
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ONLY THE WILLING: Jesus Christ Saves!

Friends Make Us Sound Better Than We Are
Enemies Make Us Sound Worst
There Are None Who Can Make Our Holy
Forever-Friend Jesus Christ The Righteous
Better Or Worse Than He Is
Nor Can Their Downsizing The Magnitude
Negate The Effects Of Sin's Curse!

Jesus Christ 
Creator God Eternal
Son Of The Father
Destroyer Of Satan The Fraud
He Is Our Savior
Our Redeemer
Our One True Friend That Is Soon To Return
To Put A Period To Sin
To Shut It Down
Destroying It Forever
Making Sure It Has No Offspring
Ensuring That It Will Never Rise Up Again!

Jesus, Himself
In The Living Word Of Truth
Tells Us Exactly Who He Is
What He Did For One And All
What He Is Doing For Those Who Answer Salvation's Call
What He Shall Surely Do
For The Faithful ... The Believing
His Loving Children True!

Jesus Christ Also States Clearly
What The Unfaithful ... The Doubter
The Wicked, The Profane
Should Clearly Not Expect To Receive
Even As He Gives Unto Them
Food, Shelter, Sun, Rain, Clothing
The Very Air Disdained
That They Without Pause Do Receive!

The Way Is Clear ...

The Lord Lays Out Two Paths
  • One Blessed Forever
  • One Eternally Cursed

Gives Unto Us Free Will ... Free Choice
A Self-Determined Walking Way
So That We, Alone, Make Our Own Decision
As To Whom, For Our Personal Sin
Shall Surely One Day Pay!

Offences ...Us 

For Truth, Jesus Christ Is Reviled!
For Facts, He Is Denied!
For Prophesied Blessings, He Is Suspect!
For Prophesied Curses, He Is A Known Reject!

All Spelled Out ...

Full Disclosure: Good And Bad
Full Disclosure Does Not Wear Clothes Called Plaid
Full Disclosure Is Evidence
On White Paper With Black Ink
One Does Not Have To Be Quick To See To Understand
For The Word Of Truth Is Eternal
Shall Not Disappear With The Eye's Blink!

Love Him Or Leave Him ...

Take Him!
Leave Him!
The Choice Is Ours!

Take Him!
Leave Him!
The Cause Of The Curse Has Been Reversed
We Who Take Him
Shall Not Have Old Satan
Prancing Up And Dancing Exuberantly
Behind Us On The Last Ride
In Our Limousine Called Hearse!

Love Him!
Hate Him!
He Loves Me
He Loves You
Our Personal Opinion
Cannot, Will Not, Change His Love
Nor The Fact That We Are Called
To Live A Holy Life
To Always Maintain A Righteous View!
Jesus Christ Saves!

Jesus Christ Saves The Willing
The Believing
The Trusting
The Obedient
The Repentant
Jesus Christ Saves The Enduring Faithful!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ Died To Save My Soul And I Am Living For Him: Heaven At The Last Trumpet Is My Soul's Sole Goal!


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