
Friday, April 3, 2020


Sing Out My Soul to The Lord: HAPPY SABBATH + GAME-CHANGER: Love ...

... I Was Walking To The City
That Wonderful City Of God
But I Dreaded Walking Into The Last Town
Right At The Border That 
We All Must Take Up Temporary Residence In!

Sounds Scary!
What Town Are You Talking About!?!

The Town Of Endurance!
Nobody Can Enter The City Of God 
Without Going Through The Town Of Endurance!

What's The Big Deal!?!
It's Just A Town!

Everybody Knows That There Are Lots Of Border Towns!
Just Pick The One That Suits Your Needs
And You'll Enter The City Just As You Please!?

Dear Lord, Forgive Her!

Forgive Me For What!?!
I Didn't Do Anything!

Oh, Yes, You Did!
The Lord God Almighty Says That
Everybody Must Go Through Endurance
You Just Bluntly Told Her 
To Choose Her Own Way Into The Kingdom!
You Are Encouraging Her To Be Disobedient!

But What's The Big Deal About 
How You Walk To Enter The City
As You As You Enter The City!?!

You Must Have Been A Very Own-Way Child!

No Disrespect, Sweetie
You Obviously Lack Discipline 
To Think That Almighty God Will Accept 
Personal Travel Itineraries From His Chosen People
Who Shall Be The Inheritors Of The Glorious Kingdom!

The Lord Of Life ... Almighty God ... Has Rules 
They Must Be Upheld To The Letter:
No Sojourn In Endurance, No Entrance Into The Holy City!
There Are No Concessions For Pride, Selfishness
Disobedience, Doubt, Double-Mindedness Or Disbelief!

If That's The Case
Just Go And Sit Down
And When You're Ready To Move On
Just Leave!

Ahhh, Ahem!
Who Did You Say It Is That You Work For!?!

I Work For Light Bearers International!
Our Chief Is Lucie F'here! 
She Started The Company
And Now It's In Every Country Of The World!
Our Motto Is:

Just Tell Us Your Taste
We'll Assuredly Light Your Fantasy!

Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind,
Please Have Mercy And Open This Young Child's Eyes
And Illuminate The Darkened Recesses Of Her Mind! 

Felicity Joy!
You Are Being Grossly Deceived
By Whoever Is Telling You That
Self Is To Be Always Satisfied
That You Can Choose Your Own Way To Glory
That You May Arrogantly Flaunt The Laws
The Rules Of The God Of Grace And Glory
Our Judge And Our King
That You Can Enter The Holy City
Without Having Been Cleansed Of The Stench Of Sin
Without Having To Endure The Battle ... The Struggle
To Gain The Victory Over Sin
Death, Hell And The Cold, Cold, Grave!

A Caterpillar Becomes A Butterfly
Only By Struggling Our Of His Coccoon!

Sweet Girl, Let Me Tell You Something!
No Cross, No Crown!
No Time In The Crucible: No Polish Of Purity!

We Have To Be Changed To Be Blessed!

Plainly Stated, Beloved
There Ain't No Short-Cut To Almighty God's Glory!
It Is His Way Or No Way At All ...!

... But I Have To Get Into That City!

Excuse Me!?!
I Don't Believe That I Care For Your Phraseology!
This Is Not A Game
The Holy City Is Not A "That City!"
It Is The Throne Of The Majesty Of The Heaven
You Would Do Well To Take Inventory Of Your Motivations!
You Sound Peevish And Selfish!

Everybody Is Talking About The Holy City
And It Sounds So Beautiful And Free
And Life Is Going To Be Easy ...!

... Young Lady, Get A Grip On Yourself!
Those Of Us Who Desire To Get Into The Holy City
Desire To Get In To Be With The Lord Christ
Who Endured All Things ... Even The Cruelest Death
To Purchase For Us A Seat At The Father's Table
A Home In The Father's House
A New Name In Glory
Access To The Tree Of Life 
The Water Of The River Of Life
The Glorious Gold Crown Of The Righteous Redeemed 
Of Almighty God And Jesus Christ The Lord!

We Love The Lord Christ
We Desire To Please Him And To Bless Him
To Honor His Holy Name
To Walk In His Holy Way!

To Spend Time Successfully In Endure 
A Badge Of Honor
The Last Step Before We Enter ... Eternity!
We Shall Have Immortality
We Shall Have Incorruptibility
There Shall Be No More Sin, Sorrow, Nor Suffering!

We Know That We Have To Get Over
In Order To Cross Over And We Are Using 
Our Gift Of Faith To Make The Journey Home!

I'm Sorry!
I've Never Had To Really Work For Anything In My Life!
You May Confidently Say That ... Well
Life Was Handed To Me On A Silver Platter
And ... Shame To Say
It Is The Same Way At Work:
I Do What I Want And I Get What I Want ... No Struggle!
It's The Same For All Who Are Employed There!

Can You Tell Me More About This Endurance That
You All Hold High With Such Loving Regard!?!
I'm Really Interested!

That Is Much Better!
Just Remember That 
Christ's Salvation Involves True Faith ... And Real Work!
The Lord Has Made The Way Clear
We Have To Walk In It ... No Short-Cuts!

Let's Think About This Text:

Psalm 136:1-3 KJV (With images) | Psalms, Inspirational prayers ...

Psalm 136 Has 26 Verses 
The Word Endureth 
In Relation To The Mercy Of God 
Is Mentioned 26 Times! 

Mercy Is A Facet Of The Character Of God 
We Are Assimilating The Lord's Character 
As We Strive For Entry Into The Living Kingdom! 
The Lord's Mercy Endures
We Must Endure To Secure The Crown!

We Are Called To Endure All Things 
In Our Striving As Only Those Who Endure To The End
- Be It Personal Life Or The End Of All Things -
Shall Enter The Kingdom! 

An Endurance Meet Is Neither For The Fainthearted  
Nor The Over-Confident! 
It Is For The Prepared, The Persistent
The Prayerful Person Who Knows His God
Is In A Committed Relationship With His Lord 
Is Determined To Enter The City 
Even If Life Is Lost! 

He Has The Promise 
The Promissor Is His Master Who Endured All Things 
To Save His Soul From The Second Death! 
Endurance Is A "Blood Sport" 
We .. You ... Have To Strive
For The Eternal Kingdom Win!
Are You Willing!?!

Yes! Yes, I Am!
Will You Help Me!?!

We All Will!

We Are Soldiers Of The Cross!
We Are Servants Of The King
We Willingly Serve Our Lord
To Bless All Of Our Brethren!

Thank You, Kindly!

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, Please Grant Unto Me And The Beloved Brethren The Blessing Of Enduring Faith That Can Bear Disappointment, Delay, And Abuse And Deprivation So That We May, In The Fullness Of Your Time, Arrive Safely At The Heavenly Home! In Jesus Christ's Holy Name, I Humbly Plead And Give You Glory And Praise!


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