
Wednesday, August 14, 2019


We Who Call Ourselves The People Of God
Who Swear By Our Parents' Faith
Who Have Found Our Own Faith
Who Dare To Speak ... By Agenda  ... Influencing Others
Would Greatly Benefit Self ... And Others
We Would Talk Less And Pray More!

Falling Away ...

I Am Appalled!

One Mommy Said That 
She Gave Up Her Faith In God 
To Protect Her Child In Their Chosen Lifestyle!

One Child Said That 
Her Mother Has More Faith In Her 
Than She Has In Any God!

One Pastor Gave Up His Decades-Long Christian Ministry 
To Be An Ally, An Advocate
A Help For And To His Son In His Preferred Lifestyle!

Several Ministers, Professors In Academia
Several "Christian" Physicians Agreed 
Decided That
The Immutable Word Of God Is Erroneous 
Existing Out Of Touch And Time
Certain Texts
Offensive To Sensitive, Fallen, Man's Sensibilities
"Needed" To Be Erased From The Canon!

Isn't The Creator God Still Seated On His Throne!?!

Aren't We Creatures Still Subject To The Will
The Sovereign Will Of 
The Eternal God ... Alone!?!

 Suprise: No Surprise ...

Our Feet Dance 
To The Rhythm That Our Engaged Heart Beats! 

Doubt In The Goodness, The Blessings
The Benefits 
From Almighty God
 Causes Us To Look Around ... Left, Right, And Behind
To See Who Has What
To See Who Is Apparently "Prospering"
Even Though We Know It Is From Known-Evil Activity!

In This Light
We Would Do Well To Remember Lot's Wife
Who Looked Back ... After Having Experienced 
The Visibly-Plain Salvation Of The Lord! 

Mrs. Lot Dearly Cherished What Could Be Replaced
Boldly, Willfully, Despised
The Blessing Of God ... Which Makes One Truly Rich
As Warned
Perished For Her Gross Folly!
She Is Damned Forever!
She Will Be Consumed In The Lake Of Fire!

Pointed Questions Must Be Asked ...

How Does Enabling Known-Sin 
Benefit The Willful-Sinner And The Complicit Enabler
Where Will They Spend Their "Profits!?!"

What Makes This Behavior Different
From What Lucifer The Liar Did In Heaven!?!

Why Would We Even Dare To Believe That
The Almighty God Glorious
Will Handle This Bold Treachery
Any Less Firmly That He Did Lucifer's!?!

Know The Right ...

He Who Is Not Sowing With The Lord Christ
Plucking Up That Which Was Planted!
He Is A Destroyer!

He Who Is Not Willing To Give Up
All Things
- Relationships, Associations
Houses, Lands -
For The Love Of The Lord
Shall Not Enter Into Eternal Life!

We, All, As Regenerated Christians
Must Reach The One-Way Path 
Make The Final Decision
To Commit To The Lord Christ Completely
Willingly Let Go Of People
- The Silken Cords Of Affection -
Husbands, Wives, Brothers, Sisters,
Children, Friends, Relations
Well-Wishers And Even Beloved Naysayers
Head To Zion ... No Looking Back
No Doubting The Will
Nor The Way
Nor The Ways Of The Lord!

It Is Hard
Assuredly Doable
We Will Be Equipped For The Fray!

Do We Desire Sure Salvation For Our Loved Ones!?!

Of Course!

Since We Do
Are We To Be Willing To Give Up Eternal Prosperity
For Fleeting, Temporal, Tawdry, Emotionalism 
Unprofitable Gain!?!

No! A Thousand Times, No!

A Personal Note ...

I Am Encouraging The Child Of My Loins
To Make His Decision For Christ
So That We Will Meet Up In The Eternal City!

I've Also Made It "Rabidly" Plain That
Whether He Chooses To Get To Heaven ... Or Not
I Intend, By God's Grace, To Get There! 

If He Chooses Not To Make The Journey
- It Is A Choice -
I Will Miss Him During That Period Before The Lord
Wipes Away All Tears From Our Eyes
After That
"I Don't Want To Be You!"


Every Single, Solitary, Thing, Emotion, Desire
On Planet Earth
That Excludes The Lord Christ
A Waste Of Time, Talent, Energy, Life
Not Worthy Of Our Acceptance!

The Lord Doesn't Sleep
Is Not Blind
Is Not Unfeeling
Doesn't Stutter!

The Lord Is Not A Man
He Cannot Lie!

The Lord Asks Us To Pray ... Always
- Unceasingly -
In The Instant The Need Arises!

You Know Its Name ...

All Lawlessness Is Sin!
All Willful Sin Is Presumptuousness
If You, For A Moment, Doubted It
Check Judge Samson, King Saul,
Ananias And Sapphira, Disciple Judas
And Hophni And Phineas!

All Unrepented Of Sin
Sin Unforgiven! 

As The Sin Of Witchcraft
Witchcraft Is An Abomination
In The Holy Sight Of The Eternal God!

No One Boldly, Willfully, Living An Abominable Lifestyle
Shall See The Lord Christ In Peace
Or Enter Into Eternal Life!

And, Furthermore ...

There Will Not Be Any Immortal Sinners
No Matter Which Religious Denomination 
Deceitfully Dares Say Otherwise!

Immortality Is The Domain Of The Divine God
Only Those Who Adhere To His Particulars
Will Enjoy The Gift Promised
To His Faithful, Obedient, Enduring
Aka Self-Denying Children
To Be Given!

Trust God Wholeheartedly
Diligently, Importunately, Pray For People
Choose To Live By Faith
Not Unholy, Immoral, Changeable
Fickle Eye-Sight!
Omniscience Is Always Better For Us!

I, Praying
Know That We, Willing, Faithful
- Obedient Unto Death -
Shall See Our Jesus In Perfect Peace!
I Pray That You Will See It The Same Way!


Anything The Lord Asks Us To Do
He Equips Us With The Means
To Gain Success
Aka The Blessing!

When You Know The Right
You Must Not Neglect
To Do The Will Of God
To Walk In The Ways Of Righteousness
You Become The Same As The One
Who Knew To Do Right
Chose To Do Wrong:
Punishment Is Meted Out
Sins Of Commission
Sins Of Omission
For Willful Sin
For Facilitating Sinning!


Jesus Christ Cannot Make Mistakes
Obedience To His Will
Pays Off Eternally Gloriously!!

1 comment:

  1. It Won't Be Long Until We Will Be Going Home To Be With The Lord! Father, Please Help Us To Be Obedient, Staying On The Path Of Truth And Righteousness, So That We May Hear The Desired Words: "Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant! Enter Into The Joy Of Your Lord!"


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