
Sunday, July 21, 2019

PRAYER: Father, I Desire To Thank Jesus Christ Personally

My Heart Is Grateful
And I Give You All The Praise
My Worship
My Will
My Way!
I Am Willing, Lord, To Do All That You Say!
Thank You For All Your Blessings Upon Me!

Your Requirements Are Not Burdensome
Even Though The Way Is Strait!
I Desire To Walk Straight
Live Right And Do Good
Because I Desire To Sit At Your Welcome Home Table
And Eat Off Of Your Good Plates!
To Thank Jesus Christ Personally
I Am Making A Date!

I Wish I Could Help Some Of My Brethren Understand
That You Mean What You Say
That You Are Never Unkind
And If You Must Chastise Your Children Called
It Is For Our Good
And Out Of Sacrificial Love For Us All!
It Is The Only Way To Get Right
To Get Home After Our Unnecessary Fall!

The Earth Is Groaning!
Satan Is Raging!
Many Seemingly Innocent People Are Dying
The Under-Shepherds Of Your Sheep, Dear Lord
Are Crying, Crying
For Pounds, No Pence
Dollars, No Cents
And Have Taken Total Leave Of Their Senses
Seemingly Ignoring The Facts That
Your Holy Account Reconciliation
Has No Float
And They Must Give Accounting To You
The Lord Of All
For Any Missing Person
For Every Missing Groat!
How I Pray For Them To Awaken From Sleep!

We Need Help, Father
And I Am Pleading, Please
For The Boy, The Girl
The Mother, The Father
The Daughter, The Son
Who Is Following After Folly
Looking To Have Fun, Fun, Fun
Because They Are Listening 
To The Siren Song Of Sin
Colored And Lit The Senses To Delight!
Please Help Us For Faith To Aggressively Fight!

Those Of Us Who Choose
To Live According To Your Basics
Are Called Fundamentalists
And A Problem For The Body Politic
That To The Household Of Faith
Is A Ticking Timebomb
Just Waiting For The Moment
When Upon Us They May Let Loose!

Lord, Please Help Us!
We Have Heaven To Gain
And Hell To Refuse!
Help Us To Remain To The Master, Faithful!

Father, Dear Father
We Can See The Signs Of The Times
Just As Well As We See The Day's Weather
It Is For This Reason, Lord
That We Choose To Follow After You
And Not The Lying Other!

Please Bless Us To Do Your Will
Now, Today, Since There Is No Tomorrow
For In The Living Word It Clearly States
That Tomorrow Is Promised To No Man
And Now Is The Acceptable Time
To Seek After Soul Salvation
If It Is Our Singular Desire
To Walk And Live And Work 
In The Heavenly Land!

Forgive Us Of Our Sins
Because We Confess And We Repent!
Cleanse Us Of All Unrighteousness
Because We Accept Your Word That
There Is No Profit In Lawlessness
Bless Us To Glorify Your Holy Name
And To Praise The Beloved Jesus
In Whose Matchless Name
We Humbly Pray
And Believing, Plead!
We Love You!
Please Come Soon!

1 comment:

  1. I Know That My Redeemer Lives, And I Know Of A Surety That He Sacrificially Loves Me! I Love You, Lord!


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