
Saturday, April 4, 2020

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Fearful Acts ... And How Well Do You Know Your Bible!?!

Matthew 21:21-22 #biblequotes #KJV #prayer - the power of prayer ...

Let's Let The Holy Bible
The Preserved Word Of The Eternal God
Speak For Itself:

I AM The Lord! I Change Not!

KJV Philippians 4
6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 6:19 - What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Deuteronomy 30:19 - I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Neither Murderers, Nor Whoremongers ... Shall Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven!

 Exodus 20:13 You shall not kill.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

1 Corinthians 3:17 - If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which [temple] ye are.

1 Corinthians 6:20 - For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Revelation 21:8 - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

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The Question Is Simple!
The Asker ... While Not A Catholic

Attends Catholic School!

The Youngster Said That 
The Question Is Being Asked 
Because They've Been Made To Understand
From The School's Teachings That 
All Suicides Instantly Go To Hell!

The Answers From The Gallery
- Not From The Apologist
Who, Before He Was A Christian
Was A Failed Suicide -
Are The Ones That Interested Me The Most!

Two Answers, In Particular, Made Me Gasp
And Practically Send My Eyebrows Through My Hairline!

One Comment - From A Public Ministry Leader -

"The answer is no, you can't go to hell/the second death if you have everlasting life by grace through faith. Saul and Samson committed suicide and they're in heaven. Thinking suicide can send you to hell is to lean on your own righteousness to save you and to not know Christ."

The Second Comment Of Interest, Said:

"As a christian for 37 years I say: Each one has the right to end his life if he thinks that that suffering is unbearable. Life here is unfair. If God does not want anyone to commit suicide then Why does he let people suffer? If he blessed everyone when they were desperate, if he appeared to them to bring them confort, to change their lives for better nobody would commit suicide. This a mistery. I do not think that anyone who commits suicide will go to hell. First of all nobody asked to be born."

Now ... I Shall Comment
As A Christ-Following, Committed

King James Bible-Believing
Almighty God Trusting
Holy Spirit-Guided, Chided, And Taught
Being Daily Sanctified By God's Great Grace 
And Being Obedient To The Word Of Truth
While Sometimes Making Mistakes And Falling
And By That Sovereign Grace Getting Back Up
Born-Again Christian:

Nobody Goes To Hell The Instant They Die
Nobody Goes To Heaven The Instant They Die!

Since Suicide Is An Act Of Man's Known-Stubborn Will
Inspired By Our Adversary
- The Accuser, The Enemy Of Our Souls
Satan, Himself -
To Deface The Image Of God In Man
We Know Of A Certainty That Almighty God Can't Lie
I Say, Emphatically
With Sympathy For Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones
To Those With Suicidal Ideation That

Suicide Is An Act Born Out Of Fear Of The Unknown
Unbelief In The Very Knowable And Embraceable Unseen Holy God 
Whose Perfect Character Of Goodness, Mercy
Long-Suffering And Kindness
Has Been And Is Deceitfully Besmirched 
By The Father Of Lies, Satan
All Who Serve Him 
For What Is Not Eternal Gold Or Everlasting GloryAnd
It Breaks The Sixth Commandment!

  • Unbelief Aka Refusal To Believe Available And Presented Truth Is Sin
  • Fear Aka Ungodly Fear Brings Torment
  • The Truth Aka Jesus Christ The Lord Is A Shield
  • Hope Aka Faith In Jesus Christ Brings Present Help When You Are In Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Emotional Trouble!
  • Your State Of Mind Directs You In Your Manners And Your Matters Of Concern 
  • Godly Spiritual Help Provides Physical, Spiritual, Emotional, Mental Healing
  • Christ's Spiritual Healing Delivers Salvation For The Sinful, Wounded, Weary, Despairing, Soul
Ungodly Doings ... 
Suicide Is Being "Championed" As Glamorous
And A Right
And A Necessity ... For Some
And Is Being Promulgated By Some Nations' Governments!

There Was A Time When To Commit Suicide
Meant That There Was No Way Possible For One's Remains
To Receive A Christian Burial On Hallowed Ground!
Today The Grand Suicide Is A Cause Celebre!

Why, Also, Is There This Sudden Rush To Kill Others
And Then Methodically Kill Self!?!

If You Will Listen To The Stories Of 
Those Who Failed At Committing Suicide
But Are Left With The Damage Of Unrepairable Wounds
Unsightly Scars, Torn Families, And Horrible Flashbacks
And Hear Tell Of The Instant Regret
At Having Executed The Horrible Act
We, Who Are Christian Believers
Will Recognize The Very Hand Of Satan
In Motivating These Tragedies!

