
Monday, August 19, 2019

A Birthday Prayer

Thank You, Father
For The Blessing Of Today!
I Will Always Love You
Is My Longing Heart's Prayer!

I Am Trusting You, Lord Jesus!
My Heart Belongs To You!
By Your Grace, I Will Not Turn To False Gods
Nor Practice Unrighteousness
And Deny Myself A Peaceful Possession
Living In Heaven With You!

I Cannot Lift A Hand To Help Myself
Without Your Permission
Without Your Hand Of Love
And So I Choose To Lean On You
Trusting Your Goodness
This Life To Carry Me Through!

You Give Good Gifts!
Your Grace Is Free!
You Pay Personal Attention
To All That Concerns Me
And For This Dear Father
Dear Savior
Dear Redeemer
Dearest Friend
I Ask You ... In Humility
To Continue To Lead Me, Guide Me
Teach Me, Feed Me
Direct And Correct Me
And Protect Me 
Against That Fierce Adversary Of My Soul
Until My Life Shall End!
Heaven At The Last Trumpet Is My Goal!

I Desire You!
I Desire To Do Your Will!
I Desire To Walk In Your Ways
No Matter What The Objecting World Says
Because, In You, I Have Hope
I Have Help And I Have Healing
You Have Promised Me
The Spiritual Life
The Holy Character Upgrade
Eternal Life Blessings!

Help Me To Hear You
To See Life As You Will
To Do Your Will
According To Your Way
So That I Am Blessed
And For My Own Sin
I Do Not Have To Pay!

Help Me To Honor You In All That I Do!
Help Me Not To Indulge In Feint Praise!
Help Me, Beloved Master
Loving Lord
Kind King
To Live By Your Light
So That I May Receive Your Commendation
Your Promised Eternal Reward!

Thank You, Lord
For Your Myriad Blessings Upon Me!
Bless Me Again, I Pray
With Faithful Obedience
Willing Endurance
Grace For My Journey
Strength For My Walk On The Strait And Narrow Way!

I Pray For The Outpouring Of Your Holy Spirit Upon Me
And For The Indwelling That Shall See Me
Walking With You In Constancy!
I Pray For And Ask That
As You Pour Out Of Your Sweet Spirit
Upon All Flesh As Prophesied
Please Remember Me And My Brethren
In The Household Of Faith In A Special Way
Grant Us A Double Portion
So That We May Perform Mightily
Spreading The Good News Gospel Of Truth
Reminding The World That 
Saturday Is Still The Fourth-Commandment Sabbath
Jesus Christ Is Coming Soon
Satan Is Always The Liar
And Urging Them To Save Themselves
By Honoring, Worshiping And Obeying
The Word Of The True And Living God
So That They Shall Have Good Angels
Excelling In Strength
To Influence Them To Do Good
And Live Right
And To Protect Them In Their Striving For Eternal Life!

Oh, Father
How I Pray That By Your Holy Spirit
That Conviction Will Come To Them
And They Will Become Convinced
That Your Holy Love For Each One Of Us 
Does Not Relent!
Oh, How I Pray For Them, Lord
That They Will Confess Their Known Sin
With Humility, Before You
Our Holy God
They Will, With Contrite Hearts
Sincerely, Sincerely, Repent!

May We Recognize That Your Grace
Gives Us Mercy
Which Is At All Times Now Present
Available And Free
Reach Out With The Hope That Comes Of Faith
For The Extended Hand
That Is Our Hope, Our Help
And Our Sure Salvation
That Is Preparing For Each Child Willing
In The Mansions Of The Blessed
A Personal Place!

Thank You For Life!
Thank You For Love!
Thank You For Forgiveness, Peace And Rest
Thank You Most Kindly For The Blessed Sacrifice
That Calls Me To Present My Boldly
At Your Throne Of Grace
In The Realm Above!

I Love You, Lord!
My Life Is Yours!
Please Grant Unto Me These Few Petitions
According To Your Will
And Ever In Your Way
And Always In Your Time
For I Ask Them In The Holy Name Of
The Lord Blessed Forever
Jesus Christ The King!
Please Come For Us Soon!

1 comment:

  1. Even Though It May Bring Me Trials, Father, I Pray For Ever-Increasing Faith: Please Hold My Trembling Hand!


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