
Friday, October 25, 2019


The Servants Of The Living God
Should Never Blend In With The Crowd!
They Should Stand Up
Stand Out
Since They Are Proclaimed
Ambassadors For The Lord Christ
They Should Always Have Something Momentous
Soul Uplifting
To Joyfully, Urgently, Talk About!

The King Is Coming!
Are You Washed And Ready!?!

Do No Prating!
Do No Berating!
Just Speak The Truth In Righteousness 
Whether It Is In Season Or Out!

The Fact Is
We Have Good Fruit ... Good Food
That The World's Hurting, Hungry, People
Should Thankfully Be Eating
So Do Not Around Wild Bushes Beat About!
Get To The Point ... And Poke The Devil In His Nose!
Truth Is A Fire Hose!

The Truth ...

The Word Of Truth From The Living, Holy, God
As Regards Sin, Sinning And Sinners
Truly Hard For Known Offenders To Accept
To Take
To Tolerate
When The Son-Light Illuminates The Riven Soul
Suddenly ... Understanding Dawns
- By The Working Of The Holy Spirit -
Now Newly Convicted Of Sin
Convinced Of Righteousness
The Old Sinner Rightly, Wisely, Desires
To Jesus Christ The Savior
With Alacrity To Get Home!
They No Longer With Deceitful Satan
 Desire Anymore Wildly To Roam!

The Elevated Platform ...

One Does Not Place A Burning Candle
Under A Bushel ... A Basket 
To Shine The Bright Light! 
One Places The Burning Candle
Upon A Prominence
So That Those Seeking Light ... To See
Shall Be Served
For Grace-Filled Illumination 
Give Praise Most Thankfully!

We Are To Stand Above The Fray
The Chaos 
That Does Darken The God-Given Good Day
Tell The Good News With Humility
In Power
Denying Wily Satan His Way
To Make Hurting Souls
Before Him In Fear To Cower! 
The Lord Christ Is Man's Strong Tower!

Don't Be Fooled ...

Living For Christ Jesus Requires Sacrifice
In Our Living For Jesus
We Cannot With Sin Play Nice
So Stand Tall ... Stand Firm
For It Is Upon The Eternal Rock Of Ages That We Rest
To Give The Warning Trumpet That Certain Sound 
So That All Will Hear The Good News That 
Jesus Christ Saves:
When From Heaven He Came To Earth
It Was Our Soul's Salvation
That He Had Lovingly Brought Down!
Sing The Song! 

Faith Comes By Hearing
Hearing The Living Word Of The Eternal God
By The Holy Spirit's Leading
We Must Each Do Our Small Portion
To Help Negate The Nefarious Works Of Satan
The Damned For Eternity God-Fraud! 

The Night Is Coming
When No One Can Work:
Are You Presently At Work
Diligently Working
For You Lord!?!

1 comment:

  1. All Of My Strength Comes From The Lord Christ In Whom Is My Soul's Salvation: Thank You, Lord!


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