
Monday, October 21, 2019

Time Is Made For Change + PRAYER: Lead Me Gently, Father!

Our Lives Are Authored By The Eternal God!
We Are Not "Accidents"
As Claims The God-Fraud
So Do Not Be Contemptuous
Of The Life That The Lord God Has Given To You:
Be Grateful For Your Blessing
The King Of Love
Personally Loves 
Personally Blesses You!

You Are Made In The Image Of Almighty God!
You Are No Experiment!
Neither Are You A Toy For His "Joy!"
You Are Well-Loved, Beloved!
You Are Wanted!
You Are Blessed!
The Lord God Your Creator
Took Your Place On Calvary!
Be A Dear: You're A Vessel Made For Honor
So Choose To Deny Sin
Known Sin Repent And Confess
Be To Our Savior
A Spiritual Success!

The God Who Made You Is Infinite!
Your Human Potential Is Finite
When You Walk With The Lord  
Your Potential Becomes Infinite:
He Calls You To Come Home!
Leave Off Sinning!
Have Faith In Him
Trust And Obey
Walk In His Light Today
You Shall See Heavenly Light ... In Peace
When Comes The Great And Awful Day!

When You Walk With the Lord
You Are Setting Yourself Up
To Have Durability
To Last For Eternity
So Choose You This Day
With Disobedient Goats Not To Roam
Decide ... With Finality
To Walk Under The Banner Of Grace
So That You Do Not Become A Cast-Off
Damned-For-All-Eternity Shut-Out Disgrace!

You Are Unique!
A Rarity!

Despite Your Present Wear And Tear
Jesus Christ The King Died
To Return You To The Original Condition
So Do Not Be Dismayed:
Your Bill For Known And Personal Sin 
Has ... In Totality
Been Paid!

Look Up!
Walk On!
Do Not Permit Yourself To Get Conned
Jesus Christ Would Have Died To Save You
Even If You Were On Earth
The Only One!

Pay Close Attention ...

Controlled Temper ... Measured Words
Uncontrolled Temper ... Hasty Words
Commandment Keepers
Commandment Breakers
Presumptuously, Willful, Sinners
All Have One Probation
Which Is Finished When Grace And Mercy
Descend ... 
From The Throne 
Ceasing ... Their Interceding
Justice: Strict Justice
Speaks ... 
With Finality
The Eternal Estate Of Every Human!

The Final Command ...

The Righteous Shall Be Righteous ... Still!
The Filthy Shall Be Filthy ... Still!
The Holy Shall Be Holy ... Still!
All Destinies Are Fixed!

The Time For Change Is Finished!

Look In
Look Out
Look Up ...

How Do YOU Plan To Stand!?!
Will You Choose To Walk With The Begotten Son Of God
The Willing Son Of Man!?!
Will You Deny Your Self Now
So That In The Day Of Reckoning
You Shall Be Amongst Those
Who Shall Ride The Train To Glory
That Is Comprised Of Angels Making The Cloud!?!


Thank You, Lord
For Your Blessings On Me!

I Love You
I Thank You For My Life
For The Precious Gift Of Time!

Thank You For The Time
To Make Wrong Things Right
So That By The Holy Spirit's Guidance
I May Your Holy Heart Bless And Delight!
Please Lead Me
Guide Me Gently Home
For It Is In In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
That I Humbly Pray
Importunately Plead!
Please Come Soon!

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