
Wednesday, December 25, 2019

My Father Is The God Of Glory!

... And My Father Is Also A Rancher, A Farmer
A Physician, A Lawyer
A Realtor, An Artist, A Builder
An Astronomer, A Geologist, A Hydrologist
The Heart Surgeon, The High Priest

The Judge, The Architect
My Father Is The King!
He's Everything To Me!

Anything More And He'd Be Almighty God!

How Did You Know!?!


My Father Is The God Of Glory
The Creator Of Everything
That Means That He Is The Creator Of Our Kind, Too!
Without Him, Neither You Nor I
Would Be Able To Breathe, Speak Or Sing!

Come On, Man!
What Rubbish Are You Talking!?!
Your Father Is The Creator-God!?!

Sure, And He's Your Father, Too!
How Come You Don't Know That!?!

Umm, Ahh, I ...!

My Father, Your Father
The Beginning And The End
All-Seeing, All-Knowing, Ever-Present
He Calls All To Come Home To Him By Obedience
By Working Faith Through His Gift Of Grace
To Get Away From Being Fathered ... Corrupted
By The Works Of The Father-Liar
Satan Aka King Fraud
The Fallen Angel Who Desires To Have Given To Him
The Worship That Belongs To The Eternal God!
The Father, Through The Lord Christ, Feels What You Feel!

But, But, I Thought That Was Only A Myth!

No Myth, My Friend!
My God, The Holy God
King And Lord
Father And Friend
He, Being Kind, Would Have Us Come Home To Him
To Be Safe From Harm
When This World, This Vale Of Tears
Shall, At The Last Trumpet
Come To Its End!

But, But, That's Another Old Wives Tale, Isn't It!?!

Not Even Close, My Brother!
The Word Of God Is True!
The God Of Glory Is Real!
The God Who Is My Father
Wants, Desires, Pleads With You
To Let Him Save You:
His Only Begotten Son Died To Save You ... Me Too!

But, But ...!

If You "But" Any Harder
You Are Going To Be Considered To Be A Goat
Sorry To Tell You, Brother
Goats Eat The Rope That Would Save Them From Disaster
And, So
I Beseech You To Believe The Truth
Step Away From The Doubters' Known And Sure Disaster!

The Father Who Is In Heaven
Calling, Calling, Calling To Us
To Build Sure Houses By His Will
By The Word ... His Only Begotten Son
Jesus The Christ
At Whose Living Word
The Saved Of All The Ages
Will Hear Those Immortal Words:

Well Done!

From Every Nation
From Every Family
From Every Language
From All Peoples
There Will Be Representatives
Entering Into His Living Kingdom Of Light
I, For One, By His Great Grace
Intend To Be There
His Heart Of Love To Thoroughly Delight!

Those Who Believe The Word
Trust And Obey
Those Who Doubt The Word
Do What They Desire
Disobediently Go Astray!
I Learnt The Hard Way That Disobedience Costs!

I Was Once As The Disobedient!
I Used To Walk In My Own Way!
I Did Not Think Of Things Eternal
I Found My Self Doing What Was Infernal!

I Do That Now And I Don't Stop To Even Think!
How Did You Change!?!
Is There A Computer Link!?!

There's No Computer Link, My Friend!
I Have Gotten Into The Eternal Word Of 
The Lord Of Life, Earth, And Glory
I, By The Holy Spirit Of Truth
- Choosing To Believe That Jesus Christ Is -
Am Walking With Him To The Land Of Eternal Youth!

Forever Young ...!?!

... No More To Age
No More To Rage
No More Sin
No More Death
No More Sorrow
No More Dying
No More Crying ...!

... Lord Almighty!
That Sounds An Absolute Delight
For Everything In This Realm Of Ours
Seems Headed Into The Dark Night!

You Speak Truth And So Will I:

The Lord Of Glory 
Light And Life
Savior, Friend
Provider And Sustainer
Healer, Sealer, And Redeemer
He Forgives And Cleanses From Known Sin
He Has Made Provision For Us Fallen Men
Women, Children
- All Who Choose To Believe That He Is -
To Walk With Endurance Built Upon His Most Holy Faith
Which He Gives Unto Us Each And Every Day
As A Gift For That Day ... Alone!
His Gift Of Faith Cannot Be Carried Forward Or Given Away!

I Lived With Doubt For So Very Long ...!

... Then Try Jesus Christ's Faith!
Just Use It And You Shall Not Got Wrong!

Just Use It!?!

Just Use It!
Just Accept That Jesus Christ Is
That Jesus Christ Can
That Jesus Christ Did
That Jesus Christ Does
That Jesus Christ Is Doing
Just Like That
You, Too, Shall Be Doing The Good ... The Right
Living Righteously And Holy
Against Sin, Satan, And Self
Fighting The Good Fight! 
Jesus Christ Died To Save Me, And You, Too!

You Know, I've Always Considered Myself
To Be Successful ... With My Hand On The Pulse
Doing What I Felt Like Doing
When I Felt Like Doing It ... And Yet ...!

... You Are Not Happy!

How Did You Know!?!

Been There, Done That!
There Is No Profit In Building A House
On The Sand Of Time!

Listen To This Scripture: 

 Speaking The Truth ... Again
I Will Tell You Plain
There Is Nothing That We Can Build
Create, Endeavor To Do, Pursue
Or Seek To Obtain, Acquire Or Treasure
That Is Or Will Be Blessed Or Will Truly Prosper
Without The Lord Christ Being The Originator
Provider And Sustainer! 

We May See What Looks Like Prosperity 
In Our Own Lives 
The Lives Of Others 
The Reality Is A "Rich" Personal Life 
Minus The Peace, Love 
Joy That Is Found Only In 
A Committed Relationship With Christ Jesus! 

Please Consider What I Have Said
I Beseech You
Please Choose Jesus For Joy 
With Total The Dedication And Enduring Faith
That He, Alone, Gives
Follow Christ To The Eternal Kingdom Of Living Light! 

I Implore You ... And I Remind Myself
To Do All To Make His Meek And Gentle Spirit
His Holy Life, Yours Today And Always! 
Build On The Sure Foundation Of The Solid Rock
This Is Jesus Christ The Lord!
We Live In Today: Jesus Christ Gives Us Forever!

I Sincerely Pray That You Will Permit
His Gift Of Perfect Peace To Be Yours!


1 comment:

  1. My Father Is The Lord God, Most High! He Cares For Us, His Children, And No One Who Speaks Truth, As Found In Christ Jesus, Will This Fact Of Faith Ever, Ever, Deny!


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