
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Impressed With The Creature!?!

I Was Impressed With The Creature
I Came To Personally Know The Creator!

I Was Impressed With The Sight Of Earthly Mansions
I Learned Of And Then Couldn't Get My Mind Around
The Thought Of The Father's Many Mansions In Glory!
I Can't Even Visualize Glory!

I Was Impressed With The Idea Of Earthly Riches
I Realized That In Heaven 
I Shall Walk On Streets Of Gold!

I Was Impressed With The Pleasures Of Earth
I Understood That
The Things God Has Prepared For His People
Eye Has Not Seen
Ear Has Not Heard
To Put It Plainly
The Half Has Never Been Told!

When I Consider The Gift Of Eternity
Time On Earth Is Not Even A Jot!

When I Consider Life Eternal
The Life Of Sin Is Not Worth A Tittle!

When I Consider That I Shall Have Wings
Like The Eagle
The Jet-Setting Class Really Looks Shallow 
Their Efforts To Impress Are, Indeed, Feeble!

I Am No Longer Impressed With Airs And Graces!
I Am Humbled That Jesus Christ Left Heavenly Places
To Come To Earth
To Live As I Live
To Show Me The Way To Righteously Live
So That I May Live In Eternity With Him!

I Have Sure And Secure Goals
If I Have To Walk On Coals
Go Down To The Depths Of The Sea
Cross The Desert Of Despair
Off My Head, Lose Every Hair
Ultimately Surrender The Only Life I Have To Give
At The Time Appointed
Eternity With Christ 
Where The Brethren Shall See Me!
The Lord's Gifts Are Not Given In A Sieve!

By His Grace, I Shall Not The Lord's Dear Name Disgrace!
I Am Choosing With Him To Take My Place!
I Am A Child, A Student, A Servant
I Am Laying Claim To My Gift Of Life Eternal
The Treasures That Lead Me Safely There
I Am Eagerly Unwrapping And Unpacking
To Get Known Sin Out Of My Life
Selfish, Self-Serving, Self, I Am Attacking
With Jesus As My Help, My Hope
My Guardian, Guide, And Stay
No Gift Of Love
For My Good
For His Glory
Will I Ever By Lacking!

I Have Peace, Perfect Peace, With The Master 
Who Does Not Stint On The Blessings
Who Is Willing The Repentant Sinner To Forgive
Who Extends The Helping, Holy, Hand
To The Child Who Sees His Need
Who To, And Through, Green Pastures
His Obedient Sheep He Gently Leads!

Truth Be Now Told
I Am No Longer Impressed With Fallen Man Bold
I Know ... For Real
The Holy Son Of God
The Creator
My God
The Soon-Returning King
The Loving Son Of Man!

Let's Walk Together, Brethren
To The Heavenly Land!

1 comment:

  1. The Word Of The Living God Is Sure, His Love For Me Is Pure, And My Home with Him Is Secure Because Of The Blood Of That Innocent Sacrifice! Lord, I Believe: Please Lead Me Gently Home!


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