
Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Here's A Novel Thought:
We, Fallen Humans
Can Teach The Almighty God Something ...!

... Lord Help Us!
You Can't Be Serious!?!
What Have You Been Sipping!?!

I'm Not Serious 
I Am Serious
I Am Setting This Published "Thinking" Before You!

Ofra, I Think You May Want To Explain Yourself!

Very Well!
We Were Not With The Lord 
In The Beginning Of His Creation
So We Could Not Have Given Him Instructions!

We Were Not With The Lord 
When It Was Decided That 
He Should Become A Man 
Dwell Among Us
Die The Cursed Death To Save Us
So We Could Not Have Given Him Penetrating Advice!

We Are Not With The Lord Now
As He Is In Heaven's Most Holy Place
Personally Interceding For Each One Of Us Individually
Soooo, We Are Not His Co-Counsel
His Co-Mediator!

We Are Not The Second-Beloved, Begotten, Son Of God
So We Are Not Permitted 
Into The Intimate Counsels Of The Eternal God ...!

... This Is Starting To Sound Like 
Satan's Nobody Tells Me Anything Grouse!

Bear With Me! I'm Going Somewhere With This!

Very Well!

Look Around Us!
We Are Called Believers
Christians ... Christ Followers
And, Yet We Are Behaving Just Like The World
We Desire, And Are Trying, To Tell Almighty God That
He Doesn't Live Here
That He Doesn't Know How It Feels
To Be Mortal And Helpless
Needy, Hopeless
Always Wanting ... Never Satisfied
Worried, Wandering, Wondering
Tempted, Tested, Tried
Persecuted, Prosecuted
Hated, Hounded
Demeaned, Denounced
Accused ... And Alienated!

Oh, Dear!
I See Where You're Going With This!

How Can We Accuse
Teach ... Direct
Even Dare To Try To Correct
The Lord Christ, Our High Priest
Who Is Touched By The Feelings Of Our Infirmities
Without Sin!?!

It Takes An Exceedingly Blasphemous Spirit 
To Try To Tie That One On!

If We Can Teach Almighty God
Hands Down, We Are Almighty God! 

If Almighty God Can Learn From Us
Plainly Stated, He Is Not Almighty God!

The So-Called "Eternal" God Who Learns
The So-Called God Who Changes
If Our God 
The God We Loving Serve And Preach
Learns ... Changes
He Is Neither Omniscient
Nor Omnipresent
Nor Omnipathic! 
He Is, Then, A Bold Fraud
We Are Not Saved!

We'd Be Following The Lord Christ In Vain!

Mortal Man Known Fickle
Changes Every Moment Of Every Day
Almighty God
- As Stated In The Living, Living Word Of God -
Does Not ... Cannot ... Change:

His Mercies Are New Every Morning!

Almighty God Never Changes
He Is Eternal
- Knowing The End From The Beginning
And All Points In Between -
We Change
We Are Finite
- Needing Leading And Guidance -
There Is Nothing That We Can Do That 
We Can Do Without The Eternal God!

Know The Eternal God
Spot Your Mortal Enemy ...

Doubt ... Compliments Of The Adversary Of Souls
A Nasty, Nasty Disease!
It Instills Questions!
It Engenders Disbelief!
It Encourages Trespasses
Sin ... With No Known Cause
Is The Scourge Of Man
The Off-Scouring Of Satan
The Wannabe God!

The Living God Is Eternal!
His Word Is Immutable!
He Is Wisdom!
He Is Truth!
He Ever Was And Is
He Ever Shall Be
No Created Being 
Can Successfully Challenge His Sovereign Will
Can Manipulate His Will
Can Change His Law
Can Set Aside His Counsels
Can Undo What He Has Done
Can Stay His Hand From Performing His Will
His Eternal Plan ...!

... Wait, Wait, Wait!
Why Is This Even A Subject For Discussion!?!
This Is A Lost Cause ...!

... Leading To The Deception Of A Lot Of People
Who Seem Not To Know
What's Good For Them!

Known-Time Is Getting Short!
Satan Has His Failing, Faded-Glory Show On The Road
Men With Cold Hearts
Cruel Hands
Gainsaying Spirits
Perverse Natures
Disrespectful, Doubting, Attitudes
Who Refuse By The Living God To Good To Be Led
Are Rearing Up
Willing To Kill What They Can't Cure
The Cure Requires Them
By Jesus Christ The Righteous
To Be Daily, Moment By Moment, Fed!

To Sin, Self, Sinning And Satan
We Are To Die
That Requirement 
Renders The Worldly-Wise Damnably Defiant
Self-Righteously Resistant
To The One Who Saves
Whom They Defy
- Satanically Illuminated -
Supposedly, Deftly, Defy!

"Wise" Men Want To Fix The Spiritual
By Employing Physical, Carnal, Temporal, Means!

The Carnal Heart Is At Enmity
An Enemy Of The Eternal God!

May God Have Mercy Upon Us!

The Man Who Dares To Question
To Challenge
To Openly Denigrate
Almighty God's Rights Over Him
- As His Creator, Provider, Sustainer -
A Real And Present Danger
To Himself
To Others!

That Kind Of Spirit Will Do Anything
And That Without Godly Fear!

Doubt Is Contagious!
Disbelief Is Contagious!
Gainsaying Is Contagious!
Rebellion Is Contagious ...!

... And We All Know That Rebellion
As The Sin Of Witchcraft
That Declared And Universally-Known Abomination
Which Leads To Death
Eternal Damnation
Which Is Eternal Separation From The Lord Christ
From Almighty God!

This Is Seriously Dangerous Talk!

You're Telling Me!!

Man Cannot Teach God Anything!

But ...

Man Can Teach Man
How To Walk In The Light Of Life
In The Presence Of The Holy God
The Everlasting King
The Lord Of Earth And Glory!

Humble Yourselves! 
Let's All Humble Ourselves!

Know And Take Your Place
Reason With The Lord
By Royal, Holy, Decree
You've Been Invited So To Do
In The Name Of Jesus Christ
Please Do Not Ever Try To Tell The Eternal God Holy
What Is Almighty God's Business!
No Good Can Come Of It!

Can A Baby In His Mother's Womb
Defy Nature
Rejecting Nurture
Live And Prosper!?!

That's One Foolish Question That 
Makes Total Sense!

Be Wise ...

Be As A Child ... With Childlike Faith
Trust The Way Of The Cross
The Word Of The Lord
Almighty God's Sacrificial Love For Us
We Shall See Him In Peace
Faith To Face
Face To Face
In That Grand And Glorious
Heavenly Place!

In The Name Of The Lord Jesus
Please Do Not End Your Journey To Eternity
Like The Condemned, Cast Out, Damned Satan
Known The Everlasting Disgrace!

In Heaven
You Have A Prepared Place: Satan Does Not!
Please Do Not Let Him Rob You Of
Your God-Given Lot!

If We Are So Foolish
We Will Deserve The Lord's Served Cold
Judgment Of Damnation
Cannot Be Changed ...!

... No Mercy Applied Blot!

I Don't Know About You
I Intend By The Living God's Great Grace
To Keep What, By Faith, I've Got!


1 comment:

  1. That Forbidden "Treat" Which Sweetens The Disobedient Goat's Mouth Will Always Aggressively Burn Him In His Nether Parts: Dear Lord, Please Help Me To Be An Obedient Sheep Of The Safe Fold Of The Eternal God!


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