
Thursday, October 3, 2019

Taste Like Light And Shine Like Salt!

As I Was Saying
Tame Supplication ... Truth Be Told
Dogging ...!

... You Mean Stalking ...!

... Alright, Already!

Tame Supplication Has Been Stalking Full Expectation
To Try To Find Out Why 

Said Stalker's Prayers Are Ineffectual!

$25.00 Word!
Got Any Cheaper Versions!?!

Would "Unanswered" Better Suit You!?!

His Problem Straight Up, Though
Is That He Is Acting Foolish!

You Must Not Call A Brother A Fool
Or Foolish!

Why Not!?! That's How He Behaves!

Aren't You Behaving "Foolishly" As Well!?!

No! I Gave That Up A While Ago!

Brothers, I'm Lost!
Please Explain What's Going On Here!

Very Well!
The Fool Says In His Heart
"There Is No God!"
Said Fool Repeatedly Refuses To Listen To Wisdom
Repeatedly Chooses To Perform Contrary 
To The Commandments Of God
Contrary To His Divinely Assured Prospects 

For Eternal Happiness!

Lord, Preserve Us!
Repeatedly Doing The Same Thing
And Expecting A Different Result
Is Called Madness!

And Coming To The Stark Realization That There Is No Profit
In Either Foolishness Or Madness
When One Starts Looking At And Into
The Lives Of Those Who Are Shining Lights And Tasty Salt!

Lights Taste Salty
Salt Shines Brightly!

The Name Of Jesus
Christian Character
Is Not A Uniform To Be Put On And Taken Off
According To Our Desires, Audience, And Venue!

When The Lord Is Within Us
It Shows In All That We Say And Do ...!

... And Let's Not Forget That 
Our Thoughts Are Often Displayed Upon Our Faces 
For All The World To See! 


At All Costs ... Guard Your Heart
A Consistent Life Lived With, In, And For Christ Jesus
Blesses You, Your Observers And Associates
Our Holy Lord!

Think About This:

Think Brethren
About Why It Would Be
Horrendously, Soul-Searingly, Sad
To Gallantly Performs The Works Of The Living God 
And Yet 
Never Do His Will! 

That Way Of Life Is Not Praise-Worthy! 

Total Obedience Is Better Than Bitter Sacrifice! 

It Will Be Terrible To Lose Christ's Glory Because 
We Are Too Proud To Be Obedient
And Too Faithless To Endure 
And Do All That The Lord Requires! 

We Must Submit Our Will To Our Jesus
We Must Walk Faithfully In His Holy Ways! 

We've Got To Be True To Our Calling
Faithful Until Death
For It Is Only At His Coming

That We Will Most Assuredly Be Eternally Blessed! 

Eternal Glory Awaits Only The Enduring, Obedient, Faithful! 

May The God Of Glory
In The Name Of The Holy Jesus
By The Working Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth
With The Protection 
Good Influence Of The Holy Angels
Ever Excelling In Strength
Keep Us Faithful!


1 comment:

  1. The Only Life Worth Living Is The Life Lived In, For, And With Jesus Christ The Lord!


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