
Thursday, April 30, 2020


A Working, Watching, Waiting, Wise
Enduringly Faithful Christian
A Ruminant!

I Don't Want To Be A Cow! 

You're Not Going To Be A Literal Cow! 
It's A Figure Of Speech
To Give You A Profound Idea
To Show An Ideal Attitude! 

Take A Thought On This:

The Brown Cow
Eats Green Grass
Gives White Milk
Which Makes Yellow Cheese!

We Are Talking Major, Unimaginable
Mind-Boggling, Fait Accompli, Changes!

Oh! Okay!
In That Case, You May ... With Agility
Proceed To Tell Me That About Which I Must Ruminate!

Such Formal Language!

Sweet Girl, 
If You Have Ever Seen A Cow
A Spiffy, Fat, Cow Ruminating
You Would Understand That 
Rumination Is Serious Business 
And As Such
Warrants The White Glove, Formal Language, Treatment!

I Hear You!

Okay, Guys!
Enough With The Almost Jokes!

In Keeping With Our Foray Into Cow Chewing
Think About This:

One Mouth Full Of Grass
Four Stomachs
The Equivalent Of The Best Food Processor
Blender, Mixer, Juicer Combined Plus Some
To Extract Every Last Iota Of Goodness
From That Grass To Do A Body Good
Make One The Very Best Producer
In The Service Of The Householder ... The Shepherd
The Lord King!

Madame The Cow Is No Slouch
Is Never A Procrastinator
Is Decidedly Not A Sluggard
She Will Not Be Deterred From Her Assigned Task!
What She Starts She Finishes
What She Produces Says Plainly That
She Accomplished The Mission To Which
Her Master-Maker Did Surely Assign Unto Her!

I Wonder How Many Of Us Higher Beings
- Us Christians -
Really Take To Heart The Word Of The Lord
That We Are To Search The Scriptures ... Diligently
As For Hidden Treasure
To Seek God And To Find Him
To Hide The Word Of The Lord In Our Hearts
So That We May Not Sin Against Him
Who Can Destroy Us Body And Soul In Hell!?!

You Know, Sometimes I Really Can't Deal With You!
Everybody Else Coats The Hard Subjects In Sweet Oil
So That It Can Slide Down A Person's Throat
Without Causing You To Gag Or Be Tortured
And You  ... You ... You Just Ram Things
Down People's Throats Without A By-Your-Leave!
Couldn't You Just Ease Up A Teeny Tiny Bit
And Help Us To Chew A Bit Before We Swallow!?!


Oh, Come On!
You Don't Have To Be Hard-Case!

Yes, I Do!
We Are Sinners!
If We Confess And Repent Of Known Sin
We Are Sinners-Saved By Grace!
If We Love The Lord Christ, We Keep His Commandments!
If We Follow His Example Of Obedience
His Commission To Go Into The World
His Words Of Exhortation
Operate By The Faith Given Unto The Saints
We Will Accept The Indictment
Repent Of The Sin
Do The First Works, The Second, The Third
As In Whatever Is Required
We Will Swaddle Ourselves In The Living, Saving, Word
Until It Comes Out Of Our Ears ... If Possible!

Oh, Mavis!
I Really Wish You Would Learn When To Shut-Up
And Not Make Sister Belnavis Upset!
We Are In For It Now And Here. It ... Comes!


It Is Time To Stop Pussy-Footing Around The Scriptures!
Look Around You!
The Prophecies Are Being Fulfilled!
People Are Dying Stupidly Because Of Lies!
People Are Dying Really Stupidly Because Of
Candy-Coated Scriptures
Sugary-Treat Gospel
Taffy Truth
Bubble-Gum Beliefs!
This Ain't The Time For Flowery-Tasting
Cotton Candy Apologetics
With God Is Love As Lubrication!

We Need To Get In Bed With Jesus ... The Word!
We Need To Get Out Of Bed With Jesus ... The Word!
We Need To Eat Jesus ... The Word!
We Need ... The Word 
Morning, Evening, Noon And Night!

Look, Children!
Don't You See What Is Happening!?!
The Wicked, The Heathen, The Daring Doubters
What They Believe In ... They Believe In
They Are Willing To Die For It
To Make You, Me, Us, Die For It!

They Want Us To Live Their Lie
We Can't Because We Have His Truth!
His Truth Is Our Weapon!
His Truth Is Our Shield!
His Truth Is Our Only Defense
If You Don't Know How To Use, Utilize Your Weapon
You're Going To Die On The Battlefield!

If You Are Still Doubtful Of What I Say
Think About This:

Psalm 32:8 - KJV - Bible verse of the day -

The Lord Sees!
The Lord Knows!
The Lord Is ...!
The Lord Feeds!
The Lord Leads
Whoever He Feeds And Leads
By Willing, Cooperative, Consent
Forever Blessed 
Redeemed At The Sound Of The Last Trumpet
So Chew And Greedily Swallow The Good-Word Food 
Live In His Love Forever And Ever!


1 comment:

  1. Help Me, Dear Father, To Always Remember That Your Holy Word Should Be To Me As Vital As My Necessary Food Each And Every Day: Thank You For The Blessed Bread!


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