
Monday, July 8, 2019


There Is No Blessing In Folly!
There Is No Peace In Rage!
There Is No Hope In Doubt
To Read The Whole Holy Book
The Preserved Word Of The Eternal God
You Must Diligently Turn Each Page!

We Have The Blessed Savior ...

There Is Our Father In Heaven
Whose Only Beloved Son Died On The Cruel Cross
To Save And To Bless
To Redeem Mankind
So That The Kingdom Of Light
Should Not Suffer Irreplaceable Loss!

We Have A Raging Enemy ...

There Is The Accuser Of The Brethren
The Fiend Who Fools People Into Believing
That He Has Their Best Interests At Heart
That He Is Able Their Lives To Bless
I Urge You, Brethren
To See Your Benefactor For Who He Is
The Adversary Of Your Own Soul
The Raging Lion
The Piercing Serpent
Leviathan ... Behemoth
The Liar ... The Murderer
The One Who Desires Worship
He Who Is The Wannabe
Every-Lying And Known False god!

A Simple Word Of Caution ...

Do Not Dig A Pit
Set A Trap
Or Prepare A Net To Cause Any Person To Perish 
Just Because You Do Not Like Them
Their Politics, Religion, Sexual Orientation
Color, Financial Status
Access, Reach And Grasp
As The Good Book Says:

Brother, Sister
Close Family
Far-Off, Close Or Familiar Friend
Enemy Of The Truth
Lover Of The Lie
Faithful Servant
Child Of God
Student Of The School Of Jesus
Whatever You Are
Wherever You Be
The Lord Jesus Christ Loves You
Just As He Loves Me!

I Urge You, Beloved
Look Up To Christ Jesus
In Faith ... With Endurance
Walk On The Strait, Straight And Narrow Road
It Is Your Heart's Desire
To Be At Home With The King
Our Soon-Returning Lord And Holy God!

Times And People Change ...

Enemies Can Become Friends
When Truth Is Embraced
Friends Can Become Enemies
When Truth Calls Out Their Double-Life
To Their Very Face!

We, Humans, Have A Choice To Make
Follow The Lord ... And Live
Follow The Liar ... And Contrary Walk!
In Short
Whatever The Decision For Your Life You Make
Walk Your Talk Wholeheartedly
Fence Jockeying Benefits Neither Self
Nor Any Other Body!

The Holy Spirit Is Calling!
The Lord Christ Wants To Save Me And You!

As Jesus Christ
In The Living Word Has Made Plain
We All Need To Know:

Be Ye Hot

Be Ye Cold
If You Are Lukewarm
Spewed Out Of My Mouth
You Shall Go!

Rich, Proud And Loud
Or Poor, Humble And Meek
Choose You This Day
The Character Of Your Life
Follow Him Faithfully
Whom You Belief Will Give You The Best
That Is ... Eternal Life!

Personal, Final, Decisions Must Be Made ...

I Shall By The Holy Spirit Of Truth
- Who Us Leads Into All Truth -
Follow The Master, That Suffering Servant
Jesus Christ The Shepherd
The King
The Lord
For Love
Not Just For The Promised Reward!

... And You Have The Choice To Make:

Follow Jesus Christ 
Let Him Be Your Welcoming King
Follow Satan 
Let Jesus Christ Be To You, Your Judge!

I Choose Jesus
By His Grace
I Shall Not From My Position Budge!
Please Join Me!

1 comment:

  1. I Will Call, I Will Wait, And I Will Look To Jesus Christ The Lord, The God Of My Salvation Because I Know By Faith That He Will Hear And He Will Answer Me Because He Sacrificially Loves Me!


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