
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

PRESENT TRUTH: The Commandments Of Almighty God

The Commandments ... The Word Of God
The Always Present Present-Truth 
For This Age In Which We Live
Are A Firm Foundation For Our Feet
An Unbreachable Roof Over Our Heads
A Hedge Of Protection Around Us 
From Our Known-Rabid Enemy! 

Our Jesus Christ ... The Living Of God
Not A Mercenary For Hire In A Foreign Legion
- Off To Make His Fortune 
Off The Blood And Guts Of Our Enemies - 
Who Tried And Failed To Overcome! 

Our Jesus ... Our Champion
God Almighty, King Forever
Conqueror ... Battle-Scarred: Victorious! 
He Has Given To Us His Unfailing Word To Read 
To Trust ... And Daily Use As Our Defence! 

"Thus Saith The Lord...!" 
The Word For Our Own Blessing 
The Curse 
To Heap Upon The Damned-For-Eternity Head Of Satan
Our Published Enemy! 


Cheer Your Heart With A Song Of Zion
Bless Your Life By Knowing 
The Eternal Word Of Truth That Always Saves! 

Hide The Word ... Hide Jesus, In Your Heart 
Live Safely As A Saint Of God 
In His Perfect Love Which Casts Out Fear! 
Be Faithful ... And Be At Peace!

Satan Is The Liar
The Father Of Truth-Reversed!
His Words Are Filled
With The Poison Called Known-Sin
All Who Follow Him
End Up Being Blighted And Cursed!

Leadership In The House of God. “And if it seem evil unto you to ...

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Heavenly Father, For Being The God Holy, Kind, Loving, True, Giving And Forgiving, Able To Bless And Willing To Save All Who Will Trust You And Believe That You Are Almighty God! I Trust You, Lord, And I Believe You At Your Word: Have Mercy On Me! Please Save Me For Your Holy Name's Sake!


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