
Monday, February 3, 2020

WHAT'S IN A NAME: "Pastor H. L. N'Do"

His Name Is H. L. N'Do
And He Is The New Pastor At Servants Of 
The Living God Gospel Assembly!
He Is Different!

Different How!?!
Is He Like Different, Okay
Or Different, Eh, Eh!?!

He Is Different Like
Dot The I's, Cross The T's
Don't Make Stupid Excuses
Don't Deviate From The Book!

Oh, Dear!
The Last One We Had Like That
Was A Total Disaster Because
He Used The Bible For A For-Real Pillow 
And The Congregation For A Can't-Fail Bank!

Soooo, What's This Pastor H. L. N'Do's Real Story!?!

Aren't You Going To Ask Me His Full Name!?!

What For!?! Are You His God-Mother!?!

Charlene, I Really, Really, Really Encourage You 
To Ask Me To Tell You His Full Name!

Okay, Fine ... Since You Sound Sooo Desperate!
Trace, Good Bud, What, May I Enquire
Is Pastor H. L. N'Do's 
Full And Official Name, Pretty Please!?!

I'm Really Glad That You Asked!
Pastor H. L. N'Do's Full Name Is
Pastor Hear Listen N'Do!
You Get It Yet!?!

That Poor Man!

What A Burden He Must Have Borne As A Child!

You Haven't Heard The Best Part Yet!
He Loves James Chapter 1
This Is What We Received From Him:

Image result for james 1:19-20 kjv"

Those Who Indulge Man's Wrath
Aka Extreme Anger
Indulge In Foolishness 
The Results Of Which Cannot Be Withdrawn: 
Learn Self-Control! 

In The Bible Economy
Synonymous With Listening And Doing
Those Who Listen To The Lord 
Do As He Says Are Saved 
From The Wrath To Come: 
Nobody Disobedient 
Survives Almighty God's Wrath! 

If You're Speaking, You're Not Listening 
If You're Not Listening
You Cannot Do Anything Sensible 
To Please Almighty God! 

When We Pray In Faith
Our Lord Hears 
Does Something ... Good For Us! 
Let's Take That Good Practice 
Into Our Hearts 
Make Our Hearing Truly Powerful 
By Actively Listening 
To Almighty God's Word 
Deliberately Doing Good! 

Let's Let Our Speech Be Prayers
Leave The Wrath To Man's Judge
Jesus Christ The King
Our Soon-Returning Savior
Lord And Almighty God! 
Peace Be Upon You! 

I Like Him!

I Knew You Would!

1 comment:

  1. Father, In The Name Of Jesus Christ The Righteous, I Beseech You To Help Me To Hear Clearly With Spiritual Ears, Listen Attentively And Actively, And Perform Diligently According To All That You Say I Am To Do Today!


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