
Sunday, July 7, 2019

Man's Estimate Vs. Almighty God's Reckoning!

The Old Pastor At The Mission Church Said
To Confess And Repent And Be Baptised
For The Remission Of Your Sins
Because Jesus Christ Already Paid It All ...!

... That Man Sure Has Some Good Sense!

You Didn't Let Me Finish!

Oops! Begging Your Pardon!

He Talked About Sacrifice!
He Talked About All These Do's And Don'ts
Being Totally Self-Righteous
Living The High Life Of The One Justified By Self
I Didn't See How I Could Have Any Sins
To Repent Of Or For That Matter
To Even Consider Confessing
So I Took Offense And Made My Presence Absent
I Went Over To The Big Church!

Everything There Was About The Love Of God!

I'm Sure You Know That God Is Also About Justice!

Of Course ... But I Liked The Atmosphere!
I Like The Lights!
The Cameras! The Action
The Way That That Truly Charismatic Priest There Talked!

You Know, All Touchy Feely, Feel Good
I'm Your Best Friend, Trust Me, Personal!

Oh, Oh!

Uh, Huh!

That Nice Priest Said: 
"Good Works Equals Salvation!"And 
Since I Was One Who Never Likes To Perspire
Unless There Is Obvious Profit
Immediately Apparent
I Took That For License
I Went To My Lord, The King
With My Old Wheel Barrow Loaded To Bear
And Overflowing With All The "Things"
I, In My Wisdom, Had Done For Him
With The Expressed Purpose
- Estimated By Me To Be Supremely Valuable -
For My Own Sin To Pay!

No! You Didn't!

Yes, I Did ... And I Got A Rude Awakening!

What Did The Lord Do!?!

I Am Not Ashamed To Boldly Tell You Plainly
That He, Blessed Forever, Faithful, Just
Ever True
Proceeded To Give Me His Reckoning Of 
The Cost Of My Personal Sin To Him
All I Could Do Was Push Over The Old Barrow

That Was Full Of Nothing!
I Could Have Died, I Was So Mortified!

Convulsing In Shame, Fear, And Real Horror
At My Boldly Foolish Arrogance
With Broken And Contrite Heart
In Abject Humility Confessing Known Sin
I Fell At His Feet Prostrate
Pleaded For Forgiveness

For Blessing
For Healing
For Help
For A Way To Expunge My Guilt
To Relieve Me Of My Sin-Built And Encrusted Cross
He Gently, And Simply, Said Unto Me:

I Love You!
If You Love Me
Take Up Your Cross Daily
Follow Me!

It Was Not Long Thereafter

I Learned Something Heavy ...

When Destruction And Lack Of Knowledge
Are Used In The Same Sentence
It Is Time To Follow The One Who Knows All
Who Is In All
Who Sees All
Who Feels All
Who Loves Us All
Having Died A Disgraceful Death
To Save Us ...!

... One And All!

That Reckoning Of Sin ...

Sin Is Exceedingly Sinful
There Is No Excuse For It!
It Cost The Father
The Life Of His Only Begotten Son!

It Cost Jesus Christ His Life
Which He Freely Surrendered For Us

To Save Us From The Second Death!

The Father Gave His Only Begotten Son To Mankind
For Mankind

Jesus Christ Was A Spirit! Jesus Christ Is Divinity Clothed In Humanity!
Almighty God Is Spirit, A Consuming Fire!
Jesus Christ Became Flesh And Dwelt Among Us!
Jesus Christ Is Forever Fully God
Fully Man

He Is Not Ashamed To Call Us Brethren


We Are His
By Creation
By Redemption Aka Reclamation

For Love!

Let Jesus Christ Be Praised!


Let Us Prayerfully
What Almighty God Has Done
Is Doing
Will Do For Us


Most Of All
Let Us
By That Sweet Spirit Of Truth
Live Up To The Value
That The Living God
Has Placed Upon Our Lives
By Giving Up Jesus Christ's Life
To Save Each And Every One

1 comment:

  1. Father, Please Bless Me With The Broken And Contrite Heart Willing Ever To Confess And Repent Of Known Sin And Ready And Able To Lovingly Praise, Worship And Obey My Creator, God, Redeemer, Sustainer, Provider And Forever Friend And King, Jesus Christ The Lord!


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