When We Do Not Have An Anchor For Our Soul
Any Destination At Which We Run Aground
Our Port Of Call!

When The Deceitful Doings Of 
The Monied And Connected Classes
Script The Actions Of Your Life
When You Cannot Separate Hollywood From Reality
When You Follow Fashion For Your Future
You Are As A Pop-Kite In A Storm Wind!

But ... I Digress!

To The Point ...
There Are No Humans In Heaven
Save Enoch, Moses, Elijah
The Trophies That Jesus Christ The Conquering King 
Took Back To Heaven With Him:
Those Who Were Raised At His Resurrection!

All Who Die Are Here
Stay Dead Until The Resurrection:
Some To Everlasting Life
Some To Everlasting Damnation
Aka The Second Death
Aka Eternal Separation From God!

Of Note ...

Job Was Suicidal
Elijah Was Suicidal
Both Believed In
Trusted The True And Living God
Both Men Had Continual Praying
As The Anchor For Their Souls!

Both Of These Men Sought Their Soul's Savior
In The Dark Hour Of Their Deep Distress 
Their Dire Despair!
They Did Not Seek To Take Their Own Lives!
Instead ... They Asked The Creator God
The King Of Their Lives
To Give Them Rest From Their Laboring!

It Must Be Said ...
In This Day Of Instant Gratification
It Seems That Anything Which Causes The Soul To Feel
Sensations Unfamiliar ... Uncomfortable
The Real Reason To Choose Not To Want To Live!

Living Life In This Mortal Strife Is Not A Horse Race!
Living Life Is Not Even A Brisk Walk!
Living Life Is Neither A Steady Walk
Nor A Walk At A Leisurely Pace!

Living Life 
To Be To See ... In Peace
The See The Face Of The Glorious And Great God
Jesus Christ The Soon-Returning King!

They Are Many Who Think That 

The Christian Life Is Fanciful 
Just Because In Jesus Christ, We Choose To Believe
Trusting That All That He Said He Will Do, He Will Do
And With Us ... Being Enduring-All Patient
That We Will Surely Receive ... In The Fullness Of Time
The Promised Blessing!


We Have A Serious Problem!

When Christians-Called Do The Work Of The Devil
Leading People Astray
By Denying What The Eternal Word Of Truth Says
We Give Power To The Devil

License To The Weak
A Personally Chosen Place Of Rest Unadvisedly To Seek
Ignoring The Fact That 
Dead Men Can't 
Almighty God's Forgiveness For Sin
Ever, Ever Seek!

Search The Scriptures
For In Them
Ye Think Ye Have Eternal Life!

We Don't Have To Think!
It Is A Promise To Be Held And Cherished!

When We Stop Looking Inward
Start Looking Upward
Walking Onward ... In Truth
On The Straight And Narrow Way
Casting. All. Our. Cares. On Him
Who Died To Give Us Abundant Life
We Shall Survive The Carnal Strife
To Live With The Light Of Life!

If Jesus Christ Is Your Lord
Rejoice In The Lord Always
Your Mission

Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary

Your Song
Trust Ye In The Lord Forever
For In The Lord Jehovah Is Everlasting Strength

Your Walking Stick

Grace Is Your Food
"Mercy For Me!" Is Your Drink
My Peace I Give You! Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
And Neither Let It Be Afraid
Your Bed
You Believe The Living, Faithful, Eternal Word
Trust The Sure Promises Given
Which Were Purchased With His Blood

Clearly Displaying How The Book Ends
Eternal Life ... For You ... Begins

Suicide Will Never Be An Option!

Suicide Is No Laughing Matter
Should Never Be Considered
As A Matter Of Choice!

We Are Almighty God's Workmanship!
We Are Almighty God's Creation!
We Are The Temple Of The Eternal God
We Are Not Our Own!

Committing Suicide Does Not Fix Any Problems!
Committing Suicide ... Creates
The Biggest Problem That It Is Possible To Create

It Cannot Be Repented Of
Dead Men Can't Speak! 
Dead Men Of The Stench Of Putrifaction Do Wreak! 
Unconfessed Sin
Sin Unforgiven
No Unrepentant Sinner
Will Enter The Joy Of The Lord!

Sin Makes Men Slaves
Jesus Christ Always Saves!

