
Saturday, July 20, 2019


Okay! This Is How It Will Work:
Someone Will Say Something
Somebody Else Will Say Something Else
To Make The Word Whole!
Are You Ready!?!

Yes, Ma'am!!!

How Far From Home ...!?!

... We Are Nearing Home!

But ...!

... Goats But!

How Shall We Stand ...!?!

... Except In The Faith Of Jesus!?!

Satan ...!

... Is The Liar
And The Father Of Lies
Who Desires To Hurt The Lord Christ
So That Is Why He Insinuates Himself
Into Our Daily Lives!

Jesus ...!

... Is The Way
The Truth And The Life ...!

... And He, It Is, Who Loves Us
It Is By His Life
That We Shall Have A Life That
Ever Blessed!

Blessed ...

... Are They That Keep His Commandments
For They Shall Have Right To The Tree Of Life
And Shall Enter In Through The Gates
And Into The City!

Why ...!?!

... Art Thou Cast Down, Oh, My Soul
And Why Art Thou Dispirited Within Me!?!

Hope ...!

... Thou In God!
... Springs Eternal!

God Is ...!

... Not Slack Concerning His Promises
The Way That Men Count Slackness!

It Is ...!

... By The Lord's Mercies That
We Are Not Consumed!

Be Not ...!

... Forgetful To Entertain Strangers
For Thereby Some Have Entertained Angels

Very Good!
Now I Will Pose The Last One:

And No Marvel ...!

... For Satan Himself Is Transformed
Into An Angel Of Light!

Well Done!
This Satan Is The Topic Of Our Study Today!
To Learn The Truth About The False
What Are We To Do!?!

We Are To Study The Truth!
We Are To Study About Truth!

Do We Know What Is Soon To Burst Upon The Earth!?!

Indeed, We Do!
Great Deception!

Since You Say "Great Deception"
Can You Identify A Couple Of Those
Deceptive Things For Us!?!

One Is For There To Be Known-Dead Friends And Relatives 
Walking, Talking, Interacting!

Another Is A Secretly-Returned Jesus 

Physically Walking Upon The Earth
And Blessing And Healing People
And Using The Very Words That Jesus Used
When He Was First Upon The Earth!

And A Third Will Be
The Seventh-Day, Bible, Sabbath Mandated Changed
To The Sunday-Sabbath!

Listen Up, Brethren!
A Regenerated Christian Is A Bright Buoy
In An Ocean Of Doubt And False Religion
To The Preserved Word Of Truth
The Living Word Of God
Lit From Within
Giving That Glow Of "Light"
Marking The Safe Way
The Way That Leads To Heavenly Delight!

A Regenerated Christian Is A Light-House
Warning Of The Wrecking Rocks
- That Foe Of The Soul, Satan -
Shouting Silently
Silently Shouting That
"The Way Of The Cross Leads One Safely
To The Forever Home!"

A Regenerated Christian Is Tasty Salt
Preserving Salt
Without Whom The Whole Earth
Will Become Spoiled ... By Unchecked Sin!

But ...!?!

Unsalty Salt Is Good For Nothing
Is Just Cast Aside To Be Walked Upon!
It Has Failed In Its Mission!

Whoa! This Is Serious!

Very Serious!

The True Word Of The Lord Is A Strong Tower!
Truth Matters!
Salt Matters!
Light Matters!
Hope Matters!
Grace Matters!
Mercy Matters! 
Jesus Christ Matters!
The Holy Spirit Matters!
The Holy Angels Matter!

Our Father Who Is In Heaven
Has Given Unto Us
A Bold Task That Matters
That Is Meaningful
To All Who Inhabit The Earth!

Let Me Be Blunt:

The Lord Christ Did Not Have An Itching Finger
Desiring To Write A Notable Book
Just For Kicks
Just To Get On The Times Best Seller Book-List!
The Lord Christ Provided Unto Us
The Good Book Of Saving Knowledge
Reading It ... Loving It
Using Its Advice
Our Greatest Privilege!

If We Don't Read The Word
How ... As Promised
Can The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Bring Its Words Back To Our Remembrance
When, For Our Faith, We Are Called Before 
The Judges, The Kings, The Rulers Of This World
To Give An Accounting!?!

The Living Word That Speaks Only Truth
Matters To All Mankind!

