
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Lord Has Promised ...!

If I Have To Say It A Thousand Times
I Am Going To Say It:

By God's Great Grace
I Will Not Be Permitting Anyone
To Kill My Hope Tree
I Am Satisfied With My Lord Jesus
I Want Nothing More To Do With Those Lying
Carnal-Minded, Self-Satisfied, Agents
Freely, Willingly, Wantonly, Working From Satan
The Known God-Fraud!

I See And Read About People Every Day
Who Have Riches But Are Poor Indeed!
I See And Read About People Every Day
Who Have Nothing Of The World's Goods
They Are Truly Rich Indeed


I Well Recognize That
Money, Prestige, Power
Do Not Make Men Healthy, Wealthy Nor Wise
Nor Do Penury, Anonymity
Nor Apparent Weakness ... Incapacity
Make Men Worthy Of Disrespect!


When Jesus Christ Controls Our Lives
We Can Live Near The Devil
Not Fall For His Lies
When We Walk Wise In Our Own Understanding
Rest Assured That Hell And Damnation
Are Real Prospects That One Is Facing!

If A Person Cannot Give You Bread
Do Not Let Them Take Biscuit From You!
If A Person Cannot Give You A Good Word
The Word Of Truth
The Truth That Brings Life
It Is In Your Best Interest
In Their Companionship Not To Delight!

If You Cannot Accept A Good Word Of Admonition
You Are Pig-Headed
Listening Only To Your Lustful Heart's
"Truth" Version
You Should Know That
The Love Of God Does Not Abide In You
It Is Time For You To Change Your Walking Shoes!

Please Walk With The Lord Jesus
In The Light Of His Holy Word!
Get Away From The Goat-Herders
The Judas Goats Attired As Sheep
Who Associate With Witches And Wizards That Peep!
You'll Enjoy Sweet And Peaceful Uninterrupted Sleep!

Remember That The Lord Has Promised
A Crown Of Life To The Sin-Overcomer
To The Enduring Faithful
To The Wise Servant
Found Gainfully Employed
Doing As He Was Commissioned
Even Though By Man's Reckoning
The Master's Return Is Called Late!
Live In Anticipation
For In The Time Not Expected
The Master Will Be At The Gate!
Riotous Living Is Not Fit Food
For A Christian's Plate!

Hope Springs Eternal In The Heart Of The Blessed!
Blessed Are Those Children
Who, Of Their Known-Sins, Do Repent!
A Privilege
A Privilege Which Brings Prestige
The Prestige Of The Child Forgiven
By The Father God Whom He Chooses ... Wisely
Always, In All Ways
Daily ... Moment-By-Moment
To Please!

Sunset Is On The Horizon!
Night Is Falling Fast!
Decisions Are Being Made:
Have You Your Vote For Salvation
For Life With The Lord Christ
For A Forever-Home In Glory
For A Lot In The Land Of The Blessed
For A New Name
For A Crown Of Life
Reverently Cast!?!

1 comment:

  1. I Am Leaning On And Learning From Jesus Christ's Sacrificial Love For Me!


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