To Be Made Clean

Get Thee Hence To Jesus
Bathe In The Cleansing Flood!

Thirsty Soul
Find Jesus

Drink The Life-Giving Water!
Find Jesus

Eat The Bread Of Heaven
The Sweet Bread Of Life!

Trust Jesus And Follow His Leading!
Follow Jesus

From The Path Of Sin ... With Alacrity
Turn Steadfastly Away!

Got Questions!?!
Jesus Christ 

The Answer Today, Tomorrow, And Always! 
Let Him Take Your Doubts And Your Sins Away!

Distance Yourself From The Ways Of Satan
Beelzebub, The Lord Of The Dung Flies
The Piercing Serpent
The Lord Of Lies
The Murderer From The Beginning

Choose To Accept And Use
- Until It Lawfully Expires -
Your Personal Gift Of Life

Live ... Like A Winner!
Jesus Christ Already Declared Your Victory!

Please Continue Studying ...
When You Walk Away From 

The Soul Illuminating Light Of Eternal Truth
The Dread Darkness Of Damning-Sin 

Becomes Destructive Deeper
The Gross Depths Of Despair Become Visibly Wider
And ... HenceWe Have The Questions:

Are Your Finite Demons Stronger, Bigger, Wiser
More Powerful
Than Your Creator Sustainer Redeemer
The Eternal God?!

Do You Prefer The Colorful, Billowing

Brag-Worthy Attire Of Inward-Looking
Self-Serving Self
Or The Plain White And Clean Linen Attire Of 

The Upward Looking, Forward Walking 
Enduring-All-For-Jesus ... Saint?!

Remember ...
When Self Is King
Jesus Christ's Love And Life
Goes A Begging!
When You Walk In A World Of Darkness
You Need The Light Of Life!

The Word Of God 

The Lamp For Your Feet 
The Light That Shines
Making His Way For You To Walk Unmistakably Clear! 

This Is No Perhaps ...

In This World 
We Shall Have Tribulation
With Jesus Christ The Only One Righteous
We Will Know Peace
He Gives Us ... His Peace
Which Passes Human Understanding!

Please Give Unto The Lord Jesus 

The Opportunity To Make You Free
To Set You Truly Free ... Today!
He's Personally Awaiting Your Call!

Please Call The Lord Jesus
He Will Show You Great And Mighty Things
About Which You. Know. Nothing!
Trust Him!
He Sacrificially Loves You!
He Is The Only And True Anchor For Your Soul!
Believe, Beloved ... And Live!

Live, Believer!
You Are Loved!
Your Life Is A Gift From The Eternal God
So Let No One Stop You From Unwrapping It
Not Even Satan

The Damned Fraud Who Squandered His Life
His Gift From Heaven's Majesty
Savagely Desires To Stop You From Achieving
What He So Top-Loftily Despised!

Heaven Is For The Saints Of God And Christ!
Hell Is Prepared For Satan And His Army Of Fallen Angels
All Who Permit Themselves To Be Beguiled
By His Highly Polished Demonic Device!
Do Not Sign Off On Your Own Probation!
Get Thee Unto Jesus Christ
Do All Things According To His Holy Will
So That You, Beloved, May Prosper And Abundantly Live!

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What A Blessing Of Faith It Is 
To Be Able To Say In The Midst Of The Storm In Your Life That 
You Know That You Have A Known, An Expected, End
And That 
Your Bitter Trial Serves A Higher Purpose Than That Of 
Making Your Existence A Misery! 

There Is No Place That The Lord Brings You To That 
He Cannot Carry You Through ... To Emerge As Pure Gold 
Valuable For The Use Of The Eternal King! 

Be Wise: Fear God! 
Be Patient: Endure Your Refinement! 
Be Watchful: Soon Comes The Great Morning! 
Be Blessed To Be A Blessing: Let No Created Being
Lying Man Nor Bewitching Spirit
Steal Neither Your Joy In Jesus Christ Nor Your Crown! 

Remember, Beloved: Our Lord Christ Knows The Way 
He Is The Way 
His Way Is Perfect! 

Let The Lord Christ Lead!
Be At Peace: Pray! 

1 comment:

  1. I Have One Life To Live And The One God, Jesus Christ The Lord Of Life, To Willingly Serve! Dear Father, I Put My Hand In Thine And I Ask The Blessing Which Will Eternally See Your Holy Light, On My Face, Ever Shine! My Life Is Yours: Please Lead Me Gently, Safely, Home!


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