
Thursday, July 11, 2019

PRAYER: Thank You, Father, For Your Faithfulness To Me!

I See My Need
And I Come Before You, Father
At The Throne Of Grace
Where All Human Needs Are Well Satisfied!
Thank You For The Loving Invitation!

I Am Blessed, Dear Father
And I Know From Experience That This Is True!
Thank You For Your Faithfulness To Me!
Please Help Me To Be Faithful To You!

In The Living Word 
It Says Plainly That Those Who Will Live Godly Lives
Shall Suffer Persecution
And All Around Your People, Lord
Your Word Is Daily Proved, No Contradiction!

I Have Chosen To Accept Your Offer
Of Christ's Salvation Full And Free
And I Know That The Walk To Glory
Will Involve The Receipt Of Pain By Me!

I Do Not Dread The Way Ahead
Because I Know That The Holy Spirit In Me Abides
For I Have Invited The Lord Christ
Of My Life To Be In Charge
And He Has Promised In The Word
That If I Walk Faithfully, Obediently, With Him
And I Should Die The Death 
Appointed Once To All Mankind
That He Shall Call Me Forth From The Prison-House
Of Death
To Rise Up To Meet Him In The Air
And Thence On To Glory
To Live On The Peaceful Shore!
Let This For Me Be Daily Made Sure!

I Believe The Promises Given
And I Am Blessed Daily By The Promises Already Kept!
I Am Walking By Faith
And Not By Carnal Eyesight
And I Am Living With Hope
Knowing That With The Vagaries Of The Mortal Life
You Will Help Me With Such To Cope!

I Accept That Trials In My Life
Valiantly Overcome Through Dependence On The Lord
Means, Most Assuredly, Gain, Heavenly Gain:
Please Help Me And The Brethren Faithful
Those In The Family
Those Coming Into The Family
And Those Seeking To Find The Lord Of The Family
To Trust And Obey, Work, Watch, And Patiently Wait
Pray And Praise, Worship And Adore
Share The Good News And For Others Care
And Against The Wiles Of The Cruel Enemy Dare To Stand
And That Without Ungodly Fear!

Oh, Father
With Hope, For Love, By Faith
Because Of Truth
I Reach For The Hand That 
Has My Name Engraved In The Palm!
Help Me, Lord, To Live Up To The Value
That You Have Placed On My Soul:
Help Me, Please Help Me
To Make Home With Jesus My Soul's Sole Goal!

Thank You For The Grace!
Thank You For The Mercy!
Thank You For The Spirit Of Truth!
Thank You For The Guardian Angels
And Best Of All
Thank You For The Life Of  
Your Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus
Who Is Ours For Eternity!
We Are Lost And Twice Dead Men Without Him!

Thank You For Hearing My Humble Prayer
And For Always Answering The Prayer Of Faith
Which Is Offered Up In The Name Holy Name Of
Jesus, Blessed Ever!
I Love You, Lord!
We Need You!
Please Come Soon!


  1. Turning Back Is Not An Option: I Am Following After The Lord Christ Wherever He May Lead!

  2. Blessings my sister. I literally just saw your comment on the song on YouTube. Hope you'll see this as well. You can email me to at


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