing That Things
Bright, Shiny, Heavy, Costly, Hard
And Inculcating Pride
Are Fleeting And Perishable 
Easy To Toss In The Bin Called Discard!

I See The Light!
Forgive Me Of My Sin!
I Humbly Repent!

Almighty God Is A Spirit
A Consuming Fire To The Unrepentant Sinner
And I Am An Acknowledged Sinner
Repentant, Sorry For My Sin
And I Know That I Must Worship The Lord
In Spirit And In Truth!

New Lamp For Old:
I Must Make The Trade!
My Light Must Shine!
Before The Throne Of Grace
I Must Be Bold!

Although It Is New
Life With The Lord Christ
Is Already Sublime
For His Word ... The Truth
Is Faithful ... Kind!
His Word Is Now Mine!

I Am Going To Hill Zion!
I Will Not Be Left Out
Cast Out, Cast Off!
I Shall Live And Not Die!
For Joy, I Feel To Cry!
Second Death And I
Shall Have No Ties!

Jesus, Save Me!
Is Now My Anthem!
Jesus, Save Me!
Is Now My Believing Heart's Longing Call Before I Die!

I Shall Reside In The Sweet By And By!
The Preserved Word Of The Living God Can't Lie!

1 comment:

  1. Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is, There Is Liberty: Spirit Of The Living God, Please Fall Afresh On Me!


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