
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

OXYMORON: The Easy Christian Life!?!

Whoever Told You That 
Life As A Christian Would Be Easy
Definitely Does Not Believe The Word Of God!
Jesus Christ, Himself, Stated ... Without Reservation
That We Would Have To Suffer For Our Lord!

In The Instant You Made Jesus Christ Your Master
In The Instant He Became Your Lord and Your God
You Incurred The Wrath Of That Satan
Now He Has Staked Out A Place In Your Yard!

Mummy And Daddy Will Hate You!
Son And And Daughter Will Cause You Untold Pain!
Friends And Workmates Will Deem You An Idiot
Bossman Will Call You An Ingrate!

Your Dog Is Going To Bite You!
Your Cat Will Try To Scratch Out Your Eyes!
Your Body Is Going To Turn On You
You Are Going To Break Out In Hives!

Don't Let Anybody Fool You:
Standing Up For Christ 
Will Place A Bulls-Eye On Your Back
Or Your Forehead
You're Going To Be The Subject Of Great Lies


If You Trust In Almighty God For Provision
The Holy Spirit To Comfort You Each Day
The Holy Angels To Guard, Guide And Protect You
Fear Not!
Jesus Christ Is Leading The Way!

Jesus Christ, Himself, Is The Captain!
He Knows What Each Crewman Can Bear!
He Holds The Hearts, Heads And Hands Of The Faithful
So You Have Nothing To Fear 
From Fallen Angels Aka Demons 
Nor Fallen Man!
Believe The Word Who Is God
The Word That By Love He Declares!

So, Hold Your Head High In The Battle!
Gird Your Loins And Secure Your Shield!
Put On Your Helmet And Be At The Ready
For, Soon, Soon We Will Be Relieved!

Don't Lose Hope Because You Are Bruised
Have Bones Broken
Home Lost

You Cannot Even Purchase Bread!
Our God Swore ... By Himself
He'd Be Providing Pure Water And Bread For Us
From His Store!
Trust Him: His Living Word Is Sure!

Hark, Hark!
I Hear The Trumpet!
That Certain Sound Is Making Waiting Hearts Speed!
Look! There Is The King On His White Steed!
He Is Coming
Great Will Be The Saints' Reward:
On This Sure Knowledge, Saints
Hungrily, Joyfully, Feed!

Keep The Faith!
Hold The Fort!
Our God Is Faithful!
He Will Not Suffer Us To Lose Our Holy Faith!
Trust In God: He Is Faithful To Deliver!
Steady Now: We Are Approaching His Pearly Gates!

1 comment:

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ Shall Restore All That The Locusts Have Stolen!


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