
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

PRESUMPTUOUS SIN: Humble Yourself!

Classic Showdown Between
Burn Baby Burn
Worship N. Bow-Down:
One Was Into Self
The Other Was Under The Living  God!

One Was Presumptuous And Iniquitous
The Other Was Humble And Holy!

One Partied With The Unbelieving
The Other Prayed Without Ceasing!

They Are Opposites
Each Does Not The Other Attract!

Both Thought:

So Much To Do
Sooo Little Time!

Both Prayed For Strength
Only One On His Soul's Savior Did Lovingly Recline!

One Knows Himself To Be A Born Sinner
The Other Considers Himself To Be Practically Divine:
Both Are On An Incline!

Both Can't Be Right
Only One Is Walking In The Light That Gives Life!
Both Are In The Mortal Strife!

No Surprise! No Shock ...

They Are Both Dying

It Is Appointed Once For Man To Die
Comes ... The Judgment!

The Face-Off Between These Two
The Standard Stand-Off Between Good And Evil
Truth And Error
Right And Wrong
Light And Darkness
The Holy And The Profane! 

The Only Difference Is The Venue!

The Personalities Are Saint And Sinner!
The Activating Forces Are
The Known-Deceitful And Destructive Satan
The Known-Loving Savior And Creator Lord Jesus!

The Blow Out Is In Progress
Burn Baby Burn ... Ever The Loud-Mouth

Pontificating Like A Practicing Pharisee!
He Had Just Stated For The Eternal Record That:

My Life Is My Own

To Do What I Will Until I Am Filled! 

I Walk In Self-Will! 

I Live At Own-Way! 

I Will Not Have It Any Other Way!

Worship N. Bow-Down
Responded The Only Way He Knew How:

The Eye Is The Window To The Soul 
And Your Tone Of Voice
Speaks To Your Ultimate Goal!
A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath
And Egregious Words Often Lead To A Blood Bath!

There Is No Greater Transgression
Than Daring To Ask: 

"Hath God Said!?!" 

And Thereby Calling Into Question 
The Truth That Is Almighty God! 

Did You Make Yourself!?!
Can You Feed Yourself!?!
Can You Keep Yourself Alive!?! 

Do You Have The Power 
To Awaken Yourself Every Day Knowing In Advance 
What Each Holds For Every Living Soul!?! 

If You Can Answer "Yes!" To All These Questions
You Are Free To Question The Will

The Ways
The Sovereignty Of The Omnipotent God!

Humble Yourself And Trust The Omniscient God Wholly
And Know Of A Surety That
You Shall Be Eternally Blessed!

Humble Yourself Under The Mighty Hand Of Omnipresent God
And He Shall Lift You Up ... According To His Will
And In His Way

And In His Time! 

I Live Fast!
I Shall Have Fun!
I Shall Die Young!
I Shall Make A Pretty Corpse!
When I Die, Brother-Man, I Am Done!

Getting Ahead Of The Plan Of God
Makes You Your Own God!
Wise Choice Or Foolish
Your Use Of Your Free Will To Indulge Your Sinful Self
Determines What Your End Shall Be!
You, By Your Own Actions
Make You The Sole Determinant Of Your Eternal Destination!

You Are Being Willfully Blind
So I Cannot Bid You "Peace!"
Because You Are Indulging The Gross Sin Of Presumption
Believing That You And The Eternal God
Are On The Same Level
And Daring The God Of All Grace
To Bow Down And Worship At Your Paper Throne!

I Warn You:
The Eternal God And His Holy Word Are Forever
But A Fool And His Money Are Soon Spent! 

There Is No Do-Over After Death! 
We Have One Life To Live To Live 
So Make It Count While You Are Alive
For The Dead Know Nothing:

In The Moment A Man Dies
His Thoughts Perish ...! 

... You Are A Mealy-Mouth Liar! 
The Priests Say That The Lord Has To Save Everyone
That There Is Purgatory So I Can Get My Act Together
And That My Family Can Pay 
And Pray Me Out Of Torment ...! 

... Lord Jesus,
Please Open The Eyes
The Ears, The Hearts
Your Presently Beguiled
Besotted-With-Sin, People! 

Brother, That Is The Lie Of The Devil
Designed By Him ... Through Hatred
For The Expressed Purpose Of
Getting An Army To Stand Against Our Maker
Lord, God, King, Savior And Redeemer! 
You Are Operating Under A Serious Delusion!

Man Does Not Have An Immortal Soul! 
The Breath Of Life From God 
Through Jesus Christ At Creation
Caused Man To Be A Living Soul:
No Breath, No Life! 

When You Die ... You Are Dead, Dead ... Insensate!
You Will Not Be An Immortal Sinner: 
You Die! 
You Rest Peacefully, Undisturbed, In Your Dusty Grave
And When The Lord Calls You Up From Your Dusty Bed
And You Get Up With The Marks Of Sin On Your Person ...! 

... Marks Of Sin!?! 

Yes! Marks Of Sin!
If You Get Up From Your Long Home
Missing Limbs
And Having A Sick Body
Vile And Nasty Thoughts
Hatred, Envy, Greed, Lust
Murderous Intent
And The Same Putrid Mindset You Died With Still Intact
You Are In For A World Of Hurt ...! 

... Aaiieee, But I Don't Like Pain! 

So Get Thee Hence To The Great Physician: He Always Saves! 

Dear God, Save Me! 

Thank You, Jesus! 
Satan Done Lost Another Victim Today! 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, Please Help Us To Get Washed, Get Ready And Stay At The Ready For Our Lord Christ, Our Savior, Redeemer And One True Friend And Beloved King Is Coming Soon!


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