
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Foundation AND Fruit!

Did You Know That The Justice Of God
Is The Foundation Of His Throne
The Fruit Of His Love Towards Us?!

No, I Didn't!
Please Explain Yourself Because 
I Don't See The Correlation Between 
Hard Foundation And Soft And Sweet Fruit!

Fruit Has Skin To Peel Back
Skin To Discard
Skin To Retain
Seeds Soft
Seeds Hard
Seeds Edible
Seeds Inedible
Seeds Bitter
Seeds Sweet
Sections Big And Small
Sections Long Short Square Semi-Circular
And More 
And Foundations ... Done Right
Are Deep And Wide, Reinforced
Built Up, Sure And Secure
Fit To And For Service
Rock Solid! 

I Don't Have To Explain Anything To You ...! 

... That's Rude! Really, Really, Rude! 

No, It's Not! 
You Didn't Let Me Finish My Statement! 

Oh, Dear! I'm So Sorry! 

You Should Be! 
Stop Jumping The Gun!! 

As I Was Saying Before
I Don't Have To Explain Anything To You
You Explained It Yourself! 


The Word Of Truth Is Amazing ...

The Lord Is The Rock
Upon Which The Church Is Built
A Sure And Secure Foundation
That Nothing Can Tilt!

The Lord Is Spirit
The Lord Is Life! 
The Lord Is Judge Of Us All
He Protects His People 
From And Through The Strife! 

The Spirit Has Fruit
In Abundance
To Share
Not To Any And Every Body 
To Those Who Declare
Love, Allegiance
Faith, Hope, Trust
Indulging Obedience
Choosing His Leading
Leaving Lying Satan
In Cast-Off Sin's Dust! 

The Fruit Of The Love Of God Towards Us
Comes At A Personal Cost To All Regenerated 
New Birth Believers
It Is Just As You Laid Out
In The Types And Attributes Of The Fruit! 

We Fallen, Sinners,  Have The Fruit Of The Sin Life! 
Almighty God Has The Fruit For The Faith Life! 

The Master Said:

Oh, Taste And See 
The Lord Is Good!

You Know
I Never Understood That Phraseology!

Me, Neither! 

I Could Never Get My Mind Around
Tasting And "Seeing" At One And The Same Time! 

Call Me Simple!
I See Fruit! 
I Desire To Taste Fruit! 
I Fulfill Desire And I Eat The Fruit!

That's A Good Way To Look At The Fruit Of The Spirit!

I Get The Impression
That We Are To "See" With Our Satisfied Stomachs
A Satiated Stomach Is Only Possible
The Taste Buds Say: I Like!
Let This Taste Sensation Be Utterly Consumed!

Depth Of Consumption Is Built Based On Desire
Satisfied Desire Says:

THAT ... Was
THAT ... Is ... Good!

Think On The Text Psalm 85:10!

The Father Is Mercy!
Jesus Is Truth!
The Father Is Righteousness!
Jesus Is Peace!
They Meet And They Kiss
There Is Love! 

Think About It:

To Be Merciful
You Have To Be Able To Execute Justice! 
For There To Be A Demand For Justice
Someone Had To Offend Righteousness
Aka Right-Doing!

Jesus Christ 
- He Who Is The Word
The Way
The Light
The Life Of Mankind
Shows And Tells Us The Truth
Modelling How We Are To Live Before The Father
The Jealous God
Zealous for His Holy Name! 

Jesus Christ ... Shiloh
Our Peace
Made Peace With The Father
By Satisfying His Justice
For The Offence Against His Holy Name
By Bleeding Out Innocent Blood!

Jesus Christ Presents The Fruit Of His Sacrifice
To His Father
We Receive The Credit! 

Indeed! We Are Blessed Beyond Measure!

If Only We Will Now Be Wise Enough To Accept That
Jesus Christ Is Our Forever Treasure!

I Second That  ... We Are Blessed!

So, Brethren,
With That Said
Let's Get To Stepping
Walking In And Living For Truth
Build Upon That Sure And Secure Foundation
Whilst Living In The Gospel Light
Eating Of The Sweet Fruit Of The Spirit
So That We May Receive
What Jesus Christ Purchased For Us
At Infinite Cost!

May The Spirit Of The Living God Descend Upon Us!


Let Us With Gladness
Eat Of The Fruit Of The Spirit
That Gives Blessing Without Ceasing
Which We Can Never Use Up!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lord, Please Help Me Not To Look Back In Thought Or In Deed To The Ways Of The World That I Have Rejected To Walk In Peace With You!


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