
Monday, July 22, 2019

Jesus Christ, Alone, Saves!

Well, Friend
You May Say What You Will
I Believe In Christ Jesus!
I Believe He Is The Living Word!
I Believe The Word 

Faithful, Just, Kind
Always True
So, I Can Never Again Be A Member Of
The Wild And Willfully Disobedient Goat Herd!

I Have Heard Almighty God's Truth
I Trust It And I Pray
I Do My Very Best
To Share It Every Day!
So, My Brother And My Sister
Please Come Along With Me
Let Us Tell Others Of Our Joy In Jesus
Be They Friend
Not Yet Friend
Or Even Well-Known Enemy!

Let Us Make A Compact With The Lord Of Life!
Let Us Avidly Deny The Base Bold Liar!
Let Us Not Cherish Known Sin In Our Hearts
Choose From The Ways Of Death To Depart!
From Self And Sin, Let Us Retire!

Jesus Christ Always Saves!
He, Alone, Saves To The Uttermost!
Let Us Rest In Peace
On Truth
For Love Of Him
Never Again Let Satan
Get Between Us
Him Who Cleanses Clean From Sin!
Don't Go Out On The Rotten Limb!

1 comment:

  1. The Only Safe Place For A Child Of Adam's Race Is Under The Everlasting Arms Of Christ Jesus!


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