
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Handsome Dark And Light: Glow Spread

When The King Of Love Shall Come
There Will Be Moths And Cockroaches!
The Moths
Shall Run Unto The Light Of Life
The Cockroaches
Shall Seek To Scamper Into The Darkness!
This Is The Fact Of Life!

It Doesn't Have To Be That Way! 


In The Land Of Man
In A Time Called Now As Then
Lives A Person Called Light!

Wherever Light Went
People Loved How He Shone
That Is Until Handsome Dark
Rolled Up Against Him
Acting All Cool And Sophisticated! 

Handsome Dark Was New-Fangled
Every Body Who Was Anybody
Wanted A Piece Of His Action! 

He Had More Moves Than An Octopus
He Was Acted Like A True Split-Ring:
He Could Get Around Anything
For A Certain Somebody
Allegedly At Any Time! 
He Even Tried To Speak As One Divine! 

You See, Handsome Dark Knew People
Who Knew People
Who Were People With Power 
Prestige And Privileges
As Was To Be Expected
Kindly Light Lost He Lil' Pick!

Poor Light ...! 

Whenever He Would Try To Be A Bright Spot
In De Dark Place
Some Illuminated Smart Person 
Would Offer Him The Seven "G" Salute:

Good Gracious, Grunt! 
Go Graze Green Grass! 

Light Was Considered A Panacea ... For Fools
He Was Disdained 
His Shining Exposed Plain Truth
To Those Who Sought The Good Master
Desired His Grace-Filled Gift Of Eternal Youth! 

It Was So Very Off-Putting That Soon
Light's Soothing And Clearly Beneficial Glow Started 
... I Can Hardly Say The Words ...
Started To Dim
Perceptibly So! 

Dark Days Were Ahead
They Were Of Such Depth That 
Handsome Dark Started Wearing 
... Excuse My Please ... 
A Crown On His Cue-Ball Big Head! 

Certain People Started To Go The "Think" Route
And Very Soon
Things, Strange Things, Started To Happen! 

I Should Tell You What Those Things Were
Such Things Are Not Fit For Decent People
- Those On The Upward Way -
To Converse Over 
As They Have Pear Leaf Tea And Soda Biscuits! 
It's Really Off-Putting!

Well, Well, Well ...

One Well And Truly Handsome Dark-Scheduled Day
Truth Got A Call From Grace
Who Was Walking With Mercy
Who Was Embracing Dear Faith
Who Was Guiding Baby Christian
Who Was Seeking Light


Unused Light Was Doing Poorly!

Light's Points Of Contact
Those Who Should Have Been Working For The King
Were Covering Themselves With Error
Doubt, Gainsaying, Lies, Fables
Other Jesus, Another Gospel
Self, Personal Truth And Alternative Facts
Lord, Help Us
Parasitic  And Putrid Pride! 

The Lord Of Light Was Not Sleeping


Hope Appeared
Heart Whole
She Ever Soooo Gently Roared At Fading Light:

Jesus Christ Saves!
You Are Needed!
Spread Your Glow! 

And Don't You Know
As If Struck By A Cattle Prod
A Tazer
A Downed Electric Wire
A Lightning Bolt
All At One And The Same Time

Light Up And Said:

I Am Light!
I Glow
I Shed Light In Dark Places! 

Hope Replied:

Then Live Up To Your Name! 
Glow More!
Let Your Glow Spread
Give Good Light
To Dispel The Darkness!

Soon, Very Soon, I Tell You
The Whole Place Was Awash In Light
Handsome Dark's Thrall
His Miasma
His Blanket Of Blight
Was Being Dispelled
From The Vicinity Expelled! 

You Should Know That He Did Not Go Quietly
Go, He Did! 

When The Proverbial Dust Had Settled
The Post Mortem Of The Events Performed
Seeking Baby Christian Asked The Million Dollar Question:

Why Was Light's Glow
So Easily Diminished!?! 

Surrounded By Mercy, Grace, Truth, And Faith
Glowing Light Knowingly Replied:

When Light Given To The Christian 
Is Actively Acted Upon
The Christian Receives More Light
For Personal Spiritual Growth
On His Walk To Beulah Land


When Heavenly Light Given
Is Rejected ... Poorly Received
No More Light Is Given
The More Light Received
The More Light Rejected
The More Chastisement
You Shall Receive! 


We Are Responsible For What We Know
For What We Had Opportunity To Know ... But Rejected! 
That Is Treading On Supremely Dangerous Ground! 

What You Know ... Share
Your Knowledge-Base Will Grow! 
As You Grow 
Let Your Life In And For Jesus Christ Glow! 
By So Doing
You Shall Never Know Condemnation's Cruel Blow!

The Way To Salvation
Is Not
A Reality TV Show! 

1 comment:

  1. Father, Fix Me And Help Me To Be Ever Hungry For The Living Light So That I May Accept It, And Act Upon It, And Be Eternally Blessed!


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