
Thursday, February 6, 2020

Persistent Resistance!

Persistent Resistance
A Two-Way Street:
Suck At Sin's Paps
Worship At Jesus Christ's Feet! 

No Man Is Exempt! 
Every Human Must Make A Choice:
Obey The Still Small Voice Of Truth
Ignore The Clamoring Voice
Ignore The Still Small Voice Of Truth
Obey The One Who Gives Sin 
A Sweet-Sounding Siren's Voice!

Eenie, Meanie, Miney Moe
Disobedience Has Got Own-Way
By 'e Lame Great Toe!
Own-Way Wants To Stop The Work
But He Needs The Pay
Because He Owe
Truth Be Told
Whether He Likes It Or Not
No Matter What He Does, My Friend
The God Of Glory Done Know!

No Created Being
Can Force Man To Sin ...

The Spirit Of The Living God
Calling Out To Man!
The Spirit Of The Living God
Provides To Each A Helping Hand!
He Will Not Force His Aide On Us! 
He Awaits The Personal Invitation
We All Need To Know This Clear
Persistent Resistance To The Call To Truth And Life
Leaves Us Open 
To The Persistent Calls Of The Adversary
Who Takes Pleasure In Assuring 
The Disobedient Ones' Hard Fall!

The Living God Holy
Will Never Force Man To Obey!

The One Who Persistently Listens To
The Still Small Voice Of Truth
The One Who Has The Strength Of Will
To Resist The Adversary Desirous Of 
Washing In Our Spilt Blood
According To His Vicious Will


There Is The King Of Glory
The God Of Grace
Who Has Eyes In Every Place
Who Has Made Provision 
For The Children Of The Household Of Grace
So That They, Believing, Obedient, Enduringly Faithful
Shall Never Be Called The Spiritual Disgrace!
They Shall Not Make Shipwreck Of Jesus Christ's Holy Faith!
They Shall Take Up Residence In Beulah Land
In Their Christ-Prepared Personal Place! 

Image result for proverbs 28:13 kjv

These Times In Which We Live Try Men's Souls! 
Sin Is Now Considered Subjective As In
Sin Is What You, Personally, Make It! 

For The Record ... 

Only Almighty God Determines What Is Sin
No Pope, Priest, Preacher, Pastor, Prince Nor President
Can Add A Sin
Remove A Sin
Or Reclassify What The Living God
In His Eternal Word
Calls A Sin! 

Only The Facts ... 

Refusing To Call Sin By Its Name 
Choosing To Treat Sin Like NBD, No Big Deal
Exceedingly Foolish 
It Gives Satan A Strangle-Hold In One's Life! 

Covered-Up Sin 
Like Cancer
Like The Plague Rat: It Is Not Publicly Seen 

The Effects Are Disconcertingly Evident! 

Sin Is A Virulent Disease 
Jesus Christ Is The One Sure Cure 
Dr. Jesus Can't Cure What Is Not Acknowledged 
By The Person Who Is Ill 

Who Refuses To Meet Him For Diagnosis And Cure! 

Note To Heart-File ...

Unlike With Carnal Physicians
Who Enrich Themselves And The Drug Companies
At Our Expense And Pain And Discomfort
Our Visit With Dr. Jesus The Eternal 
Results In A Guaranteed 
Sure Cure! 

Avoid Those Who Minimize Sin
And Encourage Lax Living! 

No One Gets Into Heaven Carrying A Load Of Sin! 
Unload Aka Confess And Repent Of All Known Sin Now 
Know Of A Certainty That 
Entrance Into Heaven For Repentant Sinners 
Sure And Free! 
The Lord Keeps All His Promises: Believe And Be Blessed! 
He Is Our Only Peace!
Get Thee Hence Unto Him
For Peace, Relief And Release!

1 comment:

  1. Lead Me, Lord! Please Take Me By The Hand And Lead Safely To The Heavenly Land!


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