
Sunday, February 2, 2020

Simple Things Confound The Worldly Wise!

I Like Things Simple!
Clean Lines!
No Convolutions!
No Switch-Backs!
Just Give Me Plain, Straight-Forward, Speech And Action
Just Like The Word Of God!

I Hear THAT!

The God Almighty Says ... Ever Present Tense:

Do Good: Good Will Attend You!
Worship The Living God: Idol Worship Will Kill You!
Obey My Commandments: You Will Live!
Disobey My Commandments: You Will Die!
Don't Follow The Multitude: They Do Evil!
Be At Peace With God: I Create And I Destroy!
Don't Walk In The Counsel Of The Ungodly: You Won't Prosper!
Your Sins Are Scarlet: I Will Make Them White As Snow!
Don't Doubt: Faith Works!
Sin Costs: Salvation Pays!

Simple, Simple, Simple!

Let's Now Let The Fallen Wise Men Of The Earth
Complicate The Word Of God 
Complicate Simple Things:

Sin: What Is Sin!?!
What Is Sin To Me Is Not Sin For You
And If, Indeed, You Sin
Is It Not Possible That The Sins Of Your Forebears 
Are Manifesting Themselves
In Your Present Life!?!

You Are Not Responsible For What You Do 
Because Old Gran And Pop-Pop
Engendered In You The Capacity To Commit "Sin" 
Which Is As A Result Of 
Your Parents Not Nursing You For A Full Six Months 
And Neglecting To Give You
Whatever You Asked For 
To Satisfy The Yearning Child Within You Who Is Hurting
Even Crying Out 
For The Unconditional Love Found In The Hearts Of
 Truly Liberated And Emancipated Parents 
Who Are, Themselves, Seeking To Find Their Own Lost Child Within!


The Lord Says: Come Boldy
Confess Everything
Get Forgiveness
Be Cleansed!
How Is It Possible To Be Made Whole
If You Refuse To Acknowledge That You Are Broken!?!

If You Can Answer That, You Are The Boss!

He Can't Answer Because There Is No Answer
Just Like There Is No Excuse For Sin!

Keep It Simple, Saints!
Satan Complicates Things!
The Lord Make Things Straight And Plain
So Pray Always ... Without Ceasing
Trust Jesus Christ In All Your Ways!

Deceit Always Wriggles Like The Snake That Caused Sin
So Turn Your Back And Firmly Walk Away!
There Is Nothing Called A Win With Sin!
Make Jesus Christ And His Righteousness
Your All And Everything
Keep Satan And His Fallen Angels
His Henchmen And Their Iniquitous Ways
Away From Your Way Of Operating
So That You Do Not Receive Their Promised Reward!
Satan Is The Damned-For-Eternity God-Fraud!

Image result for ezekiel 18:20-21 kjv"

Iniquity Is Planned Sin! 
Planning To Sin Is Planning To Die! 

Living Right Is Righteousness 
Righteousness Leads To Our Restoration
The Glorious Day Of Reward 
When Our Lord Shall Come! 

Our End Is Our Choice!
Choose To Be Wise Unto Soul Salvation
Wisely Choose 
To Eternally Live With Jesus Christ In His Glory! 
Abundant And Glorious Blessings Await His Saints!

1 comment:

  1. There Is Power In Prayer: Praying In Powerful! The Prayer Of Faith Changes Things!


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