
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Grace Is Greater Than Our Sin + PRAYER: Father, Please Rebuke Satan, The Accuser!

Almighty God's Love For Us
Through His Grace Toward Us
Greater Than Our Sin:
He Gave Us The Perfect Lamb
Jesus Christ The Lord
His Only Begotten Son

** And **

His Mercy Is Equal To His Justice
So That We, Confessing ... Repenting
May Call Aloud Unto Him
Using His Gift To Us Of Faith!



I Have Sinned Against Thee!
I Have Not Against Sin Kept My Place
Satan, My Accuser
The Accuser Of My Brethren
Screeching Loud And Long To The World
That I Am An Unredeemable Disgrace!


He Is Constantly Telling Me That
I Do Not Deserve To Be Forgiven
That I Am No Better Than He Is
That He Knows What I Have Done
That You Won't Forgive Me
He Has Been Trying To Stop Me
From Coming You
In Jesus Christ's Holy Name And Faith!

Oh, Lord

Rebuke This Damned-For-Eternity Devourer
Who Is Trying To Stop Me And My Brethren 
From Getting Home
To You In Your Glory
Where He Can No Longer Go
Help Me, Please Help Me
Please Help Us To Stay In The Word
The Word That Speaks Life
The Word That Is Wisdom
The Word That Will Help Us
To Get Through The Mortal Strife!

I Acknowledge My Sin Against You, My Father
I Am Ashamed
Truly Sorry For My Actions
My Thoughts
My Words
Which Only Crucify My Jesus Afresh!
Please Forgive Me! 

You Have Said That If I Repent That 
You Are Faithful And Just
You Will Forgive My Sin
Cleanse Me From All Unrighteousness!
I Believe You, Lord!

You Also Said That You Would Give Me A Robe
A White Robe Of Righteousness
Take Away All My Former Filthy Clothes!
I Plead The Blood Of Jesus Christ
Boldly To Your Throne Of Grace
I Now Come, No Faking!
I See And Know
And Acknowledge My Need Of The Savior
I Believe With All My Heart That
You Will Your Promise Keep!
Make Me To Be Like You! 

I Confess!
I Repent
I Now Turn Unto You
In Faith, Nothing Wavering!
Please Forgive Me!
Please Cleanse Me
Please Robe Me Anew
So That I May Sit
At The Appointed Time
At Your Welcome Home Table
Enjoy The Joyous Repast With You!
I Must Get Home, Father!
I Must ... In My Flesh
See You And Sing Praise Unto You!

You Are My Creator
My Lord
My God
My King, My Judge
I Am The Acknowledged Sinner
Who Will No Longer
Who Cannot Any Longer
The Living Truth Fudge
Ignore Or Put In Store
So Bless Me, Lord, Bless Me
Make Me Anew
For I Here And Now
Dedicate My Will
My Way
My Life
With Humility
To Obediently Following After You!

I Trust You, Lord
I Trust You At Your Holy Word
You Have Proven Time And Again
To Be Faithful, Kind, Loving
Giving, Just And True!

I Love You, Lord
I Ask These Few Blessings
In The Matchless Name Of
Jesus Christ The Righteous
Our High Priest
Our Surety And Security
Our Advocate
Our Soon-Returning King!

Iniquity Is Planned Sin: Don't Do It!

The Living God Is The God Of Order 
All Those Whose Steps Are Ordered 
By The Lord Christ, The Eternal God
Will Not Indulge Iniquity
Shall Safely Arrive At The Heavenly Home
The Home Of The Forever Blessed! 

The Law Of The Lord Is Perfect
Is A Hedge Of Protection Around The Lord's People
Only Those Who Operate Within Its Boundaries 
Are Safe 
Will Be Saved! 

Please Stay In The Living Word Of Almighty God
- To Be Blessed -
For It Is A Light Which Testifies Of Jesus Christ 

In Whom We Gain Eternal Life! 

Jesus Christ, Alone, Saves! 

Confession And Repentance
Are Good For The Soul!

1 comment:

  1. If I Enduringly, Faithfully, Follow After Jesus Christ I Shall Ascend To Hill Zion And Share In His Great Glory: Order My Steps, Dear Lord!


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