
Monday, September 23, 2019

Dear Father, Please Accept My Prayer!

I Come Before You, Father
Because I Believe That You Are God, Almighty God!
I Have No Other God But You!

I Bow Before You
Because I Believe That You Are Worthy To Be Worshiped!
I Will Not Bow Down Before Useless Idols
Who Neither Hear, Speak, See Or Walk
And Must Be Carried!

I Make My Petition Before You, Father
Because I Believe That You Will Answer Faithful Prayers
And I Know That You Are Ever Faithful To Your Children!

I Look Unto You
Because You Are The Ancient Of Days
All-Seeing, All-Knowing, And Ever-Present
Who Is Touched By All That Concerns Me!
Thank You For That Sweet Holy Spirit
Who Is My Comforter, My Teacher Who Guides And Chides!

I Sing Your Praises
Because The Living Word Says Praise Is Comely
And I Am Always Comforted Thereby!
Thank You For The Good Influence And Able Protection
Provided By The Holy Angels Who Excel In Strength!

I Trust Your Word
Because I Accept The Word That Says That You Are Truth!
I Am Grateful For Your Constancy, Your Faithfulness
Your Goodness, Your Love, Your Loyalty!
Jesus Christ Is The Word And My Light, My Life!

Thank You For The Promise That Says
It Is Not Your Wish That Any Should Perish
But That All Should Come To Repentance!
Please Help Us To Rightly See Our Condition
And Understand And Seek After Him
Who It Is That We Desperately Need!

I Think About You, Father
Because It Brings Pleasure To My Heart
And Because I Desire To Be Like Christ!
The Lord Is The Strength Of My Life:
There Is No One About Whom I Should Be Afraid!

I Look Forward To Seeing You Face To Face
Because You Are The God Who Has Given Me Light
Who Has Removed Darkness From My Naturally Sinful Heart!

I Desire To Be Where You Are, Father
Because Where You Are Is Truly Home!
Jesus Christ Promised That He Is Preparing A Place For Me
In One Of The Many Mansions In Your House!
Please Help Me To Get There Safely!

I Want To Be In Your Presence
Because It Is You Who Never Left Me
To Walk In The Wicked World Alone!
I Trust Your Love!

I Come, Father
Because Of Your Love For Me
Your Willingness To Sacrifice Your Best Treasure
Your Only Son ... My Jesus
To Make A True And Holy Way For Me
From Death To Life
Via His Cruel Death On Dark Mount Calvary!
Please Help Me Not To Crucify Him Afresh!

I Cannot Be Ungrateful!
I Will Not Be Unthankful!
I Can No Longer Live The Unholy Life!

I Bow In Belief!
I Live With Love!
I Sing Of Salvation!
I Walk With Wisdom!
I Pray With Perseverance!
I Dwell Upon Deliverance!
Redemption Is Near!

I'm Guided Because Of Grace!
I'm Fed Because Of Mercy!
I'm Daily Taught Living Truth!

I Trust Your Holiness!
I Believe In Your Forgiveness!
I Crave Your Choice Blessings!
I Am Greedy To Gain
The Promised Portion In The Lord Christ's Glory!

I Desire The Walk That Will See Me Constantly Growing
In Grace, For Love, With Hope!
Thanks For The Gift Of Daily Faith!

I Am Your Obedient Child:
Please Bless Me And Guide Me!

I Am Your Willing Servant:
Please Direct Me And Let Me Ever In Your Presence Abide!

I Am An Eager Student In The School Of King Jesus:
Please Equip Me, Teach Me, Feed Me, Stretch My Mind
Ever In Your Godly, Righteous, Holy Way
And Please Help Me Never To Permit 
Worldly Imaginations, Trinkets, And Follies
To Blind My Now Clearly-Seeing-Christ Eyes
To Your All-Encompassing Truth!
I Desire To See The Lord High And Lifted Up!

I Am Available To You, Dear Father
And I Am Willing In Your Vineyard, Your Fields, To Work!
I Desire The Knowledge That Will Give Me Eternal Understanding
Wisdom That Will See Me, Hear Me, Saying 
With The Beloved On The Great And Glorious Day:

This Is Our God: We Have Waited For Me Him
And He Will Deliver Us!
This Is My God And He Is Provened Faithful!

I Love You, Father
With All That Is In Me
And I Ask You Please To Accept My Prayer
For I Plead All In The Name Of Shiloh
The Prince Of Peace!
Please Come For Us Soon!

1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Love You More And More With Each Every Passing Day, Being Rooted And Grounded In Living Truth, So That In The Dark Days Ahead, That Shall Try Men's Souls, Nothing And Nobody Can Shake My Faith, My Love, For You My God Holy!


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