The Lord Who Gave The Living Word Unto Us
Holy, Loving, Giving, Blessing, Divine
Always Kind
It Is Not His Desire That Any Should Perish
That Any Should Be "Left Behind"
Left Out
Cast Off ... Cast Out
Into The Lake Burning With Brimstone And Fire
The Place Prepared For Deceitful, Destructive
Murdering, Unrepentant
Unholy Satan And His Angels!

Almighty God Says That He Is Jealous For His Name!
His Name Is His Character!
The Bible Is The Transcript Of The Holy God's Character
So, Therefore
The Lord Is Jealous For His Word
For How We Use Or Don't Use His Holy Word!

Would You Be Jealous Of Something That Is Not Real!?!

Of Course Not!
I Would Venture To Say That 
When We Touch The Word Of God That 
We Are Touching Almighty God!

I Have To Agree With You!
The Word Says That
Jesus Christ Is Our Life
Our Way To Life Everlasting
The Word Testifies Of Him!

With Loving, Respectful, Humble Hands
Touch The Word, Friends
You, Indeed, Touch The Living God!

Here's A Warning For Us All:

A Person Using The Pseudonym, JungleCogs
Shared This Quote
On Another Matter
I Like It For This Topic We're Discussing Today!

JungleCogs Wrote:

Also remember... "Anyone who wants you disarmed
wants you defenseless,
and no one who wants you defenseless
wants it because it’s good for you."

Lord, How I Pray That This Person
Personally Knows You As Savior
Lord And God!


This Statement Appears ... To Me
To Be Ripped, Though Paraphrased
From The Good Book Of Truth And Righteousness
Which ... Those Of Us Who Are Reading, Studying
Paying Attention And Obeying Know
Is The ... Is Our Plan Of Defense
In An Offensive Game Called
Kill The Shepherd ... Already Happened
The Sheep Will Scatter
Even Unto
Kill The Sheep ... Before, Now And Later

Without Them Knowing The Truth
The Good Shepherd's Sacrifice For Them All
Won't Matter At All!

Satan And His Minions
Desire Us To Indulge The Deadlies
Namely, Deceit, Greed
Envy, Lust, Hatred, Emulation
Murder, Idolatry, Covetousness

And The Like!

The Lord Christ
Desires That We Touch His Extended Hand
The Hand Of Help, Hope, Truth, Faith
Righteousness, Goodness, Blessing, Peace, Rest
Forgiveness, Salvation
And More!

Without The Lord Jesus Christ
We Are Unarmed 
Completely Defenseless!
We Are At The Mercy Of Those Elements
Which Are Calling, Leading, Driving Us
To Soul Damnation!

Beware, Not The Ides Of March!
Beware, Not The Trojan Horse
Nor The Tempest In The Tea-Pot!

Beware The "Bible" That Teaches That
Almighty God Is Fickle
Almighty God Merciless
Almighty God Is Vengefully Cruel
Almighty God Will Save You In Your Known Sin
That Teaches That You Cannot Get Victory Over Sin
That Teaches That There Is A Way-Station Called Purgatory
That Teaches That Jesus Will Return Secretly For His People
Leave The "Unready" Behind 
To Suffer For A Seven-Year Tribulation
Where They Will Be Purged And Made Good Enough
To Go To Heaven When The Set Time Is Up
That Teaches That A Fallen Man Can Forgive You Your Sin
Against The Holy God
That You Are A God
That The Earth Is Our Mother God
That The Celestial Bodies Are God
That God Is In Every Thing!


Get Into Your King James Bible
The Known-Preserved Word Of The Living
You Will Know Who The Real God Of Glory Is
The Holy God Whose Extended Hand Of Help
We Are Invited To Reach Out And Touch
To Be Ever Blessed And Eternally Saved!

With The Preserved Word In Our Hands
Read, Understood, Believed, Stored
Utilized Daily
We Are Well And Truly Armed For 
The Mortal Strife
The Battle Of The Ages!

Please, I Beseech Us All
On The Side Of Jesus The Christ
By The Blessed Holy Spirit
With The Able Protection Of The Holy Angels
In Prayerful, Faithful, Enduring Obedience
See That You Unmoving Stand!
Our Father Is In Heaven!
We Are Called To Life In The Glorious Land!

A Defective Weapon Of Defence
The Same As Not Having
Any Weapon At All!

1 comment:

  1. The Word Of The Living God Lights The Path Upon which This Sojourner's Feet Must Travel On The Way To The Glorious Kingdom Where Love Dwells!


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