
Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Lord Has Not Promised ...!

The Lord God Almighty
Has Not Promised Unto Any Man
The Day Called Tomorrow:
Do Not On Satan's Bold Lies Stand!

When The Creator God
Plainly Says:

You Should Buy The Free Clue
Recognize That Any Living On A Distant Tomorrow
One Who Shall Surely Not Have
Even The Ability About It To Sorrow!

 The Lord Also Says:

The Day Given
The Day Blessed
Anything Else Anticipated 
Asking One To Become 
Unnecessarily Stressed!

Today Is A Present
A Gift To Be Unsealed
So Do Yourself A Favor
Let It In All Its Heaven-Clad Glory
Be Gratefully, Joyfully, Accepted
As It Is Plainly, Beautifully, Revealed!

Take What The Lord Is Giving
Be Blessed To Be A Blessing
For That Is Your Success
Not Hunting And Pecking
Indulging In Known Sin
Which Must Then Be Confessed!

Do Not Live Carelessly!
Confess Your Known Sin
Repent Each And Every Day!
Do A Daily Debrief!
See For What There Is Or Should Be Grief
If In The Night
Or At The Morning's Shining Light
Your Life Is Required Of You
You Shall Go To Your Long Home
Assured Of The Eternal Day
In The Land Where
There Is No More Death
No Crying 
No More Sorrow!

Wisdom ...

Be Not As The Unwise
Who Plan For What Is Not Sure
Who Think That Death Is For Everyone Else
When Death Is Knocking At Their Own Door!

If Your Tomorrow
Does Not Include A Life With Christ
Be Ye Warned:
Your Life Is Not One That Can Be Called Blessed
For You Are Living On The Wing
Not The Prayer
Your Outcome Is Not One That
The Righteous People Of The Eternal God
Should Embrace Or Cheer!

The Lord Christ Has Given Unto Us 
Promises Preserved In His Innocent Blood
Which He Freely Gave For Our Soul's Salvation!
He Has Promised Us An Eternal Home
His Eternal Life
He Has Promised Us That He Will Never Again
Destroy The Earth With A Flood!

The World Is Reserved By The Lord
For Destruction With Unquenchable Fire
By His Hand ... Alone
All Who Choose Not To Live By His Merits
Shall Find Themselves 
- Along With Satan And His Fallen Angels -
Destroyed By It!

A Word Of Cheer 
For All Who Choose To Believe ...

Satan Is The Father Of Lies
His Stated Purpose Is To Deceive
The Lord God Of All Grace
Faithful, Just, Loving, Kind And Ever True
He Is Calling, Calling, Calling
Pleading With You, Beloved
To Love Him
To Follow Him Faithfully
To Him ... Alone
To Be Obedient, Loving And Prayerfully True!

This Is His Sure Word Unto You:

1 comment:

  1. To The Living Word Of The Eternal God, I, In Jesus Christ's Holy Faith Say: "Yeah!" And "Amen!"


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