
Friday, February 14, 2020

HAPPY SABBATH + Fools Rush In!?!

Image result for happy sabbath

Image result for proverbs 18:13 kjv

There Is Nothing More Foolish Than 
Providing An Answer To The Unasked Question! 

In The Old Days 
They Used To Call People Who Did That
"A Real Cubbah!" 

I Remember That
And It Was A Stinging Indictment! 

Please, I Beseech You
Don't Practice Folly To Look Wise! 

Only Fools Go Where Angels Fear To Tread! 

Some People May Think That You're A Fool 
Please Don't Give Them The Opportunity 
To Prove It By Opening Your Mouth 
Prematurely And Presumptuously! 

My Granny-Ma U-sed To Say:
"Silence Is Golden! 
Speak When You're Spoken To 
But Only After Having Prayed 
For Wisdom From The Lord!" 

Those Are Words Truly Worthy Of 
Willing Acceptance And Regular Practice
I'm Sure That You Know That 
Some People Always Want To Have The First 
The Last Word
Having More Testicular Fortitude Than Commonsense
Are Ever Desirous Of Shedding Light ... Even In Bright Daylight 
Avidly Display Grand "Insight"
When Exercising Commonsense Would Make Practical Sense! 

These Persons Would Do Well To Follow 
Jesus Christ's Perfect Example Of Reticence
- In The Time Required -
Before The Deceitful Scribes And Pharisees
The Sanhedrin
Pontius Pilate
King Herod! 

We Would All Do Well To Accept That
There Is A Time For Everything Under The Sun
Understand That 
Knowing The Time To Keep Silent Is One Of Them!

Now, I'm Also Certain That You Know That
Certain People Amongst Us
Claim To Always Have The Perfect Answer 
To Questions That Haven't Received Air! 

Oh, Yes! 
And They're Getting Real Bold Nowadays! 

They're Even In The Church
And Are Claiming Special Powers
From The Holy Spirit To Read People's Minds! 


Be Warned! 
Be Watchful! 
Be Wary

The Ability To Read Minds Aka Mind-Reading 
Safely In The Domain Of Almighty God ... Alone 
Any Created Being 
Be It Human 
Or Fallen Angel Masquerading As A Human
Who Says That They Can Read Your Mind 
Know What You're Going To Do Before You Do It 
A Liar And A Tool Of Satan!

There Is No Light In Them! 

If Satan And Fallen Angels
Aka Demons
Could Really Read Minds
They Would Have Known That
Killing Jesus Christ Was A Really Bad Idea
The End Result Spelt Their Complete Destruction! 

I Hear That!!! 

Brethren, Beloved

Guard Your Heart ... Your Mind
Keep Your Eyes On Jesus Christ 
Who Safely Leads His Children 
 Along The Treacherous Paths Of This Life


Don't Ever Forget That
We Have All The Other Sight That We Will Ever Need
In The Person 
The Working Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Who Will Teach Us All Things That We Need To Know!

We Are Nearing Home
There Are Pitfalls At Every Turn
Please Don't Add To Your Peril
By Adding Folly To The Mix! 
Be Wise Unto Your Own Soul's Salvation
There Will Be No Fools In Heaven! 

Let's Trust In Jesus Christ For He Is Our Peace
Let's Lean On The Lord's Infinite Understanding 
Truly Live
For He Is The Light Of Our Lives!! 

Image result for proverbs 15:21 kjv

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