
Thursday, February 13, 2020

PRAYER: I Won't Complain, Dear Father!

I Love You!
I Need You To Survive
I Am Not Even Going To Try To Survive
Without You By My Side!

You Are My Father
My Savior
My God
My Lord
I Choose To Stand Up For My Jesus
Who Will Carry Me To Your House
To The Promised, Heavenly, Reward!

Why Should I Be Discouraged
With Life And Its Vagaries
When Troubles Come A-Knocking
Problems Multiply Like Fleas
When I Have Your Glorious Hand
Giving Help
Providing Healing
Drawing A Tapestry Of Love, Joy
Truth, Peace And Blessing
Giving Me  Reason To Hope And To Cope!?!

You Know That I Am Human
A Child Of Love
Made Of Dust
Given Your Holy Breath Of Life
A Sinner
Needing Your Love, Grace And Mercy
Each And Every Day
I Will Not Stand Up
On The Pillar Of My Natural Weakness
Using It As A Cheap Excuse For Sin!

I Choose, Dear Father
With Your Richest Blessings
To Walk, In Faith, For Love
With Him Who Strengthens Me
With Him Through Whom I Can Do
All Things That Are Good, True, Noble 
Honorable, Lovely, Right
So That I Will Your Holy Heart
Please And Truly Delight!

I Could Murmur And Complain!
I Could Cuss Up A Storm And Be Profane!
I Could Sell My Birth-Right To Eat Red Beans 
Which Come Out In The Draught!
I Could Walk Wild And Willful
Deliberately Negotiating Satan's Damnable Path
I Could Give Up On Your Promises
In The Blessed Name Of My Jesus
I Can't Because I Believe You At Your Word!
I Trust You!

I Trust The Promises Made!
I Feel The Blessings Poured Out!
I Daily Receive The Day's Gift Of Workable Faith
I Am Enfolded In Your Mercy
Ministered To By Your Grace
Comforted, Taught, Guided And Chided
By The Sweet Holy Spirit Of Truth
Protected And Influenced By Your Holy Angels
Bathed In Your Love Divine!
I Have Every Reason To Sing Your Praise!

You Know My Name! 
You Made My Frame! 
You Hear My Cry!
I Know You Love Me, Personally, Sacrificially, Eternally
You Know From My Heart That I Desire You! 
Please Draw Me Nearer, Lord! 

Please Bless Me To Do Your Bidding
Whether I Can See Or Feel You! 
Please Help Me Live Faithfully On The Living Word
The Bread Of Life
To Walk With Endurance
To Watch With Diligence
To Wait With Patience
To Be Wise Unto Soul Salvation
Unto The Day Of Redemption
Or While This Short Life Shall Last! 

I Am Your Child: Feed Me! 
I Am A Student In The School Of Jesus: Teach Me! 
I Am Your Servant: Commission Me! 
I Am Willing To Work
So Please Bless Me To Obey!

Please, Dear Father
Equip Me To Serve
Strengthen Me To Perform
Enlivening My Mind
Granting Me Wisdom And Understanding
So That The Knowledge Which I Acquire
Will Bless Me
Bless Me To Bless Others
To Come To Know And Love My Lord Christ
Who, Alone, Blesses And Saves!

Thank You, Father
For The Call To Life!
Thank You For The Infinite Sacrifice!
Thank You For Your Blessings Each And Every Day
Thank You For Hearing And Answering 
Faith-Filled, Humble, Heartfelt, Prayers
Offered Up In The Name Of The Lovely Jesus! 
Grant Unto Your People The Blessed Perfect Peace
Please Come For Us Soon!

Image result for encouraged kjv

1 comment:

  1. The Lord Christ Calls Me To Pray Without Ceasing And, By His Great Grace, I Intend To Pray Unceasingly!


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