
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

NEW CHURCH: Afflictions

I've Found Two New Phrases For Us To Chew Over:

Cosmic Child Abuse
Progressive Christianity!

I've Got Three Answers For You:
I've Heard About Them! 
I Don't Like, Appreciate Or Own Them! 
Case Closed!

Not So Fast, Banni!
I've Never Heard About Them!
Please Tell Us What's Going On Lillias!

Translated, Cosmic Child Abuse Says That
  • The Father Willed, As In Forced The Lord Jesus To Die For Us
Progressive Christianity Has Decided That 
  • The Word Of God Is No More Inspired Than A Novel Or A Song
  • We Are Not Sinners Because Almighty God Made Us To Be Like Himself And He Called Us "Good!"
  • The Inerrant Word Of God Almighty God Is Flawed
  • Sin Isn't 
  • Social Justice Trumps The Call To Biblical Salvation ...!

... You Can Stop Right There!

Why!?! What For!?!

Sweet Girl, 
Jesus Christ, Himself, Warned Us About This!
The Apostle Paul Warned Us About This!
The Hebrews Fell In The Wilderness Of Sin Because Of This!
The Hebrews Fell At The Border Of The Promised Land
When A Known Prophet Of The Living God
Balaam Son Of Zippor Taught King Balak
How To Inveigle The Hebrews In Unsanctioned
Unholy, Unauthorized
Alternative Worship Stylings Which Led To 24,000 Deaths!

Let Me Tell You People Something:

The Same Way Almighty God Gives Us Will And Choice
Jesus Christ Had Will And Choice
He And His Father Are One In Purpose
He Was Willingly Onboard With The Decision!
Jesus Christ Was A Willing Sacrifice
For He Said Plainly That
No One Takes My Life: I Lay It Down
I Will Take It Up Again!
The Same Way The Lord Laid Out His Word
For The Hebrews Of Old
The King James Bible
The Preserved Word Of The Eternal God
Laid Out A Road Map To Help Us To Safely Arrive In Zion!

This Nonsense Being Sold As The Progressive Christianity
What You GetWhen Everybody And His Brother And His Sister
And His Well-Heeled And Hooked-Up
And Dialled-In Friend
Writes And Copywrites
Their Own Version-Perversion Of 
Almighty God's Immutable Word!

When You Carnally Add To
Or Subtract From The Eternal Word
You Are A Liar And There Is No Light In You!
You Are Cursed!

They Don't Believe That The Loving God
Will Destroy Good People
So Almighty God's Curses Don't Count!

The Prophesied Rot Is Really Setting In
And Digging Down Deep!

I Don't See The Problem!

Whatever You're Drinking, Darcy, Don't Give Me Any!

People, People, We Are Nearing Home!
The Lord Says His Sheep Know Him
They Know His Voice!
The Rewriters, Reinterpreters Of Holy Writ
Are None Of His
The Final Battle Lines Are Being Drawn
The Armies Are Being Established 
Minds Are Being Fixed
Satan Is Rubbing His Blood-Drenched Hands
The Fools Who Say There Is No God
No Rules
No Justice
Just Love
Are In For The Rudest Awakening That 
Any Human Being Will Ever Endure!

Sometimes I Ask The Lord

Why, What!?!

We Have The Same Makeup
The Same Knowledge Of Good And Evil
And Yet
Some Choose To Believe
While Many, Even Most, Choose Unbelief And Disbelief!

What's The Difference Between Disbelief And Unbelief!

Disbelief ... I Can't Credit The Truth Of 
What I Know To Be Truth:
Lord, I Believe, Help Thou My Unbelief!

Unbelief ... I Don't Care What You Can Do
I Will Not Believe That:
They Love Not The Truth So The Lord Gives Them Over 
To Their Own Devilish Desires!

Lord Jesus, Please Help Us!
It Is Actually Happening!

Prophecy Is Unfolding Right Before Our Eyes!

Not Too Long From Now
It Shall Appear On Their Very Skins!
They Are Going To Be Hungry
For A Word Of Truth And There Will Be None
Though They Search The World Over!

I Feel Sad, Even Sorry, For Them!

They Need To Feel Sorry For Themselves
For Heaping Up Highly Educated Charlatans 
To Cater To Their Itching Ears
To Blithely Lead Them To Sure Damnation!

What Can We Do!?!

Preach The Truth In Love!

You Might Get Stoned!

Better A Physical Stone Death In Jesus
Than A Stony-Heart Withering Away To Damnation!
I Choose To Live And Die In And For Jesus
He Has Promised To Raise Up The Righteous Dead To Glory!

Some Of Our Not-Yet-Friends Will Call You Gullible!

They're Fat And Happy And Fooled!
I'm Lean And Happy And Faithful!
One Of Us Is Ultimately Unhappy
I'm Sure It Is The One Who Doubts, Distrust
Indulges UnbeliefIn The Words And Workings Of 
The Holy God Of Grace And Glory!

Open Our Eyes Lord, And Help To Listen
To The Still, Small, Voice Of Truth
That Will Guide Us To The Land Of Eternal Youth! 

We Are Nearing Home 
So Beware Of Those Who Purvey The New Church!
Trouble Is On The Horizon
Afflictions Are Going To Increase!
Keep The Faith
Do Not Become Desolate: 
We Will Not Be Deserted By Out Faithful And Just Holy God!

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Image result for psalm 34 22 kjv


Those Who Are In Desolation 
Are Those Who Have No Hope! 
A Practicing Christian
One Who Believes The Word
Who Accepts The Daily Gift Of Faith
Obediently Walks Through Life 
Using Their Faith That Works 
Because Of 
Their Love For Our Lord Jesus
Will Have 
Hope That Comes Of Faith! 

Faith Gives Hope 
Hope Brings Joy 
And So 
There Is No Need Or Possibility Of Us Christians-Called 
To Be Desolate, Joyless ... Hopeless! 

Afflictions Will Come
Faith Will Be Tested And Tried 
Jesus Christ 
The Joy Of Our Living: Rejoice And Be Glad! 

Our Lord And God Reigns And Rules 
We Are Blessed! 
Trust And Obey
Sing Praises To The Eternal God 
Who Loves You, Personally! 
Practice Peace And Be At Peace 
In Jesus Christ Our Soon-Returning King!


1 comment:

  1. By Almighty God's Great Grace, I Will Trust In Him Forever Because In Him Is Everlasting Strength To Strive For The Eternal Crown Of Life He Has Promised!


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